Fimosis in a child. Treatment phyology. Operations when phimosis


  • What is phimos
  • Scar phimos

  • What is phimos

    At birth, boys often because of the narrow hole of the extreme flesh, the free removal of the head of the penis is impossible. Urination is not broken. No complaints. This is physiological phyms. You can live calmly. From the first months of life, parents note the emergence of penis erections. This happens when urination, or spontaneously, at any time of the day. Semi-member softly, but persistently and gradually stretches the narrowed extreme flesh. Thus, for 2-3 years, the resolution of this problem occurs. Recommendations are extremely simple and delicate. It is necessary to observe the genital organs of the child clean and observe a surgeon or urologist.

    Fimosis in a child. Treatment of phimosis. Operations when phimosis From the anatomy it is known that the extreme flesh of the penis consists of 2 layers: outdoor and internal. Quite often, the inner layer is saved with embryonic spikes (Sneehines) with a penis head. In the process of growth in the penis, the extreme flesh is reduced, the spikes are disconnected and the head, spreading the prepared bag, freely comes out. However, this problem often remains. In children after 3 years, it is necessary to resort to a small surgical manipulation: breeding the narrowed hole of the extreme flesh, the separation of the senechius using surgical instruments. With careful and proper treatment, problems, as a rule, does not happen. Then, for several days we recommend baths with a weakly pink solution of manganese, and the daily treatment of the penis head with sterile vaseline or water-soluble ointments (levomexol and t.D.).

    It should be noted that in a certain group of patients there are sneeles of the extreme flesh without phimosis. In this case, it is not necessary to wait up to 3 years. It is necessary to perform this manipulation at an earlier age. In the field of a preparatory bag, a secretary of the first year of life accumulates in the first year of life. It is called Schegma. This secret is formed from the separated sebaceous glands and burned epithelium. Represents «cottagewood» Mass of yellowish or whitewood. At the same time, with the elimination of the head of the penis and the elimination of the Senechius, Smegma is necessarily removed.

    There is a category of patients with congenital phimosis that can only be cured operational. This is hypertrophic (excessive development of extreme flesh leaves) and atrophic phimosis (a sharp narrowing of the opening of the extreme flesh with the latter underdevelopment). Treatment options are as follows: With hypertrophic form, in most cases, it is possible to avoid circular excision of extreme flesh leaves or «Circuit».

    In armament of surgeons there is a wonderful operation called «Precuciotomy». It allows you to form a normal outdoor hole of the extreme flesh without «Circuit». After the operation, the extreme flesh completely covers the head of the penis and the removal of the head free. In atrophic form of phimosis «Circuit», Unfortunately, it is not possible to avoid. However, these are congenital problems. Much annoying problems acquired. About them More details.

    Scar phimos

    The main and most complex category of patients represent patients with scar phimos. This is when part of the extreme flesh of the penis is reborn with the occurrence of the scar. The reasons for this are well known. In some cases, when infecting a pre-bag and silent, there is inflammation of the extreme flesh - Balantostitis. Child complaints for painful urination, pollen of the penis and purulent separated from the opening of extreme flesh leads parents with a small patient to a doctor. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory and as quickly as possible. Treatment of this pathology is possible conservative. We believe that in the acute period, the treatment must be extremely careful. Remainable baths with a weakly pink solution of manganese and processing of sexual member with water-soluble ointments, in most cases, allow you to stop the inflammatory process. Then, after the sacrament of inflammation, we hold the head of the penis with the division of the Senechius. Coming complete recovery.

    Sometimes with severe and running forms of Balantostitis, you have to perform this manipulation in the acute period. Under the edema of the penis and the presence of inflammation «toilet» Heads occurs with ruptures in the area of ​​the opening of the extreme flesh. These breaks sometimes heal with the formation of a scar. The outcome of such treatment is often scar phimosis. Subsequent «circumcision» inevitably.

    There is a small contingent of patients who, at an early age, the one-time removal of the head of the penis and the instrumental separation of the Senechius. With a very narrow opening of the extreme flesh, the one-time removal of the head of the penis can be accompanied by microen leaflets of extreme flesh and its significant swelling. Subsequently, the rupture is sometimes formed. In addition, early removal of the head of the penis pays one more danger. The fact is that after spent surgical manipulation, it is necessary daily during the week to remove the head of the penis and processing it with sterile vaseline or water-soluble ointments. If this is not done, the hay can occur again, the head removal will be again impossible. Parents tend to carry out these manipulations of the house. Someone from home keeps screaming from fright and pain the child, and someone tries to bring the head of the penis to process it. Finally, it was done, everything was processed, and… the head is not yet. The extreme flesh of the penis damage at the level «Crown» furrows head and does not allow her to improve. The farther, the more difficult. This parafimos. DEAR PARENTS, if you have not been able to fix the implanted head of the penis for the first minutes - urgently to the surgeon. Elimination of paraffimose is possible, but if a lot has passed, trying to do it under anesthesia. In rare cases, only an emergency operation saves. This is how harmless manipulation can lead to an urgent operation.

    And in conclusion, several recommendations. Necessary hygiene, attentive and delicate attitude towards the sexual bodies of the child. Be sure to periodically visit the surgeon. And not only when you need a certificate of school or kindergarten. The main problems can be identified and eliminated before the emergence of complications. In general, the need for planned consultation with specialists from young parents often attitude, to put it mildly, cool. Dear parents, child health – The most important thing for you. Better warn you than treat. Do not forget about it.

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