What you need to know about patients with manico-depressive disorder? Part 1


What you need to know about patients with a manic-depressive disorder? Part 1Disease that is near...

Extrapplying the frequency of occurrence of this disease to Russia, it can be assumed that in our country there are about a million patients with a manic-depressive disorder. For reading these lines, it may be brother or sister, wife or husband.

The feature of the disease is that it is very difficult to diagnose in the early stages. And only if the patient starts psychosis, and he gets to a psychiatrist, in most cases a diagnosis can be raised.

It is important to note that many patients in this category the intellect does not suffer, but on the contrary it may be higher than the average. In his youth, it is usually people who have great hopes. This explains the fact that people with such a diagnosis that have become a criminal path is enough of the mind not to be caught for a long time, and the sophistication with which they do their crimes.

In the manic phase of the patient inherent in 4 major characteristic features:

  • Processing. The patient feels a tide of vigor and energy - Ready "At least the mountains to roll". But he is not a car and he wants it or does not want, he gets tired, his muscles tired, his body.
  • Transjirt. The patient begins to spend money on unnecessary things. This leads to the disorder of its finance, collapse and subsequent bankruptcy.
  • Adventurism. The patient is binding not thought out to the end of the adventures, which seem to be impeccable. This is because its brain in this stage generates a lot of ideas and at the same time prudent control and examinations of them (ideas) is difficult. If this is a financier, it is involved in a risky financial operation, which seems to bring him great benefits. This all again depletes his strength and violates the usual course of life.
  • Romantic set. The patient appears fantasies and expectations regarding completely strangers and not suitable for this. And the reason is that the euphoria in which the patient is. Readiness to go on rapprochement and wonderfulness plunge it into love adventures with dubious personalities. From here - inseparability in sexual relations. Being deceived and ruined, they begin to take carelessly to a society that it seems to him, he has plunged him into this upset state.

Conflict with loved ones and friends

It is important to note that all 4 listed features lead a patient to conflict with loved ones and friends. He is tired and annoyed, he has neither strength, no desire to communicate. This explains the fact that such patients have almost no friends and the divorces are very frequent. The transjarce of money and the subsequent financial collapse also does not add love to him loved ones and friends who begin to ask for money in debt.

Risky and not thoughtful adventures do not bring the result, which expected from them, and time, strength and money spent on them, it would be possible to spend on anything more useful. And finally, the lungity with which he comes into romantic relationships with people at all suitable for this purpose leads it to collapse.

Here are the main factors slowly, but correctly lowering it on the bottom of life. About what to do to prevent this, read in the second part of the article.

Read second part

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