First aid in stroke

Stroke is an extremely dangerous phenomenon, and on how quickly you will react and provide first help, the further fate of the victim will depend on. Knowledge of first aid in stroke will be useful not only if older people live next to you - perhaps you will be able to save the life of a completely unfamiliar passerby on the street ..


Brain, stroke, first aid, symptoms of stroke, ambulance

Many confuse concept stroke and infarction or generally think that this is the same. The heart attack is obtained due to lack of oxygen in the heart muscle. The cause of the stroke is the lack of oxygen in the brain vessels.

Stroke is a real bushower of local scales, which can lead to a fatal outcome. It turns out due to violations blood circulation in the brain. Causes can be different, including blood clots, tumors, hypertension and T. D. At the first signs of the stroke, it is extremely important as soon as possible to provide first aid, because the account goes literally for a minute, and the car with doctors, as a rule, rides for quite a long time.

How to behave in a similar situation and can it be predicted for any signs?

The first signs and reasons for stroke

Brain, stroke, first aid, symptoms of stroke, ambulance

There is another way that has not included in the Uzp - ask the patient to flash tongue and inspect it. If he is twisted, unnatural intense or disobediently places one way, this indicates a stroke attack.

With the slightest suspicion it is necessary to take operational measures. What, MirSovet will tell a little later.

And now let's find out whether it is possible to avoid the appearance of an attack as such, eliminating risky situations for a potential patient.

To avoid stroke, follow the following rules:

  1. Regularly check the blood pressure and keep it in the norm, if necessary, taking appropriate drugs.
  2. Candy correctly - turn on in the diet more eating red, avoid fat, smoked and fried. Do not abuse alcohol.
  3. Bring the moving lifestyle in accordance with age - the usual half-day walk in the morning and in the evening will strengthen health.
  4. Follow blood cholesterol.
  5. People with overweight body are in the risk group.
  6. Throw smoking - smoking narrows blood vessels, and blood ceases to fall into the brain and other parts of the body in the right volumes.
  7. Diabetes and epileptic seizures can also provoke stroke.
  8. Less nervous - stress are a catalyst for most of the well-known diseases.
  9. Examine your family tree - if your ancestors often had strokes, perhaps, and you are in the risk group.

First aid in stroke

Brain, stroke, first aid, symptoms of stroke, ambulance

If the attack failed, it remains only to quickly and correctly react in an extreme situation. First of all, it is necessary to ask someone to call ambulance, And to do patients yourself.

The actions that need to be taken in case of stroke:

  1. If the patient is in consciousness, it must be put on a rigid bed or on the floor, laying under the head a pillow or a jacket so that the head and shoulders are located just above the body. Thus, you reduce the blood pressure in the brain and contribute to the partial blood outflow.
  2. Do not move the patient before the arrival of the ambulance carrier and do not let him go.
  3. Make sure the person can breathe freely (remove the tie, scarf, unbutton shirt, loosen the belt on the pants). If you are indoors, open the windows to let the fresh air.
  4. In no case, do not give a sick food or drink, even ordinary water. Stroke can break the swallowing functions, and the patient simply will choose or stirred.
  5. Do not give a patient no drugs before the emergency arrival, especially if you help an unfamiliar person! You can be sure that you give him a saving pill, which has repeatedly reversed you in such situations, and a person may have allergy on a particular component of medication.
  6. If the stroke happened during the meal, remove the residues of food from the oral cavity. The same applies to other discharges, for example, blood (bit the tongue), mucus, foam, vomiting, and t.D. If a man begun sick, The coordination of movements was disturbed, turn it over his side, wait for the end of vomiting and clean her mouth.
  7. If the patient lost consciousness, but it can breathe independently, turn his side by putting his hand under his head. Head must lie on his hand, leaning a little forward. Bend the leg in the knee to fix the person in the side position and do not give the body to turn over.
  8. If a person has lost consciousness and does not breathe, it is necessary to carry out artificial respiration and indirect heart massage.
  9. Speak with the victims of a calm prubing tone - it is very important to calm him psychologically, because a panic in such a situation can only aggravate the problem. Do not show the victim that you are frightened or greatly excited, even if it is so. Provide full moral support.
  10. When the ambulance team arrived, quickly and clearly describe the picture. Try to tell the maximum information in a short time, so as not to lose an extra time and increase the chances of the patient for salvation. The longer professional medical care will not be provided, the longer the brain will remain without due amount of oxygen, and therefore will refuse its certain sections. If the patient does not help in time, he may ever lose the main motor skills, try to talk, swallow, blink or even die.

Prevention of stroke

Brain, stroke, first aid, symptoms of stroke, ambulance

If you are in the risk group, it is necessary to regularly carry out a stroke prevention so as not to become a victim of an attack. So, in the case of overweight, the problem can be solved, getting rid of extra kilograms, but how to be, if the cause of the stroke can become epilepsy or heredity?

In this case, natural remedies and self-control. Get used to walking outdoors and engage in aerobic gymnastics. Give your body and brain as much as possible pure oxygen. Very good in this plan helps yoga and holotropic breathing. If you do not like any of the proposed above, buy a bike or sign up in the pool.

Make sure that you drink and eat. Drink fresh vegetables, fruit, buy juicer to cook healthy natural juices every day.

If you have already had an attack of ischemic stroke, the doctor may prescribe drugs to reduce the risk of repeated manifestation of the disease. Antitrombotic drugs are designed to ignite blood and do not give to form bunches, blocking brain vessels. Most often these are aspira-containing drugs, the dosage of which must be determined strictly individually.Anticoagulants can also be prescribed to you, the purpose of which is to slow down blood clotting.

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