Arthrosis: methods of treatment and error of self-treatment


  • Engaged in sports, now Osteoarthrosis, arthritis...
  • Osteoarthritis methods of treatment and self-treatment
  • To help with osteoarthritis did not turn out to be a bear service
  • ArtTrosis Disease does not accept violence
  • The appearance of signs of arthrosis is not a reason for starvation

  • Arthrosis: methods of treatment and error of self-treatmentThe disease deforming osteoarthritis proceeds with periods of exacerbation and remission, is characterized by the gradual destruction of cartilage and bone tissue, leads to violation of the joints of the joints. Appearing once, the symptoms of arthrosis deliver suffering to the patient all his life. Trying to get rid of pain, stiffness in the joints, in attempts to increase their mobility and «disperse» Salts patients resort to self-medication, helping healers, although in arthrosis should trust a qualified doctor. What errors are most often allowed against the disease «Arthrosis» and what they can lead? Let's try to figure it out.

    Engaged in sports, now Osteoarthrosis, arthritis...

    A person has to seek the causes of what is happening, but in the case of arthrosis, they are most often inflated. Do not associate a disease with sports, many devote him all his life and have healthy joints, others suffer from arthrosis and without exercise and workouts. Not fully known, arthrosis develops, so treatment methods include mainly symptomatic therapy and means restoring cartilage cloth. Of course, the signs of the deforming arthrosis of the joints of the lower extremities will rather appear in the one who suffers with flat-growing, closerness, transferred dislocation or fractures, but certainly should not be afraid of rusty tap water and tomatoes, according to some folk healers.

    Osteoarthritis methods of treatment and self-treatment

    The first signs of ArgrozaOsteoarthritis and the accompanying arthritis — Diseases at which folk therapy methods are most often used. Troops on mushrooms, red-hot bricks, Kuznetsov applicators, irritating and warming joints. Such funds are really distracted, for some time they reduce pain, but the disease they do not treat. Moreover, assistance in arthrosis in the exacerbation stage, in the presence of synovite symptoms, on the contrary, implies the use of funds that reduce the influx of blood, shooting edema and inflammation, warming the tissues here can play a dick joke.

    If arthrosis aggravated, traditional methods of treatment in the first days will include the use of non-steroidal series preparations (diclofenac, mowed, numeride), and then, after 1-2 weeks, when inflammation is fully fastened, funds will be assigned tools that improve blood circulation in the joint and restoring composite cartilage (physiothereders and chondroprotectors).

    To help with osteoarthritis did not turn out to be a bear service

    With the deforming arthrosis, treatment methods formed factors occupy a special place. Folk ways to get rid of the omens also suggest physiotics, such as warming, compresses, wraps. Some patients without a consultation with a doctor prescribe themselves treatment with currents, magnetotherapy or ultrasound. In fact, it turns out that the pain is enhanced, the joint swallows and stop moving at all. The fact is that the treatment of osteoarthrosis in the remission stage is very different from the treatment of arthosis arthritis. Only a doctor can assign physiological.

    ArtTrosis Disease does not accept violence

    Osteoarthritis Dangerous Disease does not accept violenceArthrosis is always accompanied by a limitation of the mobility of the joints. In trying «Develop» Cached knees, ankles, the joints of the fingers of the patients are extremely persistent. Overcoming pain, they are engaged in gymnastics and limbs, «Obsolete» Salts, crawling on his knees and «bearing» Own joints Ralka. As a result, instead of improvement, such violent actions lead to injuries to cartilage and rapid progression of osteoarthrosis. Arthritis arising from the irritation of the articular bag by osteophyt leads to increased pain, swelling of the joints, the growing of bone tissue and limit the mobility of the joint. Special exercises recommended during arthrosis must be performed during the remission and without the occurrence of pain, the same can be said about massage.

    The appearance of signs of arthrosis is not a reason for starvation

    Fasting can be treated everything, but during arthrosis it is categorically contraindicated. The disease is accompanied by a violation of the cartilage tissue, and the limited flow of nutrients will only aggravate the situation. What is really important is the normalization of body weight. Overweight «Heavy cargo» falls on the joints of the lower extremities and leads to their rapid destruction. The diet with the limitation of simple carbohydrates and animal fats will benefit the patient suffering from obesity.

    In the treatment of arthrosis, as in any case, the qualifications of a specialist are important. In order not to suffer from arthrosis all my life, it is important to turn to a good doctor in time. The disease can be suspended at the initial stage, if not resorting to experiments with their health.

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