Treatment of hemorrhoids by folk remedies


  • Recipe number 1
  • Recipe number 2
  • Recipe number 3
  • Recipe number 4
  • Recipe number 5
  • Recipe number 6
  • Recipe number 7
  • Recipe number 8
  • Recipe number 9
  • Recipe number 10
  • Recipe number 11

  • Recipe number 1

    From time immemorial, almost every Russian signs cured hemorrhoids of all varieties. Why did the eskulapses of official medicine have not learned from the sign of the uncomplicated methods of treating hemorrhoids? Boil two waters in gallon saucepan. Dissolve in this boiling water pound almars. Close the saucepan, best wooden lid. In the center of the lid there must be a hole of about two inches in diameter. Above this hole to warm the rear passage until steam leaves. After such a session, you should certainly lubricate the rear pass (inside and outside) vaseline and be sure to accept the laxative. Some Lekari advise first to accept the laxative and clean the intestines, and then make the heating of the rear pass over the ferry boiling water with alum. Warming up should be done more often than once a week. Two or three warms are quite enough.

    Recipe number 2

    Take a fat pot and pour two quarts of milk into it. Lower there four big bows heads. Pot must be closed. All this is cooking in the oven on slow fire. The method of treatment is the same as the alum with hot water, that is, close the pot with a wooden cover with a hole and warm the back passage over the ferry. You can repeat sessions in three days. Three or four heating is considered enough. Not superfluous six hours before the session to accept the laxative.

    Recipe number 3

    Speaking about various recipes for treating hemorrhoids, this rich merchant and Kuban Cossack b. It has noted meaningfully that in the hospital there is no method of treating hemorrhoids to the simple kneading hemorrhoids... simple cold water, and that he himself cured hemorrhoids by this way. Merchant B. I added that I'm getting used to the arms during treatment, it is still engaged in the arms, so to speak, by virtue of habit. I had to answer that the recipe for the hospital about the treatment of hemorrhoids with cold seating baths and is the same almost kneading. It is first. Secondly, — It takes a lot of time to heal with cold water hemorrhoids. It is necessary to make from three hundred and thousands of rejunctions and take cold seating baths for two to four months. Treatment is very slow: not worth the heater. The easiest way and most likely to be treated with alum with hot water and drink lean herbs «Tsarsky Skiptere» or Korovyak. Some other ways are also good and more quickly cure hemorrhoids than the isolation and cold baths.

    Recipe number 4

    Flowers from the plants of the royal scepter, or a korovak, should be brewed in the kettle and drink like tea. This means in the city of Yekaterinburg, the glorified Savark Oliere cured hundreds and hundreds of patients with hemorrhoids of all kinds. Bleeding stops in two or three days, and after a few days the disease disappears completely.

    Recipe number 5

    Treatment of hemorrhoids by folk remedies

    In the central provinces of Russia, the old women treated the hemorrhoids of the leaves of Osin. Everyone knows a tree on which, according to legend, Judas hanged himself. From this, as if, aspen and became bitter. The old women took the leaves of Osin and put them on hemorrhoids of cones, leaving them for two hours. Then they gave a sick holiday and, depending on the limitation of hemorrhoids, health and the patient's age, again superimposed the fresh leaves of Osina, vigorously following how treatment was proceeded. If the patient comes into a restless state, the leaves remove and carefully wash the place. The patient is given to back. In a day or two, you can again impose leaves on the cones. With a decrease in the size of the cones, it should be more common and less frequently use the leaves of the aspen, gradually passing only to water kneading.

    Haemorrhoids — Common disease. It arises or from the back of the rear pass, or from sedentary life. In women, it is mainly a consequence of childbirth. Although hemorrhoids are removed operational way, but after some time it is often refunded. This tool, as follows, methods, will help prevent the return of hemorrhoids. If he, over the expectation, returns, only long years later. There are some more good money from hemorrhoids. With these funds, the patient can help within the nine-fourteen days if it will accurately follow the instructions given when using these means.

    Recipe number 6

    Great American (and World) Scientist. Walker in his outstanding book «Raw vegetable juices» describes the most fundamental method of treating hemorrhoids. In the Bolshoi American city, one lawyer suffered from hemorrotype in such a severe form that one block could not pass. Every few dozen steps he was forced to stop and «go» Hands of their own «Like fistula». After two months, a strict diet from raw vegetables and raw fruits and a large number of raw (fresh) juices from a monstrous hemorrhoids in a lawyer did not have a trace. If any of the readers of the hospital decides parallel to treatment, one of the funds of this book also sticks to Dr. Walker's diet, it will greatly accelerate the treatment and will make it fundamental. By the way, with the diet of Dr. Walker Walnuts and almond nuts replace bread. However, it should be borne in mind that the slightest deviation from the diet can not be allowed: it is impossible there is no bread, no meat, nor dairy products, nothing boiled, baked or roasted. You can not drink coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, alcoholic beverages. In the USA in health products for health, barley coffee and still coffee from wine berries and some varieties of coffee not containing completely caffeine. These coffee surrogates and should be used. Mint tea is sold in the same stores. It should be bought and drinking.

    Recipe number 7

    In Mongolia, the author saw that with any sore Mongola go to their nearest lamp, but hemorrhoids, they consider so insignificant disease (as we consider the opposition), that they don't even bother Lam, but to be treated well-known means, hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids over smoke hooves different animals, including horses and... Hemorrhoids disappear...

    Recipe number 8

    Smoky seating Bathtub, which in Persia eat camels, or garlic cures hemorrhoids. Take a low iron bidon, to put it on the bottom of it highly preheated on the fire brick and pour or finely chopped garlic on this brick, or throw spines. When it starts to smoke and burn, then sit on the bidon to get a smoke bath. Continue as needed. Persians for centuries successfully used this method of treating hemorrhoids.

    Recipe number 9

    In Harbin, the author at least in nine homes saw large pans or buckets, and in some homes and small wooden lid, having a hole in the middle for hemorrhoid warming up.

    Recipe number 10

    In some places of Russia, rustic lycari use a very simple way to treat hemorrhoids. It is that the patient sits in a pelvis filled with cold water (however, not too cold and not ice), every evening, before bedtime, five minutes. It is hard to believe in such a way it is possible to completely cure hemorrhoids, but it is possible that some relief of pain can still be achieved. People's Lekari advise continue treatment for three weeks in a row, every evening.

    Recipe number 11

    After some time after the first volume of the first volume of this hospital, the author met a very honorable Mister in San Francisco, who was life and swore that the famous tea against hemorrhoids sold once at the Verner pharmacy in Tambov, there is nothing more than Kidney grass. People's name Hemorrhogo — renim, thus kidney grass and hemorrhogo grass. This respectable elder claimed that he was once in Irkutsk, he bought the kidney herbs in the pharmacy and fully cured his hemorrhoids. Should brew this grass like tea and drink several times a day.

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