Our body, weakened by fighting flu, stress and vitaminosis, can capitulate in spring. And then the best part of the spring will have to spend in a duel with pneumonia.
In general, the concept «pneumonia» combines a whole group of diseases,
which are manifested by the inflammatory process in the lungs. Call it
Process, as you know, microbes (pneumococci, staphylococci,
Streptococci, Shingnetic wand), influenza viruses A, B, C, paragrippa,
Adenoviruses and fungi. Does the value of which of them provoked
acute pneumonia? Yes, it has. Each microorganism affects the disease
in its own way and requires the appropriate selection of antibiotics (for example,
Pneumonia caused by staphylococcus proceeds especially hard).
What happens to
all pneumonia cannot be infected, its development is exclusively
With the state of protective forces of the body. However, according to the last
Research, influenza viruses attract pneumonia bacteria. therefore
Danger to get inflammation of the lungs after influenza is always higher. Greater
risk to get inflammation of the lungs are subject to:
aged people,
- people,
having concomitant diseases: chronic lung diseases, sugar
Diabetes, alcoholism, cardiovascular diseases, etc.,
- Patients recently undergone large surgical operations,
- People with weakened immunity.
What's happening?
Dimming on radiograph — Reliable sign of lung inflammation.
Medicine now has excellent diagnostic methods
and a powerful arsenal of antibiotics, so rarely die from pneumonia.
However, one identified case of the disease falls several
hidden, fraught with complications. Most pronounced signs
Inflammations of the lungs are:
- Sudden temperature rise with chills,
- «Second wave» Raising the temperature with influenza or ORVI,
- Long dry or wet cough on a cold illness,
- cough with purulent sputum or with streaks of blood,
- Pain in chest with deep breathing or cough,
- shortness of breath in calm condition, rapid heartbeat,
- Weakness, sweating, head and muscle pain.
Diagnosis of pneumonia
The true culprit of pneumonia in each case will help
Microbiologists revealing the pathogen from the so-called biological material
(sputum, washing from bronchi obtained at bronchoscopy). Diagnosis
«pneumonia», How many years ago, a doctor puts
patiently climbs and listens to the lungs. Mandatory is radiography or fluorography, it may be further required to carry out bronchoscopy.
Treatment of pneumonia
Diagnosis «pneumonia» Installed by therapist or pulmonologist
In case of inspection and careful examination. Only a doctor can solve,
to be treated at home or in the hospital. If he insists on hospitalization,
Do not resist.
If you stayed at home, more often
Check the room. Cool air facilitates breathing, stimulates
Sleeping sputum improves sleep. And how can you drink (up to 2.5-3
liters per day). Good cranberry and brushing fruit, fruit
and vegetable juices, vine hips.
Treat complicated pneumonia
more difficult. If you have pleurisy or purulent process, reserve patience.
Silver pneumonia can give a start to such a severe disease,
like bronchial asthma.
The best way to fully restore
Health after lung inflammation — Relax in the sanatorium
Pulmonological profile. Such sanatoriums are usually located
In the forest area, in lowland or on the sea coast.