What is rickets, prevention and treatment


  • Why do children get rickets
  • How to carry out the prevention of rickets
  • How to treat Rakhit

  • Factors defining Rakhit's development:

    • Insufficient formation of cholecalciferol in the skin;
    • violation of phosphorous calcium exchange in the liver, kidneys, intestines;
    • Insufficient flow of vitamin D with food.

    Why do children get rickets

    the link in the development of Rakhita should be considered a deficiency of vitamin D with
    Subsequent decrease in the flow of calcium from the intestine. Quantity
    Vitamin D formed in the skin depends on the condition of the child's skin and
    doses of ultraviolet irradiation. On the other hand, a high degree
    Solar irradiation is fraught with the formation of toxic levels of vitamin

    The incidence of rickets is higher in autumn and winter season.
    Of great importance for the formation of violations of phosphorous calcium exchange
    Children in early age has unbalanced food of a pregnant
    Women on the main food components (protein deficiency, calcium,
    phosphorus, vitamins D, B1, B2, B6). Rickets are more often sick, mother
    which during pregnancy did not have enough in the sun, little
    Moved, had diseases of internal organs.

    How to carry out the prevention of rickets

    Compliance with the mode of the day of a pregnant woman, including enough
    Long sleep during day and night. Recommended Walking Fresh
    air at least 2-4 hours daily, in any weather. Extremely important
    organize a rational food of a pregnant woman (do not eat daily
    less than 180 g meat, 100 g of fish - 3 times a week, 100-150 g of cottage cheese,
    30-50 g of cheese, 300 g of bread, 500 g of vegetables, 0.5 l of milk or fermented milk
    ). Receiving multivitamin drugs throughout the entire period
    lactation. Regular reception of multivitamin drugs can warn
    Violation of phosphorous calcium exchange in the body of pregnant and theme
    most ensure the developing fruit of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D.

    What is rickets, prevention and treatmentPregnant
    Women from a risk group (kidney disease, diabetes mellitus,
    Hypertension, rheumatism, etc.) Starting from 28-32nd week
    pregnancy need to additionally appoint vitamin D in a dose
    500-1000 IU for 8 weeks regardless of the time of year. Instead of
    Vitamin D preparations in the winter and spring period of the year, and especially in
    Northern regions, you can use ultraviolet irradiation,
    contributing to the synthesis of vitamin d.

    It is necessary to follow the conditions
    Proper feeding of a child. Best for the first year baby
    life is breast milk under the condition of proper nutritional nutrition
    women. Daily diet of women during lactation should be
    diverse and include the required amount of protein, including
    animal origin; Fat enriched with polyunsaturated fatty
    acids, carbohydrates providing the body with energy as well
    Vitamins and trace elements.

    Medical physical education, massage should
    conducted systematically, regularly, long, with gradual and
    Uniform increase in load.

    Specific prophylaxis
    Rachet is carried out vitamin D, minimal preventive dose
    which is for healthy early children of early age
    400-500 units per day. This dose is appointed starting from the 4-5th week of life in
    Autumn-Winter-Spring Period, taking into account the living conditions of the child and factors
    Risk of development of the disease. In the summer, with insolation insolation
    (cloudy, rainy summer), especially in the northern regions of Russia.
    Specific prophylaxis of rickets in the docking children is carried out in
    Autumn-Winter-Spring Period in the first and second year of life. Children are
    Risk groups by rickets in the autumn-winter-spring period for the first two years
    Life should receive vitamin D daily at a dose of 1000 .

    Contraindications for the prophylactic dose of vitamin D:

    • idiopathic calciuria (disease of Williams-Bourne);
    • hypophosphate;
    • Organic Death of CNS with symptoms of microcephaly and craniospace.

    How to treat Rakhit

    Events when rickets provide for restoration
    phosphorous calcium exchange, normalization of peroxidation processes
    Lipid oxidation, Vitamin D deficit.

    Rahit treatment usually includes:

    • Organization of the correct child's day. Children should be on
      fresh air at least 2-3 hours daily, and the room where is located
      the child must be regularly ventilated;
    • Proper nutrition of a child adapted in accordance with its age;
    • hygienic baths and wipes, pouring, massage, medicinal physical education (after anemonia of rickets);
    • Medical therapy.

    Treatment of Rakhita provides for the appointment of vitamin D drugs. IN
    Depending on the severity of Rakhita is recommended to use from 2000 to 5000
    ME Vitamin D per day for 30-45 days. Next Dose Vitamin D
    decreases to preventive (500 me) daily for 2 years (except
    Summer months) and on the third year of life in winter.

    In recent years, the water form of vitamin D3 is widely used for the prevention and treatment of Rakhit - Aquadeurim (TERPOL, POLAND).

    With vitamin D with rickets, calcium preparations are prescribed, especially children,
    located on artificial feeding born premature,
    Maldly, with signs of immaturity.

    Traditional remains
    Use of egg shell powder (calcium) together with lemon
    Juice or a citrate mixture solution that improves suction salts
    Calcium in the intestines.

    The need for calcium for a healthy child first 6-12 months is 500-600 mg.

    Calcium preparations are prescribed inside in the first and in the second half of life for 3 weeks in the age doses.

    Therapy includes massages and therapeutic physical culture that are assigned
    2 weeks after the start of medication therapy, balneseseese
    (coniferous, salt baths for treatment 10-15 baths). Balnehels
    held 2-3 times a year.

    Rahit is not contraindicated
    for preventive vaccinations. After 3-4 weeks from the beginning
    Therapy is possible vaccination.

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