Neurosis - not children's trick


  • Emotions should be good
  • The main thing — Find the cause

  • Emotions should be good

    Neurosis — This is always a consequence of interpersonal conflicts
    and psychological stress. To factors contributing to occurrence
    neurosis include specific personality features, total
    weakness because of various diseases or emotional

    The most characteristic feature of a child — Emotionic. He is very
    vividly responds to negative and positive changes in its
    Surrounding. These experiences in most cases are positive
    character. They are very important in the child's adaptation
    to a changing life. But under certain conditions, feelings play
    negative role, leading to neurotic or somatic

    Neurosis most often begins with the suppression of his child
    congenital nature and primarily instincts and temperament. Suppression
    Child temperament — this is the oppression of his individuality, and how
    Corollary — neurotic or psychosomatic disorders.

    Bloss in neurotic reactions
    and neurosis that can be celebrated at any age and wear
    diverse character. It may be sleep disorders, fear neurosis,
    Stuttering, neurosis of obsessive movements, states, hysteria,
    pathological usual actions and.T.D.

    The main thing — Find the cause

    Treatment of neurosis and neurotic states should be complex,
    It includes psychological and pedagogical correction, psychotherapy,
    Drug therapy for the appointment of a child neurologist, in a number
    Cases of physiotherapy and other methods. In all cases of occurrence
    Neuroses in children need to identify a psychotrauming situation
    and exclude it. Medical, advisory, preventive
    and organizational and methodological assistance should take into account the structure
    neurotic disorders, distinction of them in children and adolescent

    Neurosis & mdash; Not children's cunning
    Medical therapy is appointed strictly individually.
    In recent years, vegetable preparations have been widely used
    Origin and homeopathic medicines. Purpose
    Medical drugs only carries a neurologist
    Individually every child.

    Prevention of neurosis in children and adolescents is based on measures,
    aimed at normalization of intrameal relationships and correction
    Education. Considering an important role in the causes of neurosis features
    The nature of the child, it is advisable to conduct educational events
    on mental hardening of children with neurotic
    and disturbing features of character, as well as disorders.
    Such activities include the formation of activity, initiatives,
    Training overcoming difficulties, frightening circumstances (darkness,
    separation with parents, meeting with strangers, animals and t.
    NS.). An important role is playing the education of a child in the team with a certain
    individual approach, selection of comrades of a certain warehouse
    Character. Considerable prophylactic role belongs to measures
    to strengthen physical health, primarily physical education
    and sports, psychohygenic of mental labor schoolchildren, warning
    Intellectual and Information Overloads.

    Summarizing the problem of neurosis, the problem of prevention and treatment,
    I will say: neuroses in no case do not pretend, not a simulation, not a trick,
    To which children can be resorted to those or other deviations
    in character, and a serious illness from which you can not get rid of
    Simple effort of will. It requires a whole complex of medical
    and psychological events. Neurosis rarely occurs in children
    and adolescents confident in themselves from prepared for real life,
    able to normally and adapt in life. Neurosis in children

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