What is periodontaches


It happens that in our time they are loosened and teeth fall out, and when the patient appeals to the dentist, he learns that he has a launched
Periodontal disease.


Let's figure out what perodont is. Periodonts are a complex of fabrics that surround
tooth and hold it in the cell. It is a gum, periosteum, bone and
Periodont (a bunch that holds the root of the tooth in the cell).

Periodontal diseases can be inflammatory, capturing
Part of its fabrics (for example, gingivitis) or the whole complex of periodontal (periodontitis). Sometimes nutrition is disturbed
periodontal tissues and such a process is called periodontal.

If a person has a common severe illness can
There are idiopathic diseases with
Fast melting of periodontal tissues. There are also periodontoms -
Benign tumor and tumor-like periodontal processes (protester,
Duma fibromatosis and others.). Causes of periodontal causes are unknown.

Inflammatory diseases of the periodontal occur from not treated in the time of caries, with mechanical or chemical irritation
Duties with dental sediments (non-compliance with hygiene), the edge of the carious cavity,
hanging seal, orthodontic devices, medicines, with
improper bite or teeth position. The gum first is inflamed, and then the process
applies to periosteum and bone. The speed of distribution of inflammation by
periodontal tissues depends on the body's ability to resist external
impacts (immunity). Dystrophic
Periodontal diseases occur in violation of metabolic processes, the cause of which is often unknown.


What is periodontaches
Inflammation of the gum (gingivitis) is the most common
Form of the defeat of periodontal. Gingivitis are different forms: catarrhal
(inflammation without suppuration), hypertrophic (the growth of gum tissues on the background
inflammation), atrophic (drying tissue drying on the background of chronic
inflammation), peptic. Flow
gingivitis can be acute or chronic, easy, moderate gravity and heavy, limited
and common.

Signs of gingivitis:

  • Bloodfaction I
    a change in the outline of the gum;
  • Lack of general disorders, such as elevated temperature,
    Chink and T.D.
  • Lack of
    X-ray signs of bone destruction;
  • Appearance on
    background reduction of immunity;
  • Presence in the mouth
    In a patient of a toothed and a tooth stone;
  • Lack of gantry
    Pockets (space between tooth and gums).

What is periodontitis

With the inflammation of the entire periodontal (periodontitis), not only soft tissues (gums) are destroyed, but
and bones of alveolar process (process
The jaw on which teeth grow). Periodontitis arises as a result
Praised in time Gingivita.

Signs of periodontitis:

  • inflamed gums;
  • the presence of a gum (perodontal) pocket;
  • Destruction of bone fabric of interdental partitions (visible on
  • Mobility or loss of one or more teeth on launched
    stages of the disease;
  • Changing the General State of the Organization: Raising
    Temperatures of the body, malaise and t.D.

What is perodontosis

Periodontosis is a dystrophic (dystrophy - violation
Food fabrics) The disease of the periodontal tissues, which is characterized by the latter
Tooth cervix (tooth crown transition location in root), increased sensitivity
Dental on Cold and Hot Food. Accurate
The reasons for the occurrence of this disease are not established. Perodontosis
may occur during endocrine disorders or at various diseases
internal organs, as a result of insufficient teeth and gums,
Lack of trace elements and vitamins,
In case of insufficiency of blood supply to tissues. The emergence of periodontose
Could promote shallow
The eve of the oral cavity (cavity between the teeth and lips, cheeks), short
Bridles of language and lips.

Parodontosis is chronic, the process captures all

Signs of periodontalosis:

  • lack of inflammation in periodontal tissues and slow flow;
  • Reducing gums, exposure of teeth necks and root;
  • lack of a gum pocket;
  • slight amount of dental sediment;
  • Frequent combination with a noncroy lesion of solid tooth tissues
    (Wedge-shaped defect and others.);
  • No x-ray signs of inflammatory
    bone destruction;
  • Symmetry of bone lesion.

Periodontosis is long
occurring disease that
Treatment may result in complete dental.

Periodontal diseases are a source of infection in
The body, which means, are reflected not only in the state of the dental system,
But in the state of the body as a whole. Therefore, it is so important timely treatment, and
even better - prevention of these diseases.

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