Haemorrhoids. Often people ask a question - where he is taken from? Why some do not even imagine what it is, and others have to suffer from very unpleasant symptoms of the disease? What are the causes of the development of hemorrhoids? The answer to the question - in our article.
Hemorrhoids, or hemorrhoidal disease, is one of the most common human surgical diseases. According to statistics, they suffer from 13–14% of the adult population of the planet, and it seems that these numbers are actually much higher. Many do not apply to the doctor until hemorrhoids cause special concerns, which means they do not fall into statistics.
Haemorrhoids — This is a surgical disease characterized by an increase in hemorrhoidal nodes, manifested by pain in the field of rectum, periodic bleeding and loss of nodes from the rear passage.
What is hemorrhoidal nodes?
The basis for the formation of hemorrhoidal nodes and the development of hemorrhoids as such are cavernous calves — thick plexus of blood vessels located in the form of small «Pillow» Under the mucosa at the exit from the rectum and under the skin in the crotch area. It is believed that the immediate cause of hemorrhoids is the discrepancy between the inflow of arterial blood to the cavernous calves and the outflow of venous blood. Blood stagnation and an increase in its pressure leads to a stretching of blood vessels, an increase in the cavernous calf and turning them into hemorrhoidal nodes.
Under the action of annoying factors, hemorrhoidal nodes are inflamed, begin to bleed, cause pain in the area of the rear pass. Dystrophic changes in the muscular layer of the rectum lead to the displacement of hemorrhoidal nodes and their falling out of the anal channel.
Why hemorrhoids occurs?
So, the increase in hemorrhoidal nodes is most often due to blood stagnation. It is logical to assume that any factors leading to hemorrhoids can become the causes of hemorrhoids, delayed venous blood in the rectum area against the background of the weakness of the muscular layer of blood vessels. What kind of factors?
- Heredity. Hemorrhoids can not be called a genetic disease, it is not transmitted directly from the ancestors to descendants. However, scientists found that the weakness of the vascular wall is encoded by certain genes, and their presence can be the basis for the development of hemorrhoids. The presence of hemorrhoids in close relatives significantly increases the likelihood of disease.
- Age. It is no secret that with age, the condition of blood vessels deteriorates, their elasticity and ability to resist blood pressure. In children, hemorrhoids is extremely rare, but the older man, the higher the probability of the disease.
- Sedentary lifestyle. Hydodina — Beach of modern society, and hemorrhoids can be considered a punishment for unwillingness to lead an active lifestyle. If a person for many years smoothly flies out of bed into the car, in the working chair and on the sofa, it is safe to say: for years to 35–40 He does not know what hemorrhoids is. Low physical activity leads to a slowdown in the field of lower limbs and a pelvis, stagnation of venous blood, the expansion of the circulatory vessels of the cavernous Taurus and the formation of hemorrhoidal nodes.
- Sedentary work. Haemorrhoids — Diseases of office workers, drivers, teachers and all those who are forced to spend a long time in a sitting position. In the sitting position, venous vessels are clarified, according to which the blood flows from the pelvic organs, thereby creating conditions for increasing venous pressure in the cavernous tales.
- Wrong power and low content in the ration of plant fiber. Modern person got used to eating refined food, long time delaying in the intestines and causing fermentation and rotting processes. Tea, coffee, carbonated drinks replaced people with clean drinking water, and they cannot be considered full-fledged sources of moisture. Developing chronic dehydration contributes to the toxic damage to the blood vessels and weaknesses of their muscular wall.
- Alcohol abuse. Alcoholism leads to the development of the liver cirrhosis — A disease accompanied by an increase in venous pressure in the lower hollow vein and its branches, including in the vessels of the rectum, which, in turn, leads to the development of hemorrhoids. Alcohol abuse is often accompanied by constipation, chronic diarrhea, hypovitaminosis, which exacerbates the situation.
- Frequent use of acute, spicy marinated, smoked food. Spices and many extractive substances that give food desired taste are not absorbed in the intestine. Lingering together with the feces in the rectum, they cause blood flow and congestive phenomena in the field of cavernous plexuses.
Chronic constipation — The most common cause of hemorrhoids is accompanying a low-effective lifestyle, seating and power impairment. Callery masses put on the walls of the rectum, violate normal blood flow and lead to the formation of hemorrhoidal nodes. Called solid particles when passing through an anal channel, hemorrhoidal nodes are injured, they provoke their inflammation, appearance of pain and bleeding. The need to spend time during the intestinal emptying contributes to the further growth of blood pressure in the pelvis veins and leads to the growth of hemorrhoids.
- Long diarrhea. It would seem how the liquid stool can cause the development of hemorrhoids? However, it was found that liquid carriages cause irritation of the mucosa of the rectum, its inflammation and congestive phenomena in the cavernous vents.
- Pregnancy and childbirth. Unfortunately, with hemorrhoids there are many women awaiting children. Growing uterus presses on veins pelvis, breaking blood outflow from venous plexuses of rectum. The hormonal background of pregnancy contributes to the sluggishness of the intestines and constipation. «Status» pregnant forces restricting physical activity. Births are accompanied by a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure and the formation of hemorrhoidal nodes.
- Lifting weight. Hemorrhoids are often diagnosed in people whose professional activities are associated with regular lifting weights, in those who deal with weightlifting and «Magnifies iron» in the gym. Heavy physical activity is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, the voltage of the anterior abdominal wall leads to a sharp increase in pressure on pelvic organs and impaired venous outflow from the rectum. Professional classes «Heavy» Sports require an observance of a protein diet that increases the likelihood of constipation, which are considered to be hemorrhoids.
- Intensive hygiene area of the rear pass, hot bath. The temperature rise leads to the expansion of blood vessels and the influx of a large amount of blood in the rectum. The use of personal hygiene products with the addition of surfactants and fragrances contributes to stagnation of blood and increases the risk of hemorrhoids.
As you can see, factors that can lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids, quite a lot. Some of them, such as hereditary and age, can not be circumvented. But, eliminating the rest, you can avoid the development of the disease or its exacerbation. The main thing is to know what exactly you need to fight, and then it's the desire to be healthy.