Calculation of premature children at home


  • Baby Temperature Mode
  • Baby clothes
  • Bathing baby
  • Walking baby
  • Baby vaccinations
  • Medical observation infant

  • Baby Temperature Mode

    First of all, at home, a premature child needs to create an optimal temperature regime. The air temperature in the room should be 22-250c. Every 3 hours it is necessary to air the room for 15-20 minutes. Immediately near the child (under the blanket), the temperature should be maintained 28-320. Often there is a need for an additional heating of a newborn. To this end, it is convenient to use rubber heating. The water temperature in the heating should be 60-650c.

    Electric heating and blankets for heating newborns can not be applied. Depending on the degree of presence and temperature conditions in the room, you can use from one to three heels. Wrapped in diapers, towels or special bags, the heights are placed in the legs (under the blanket) and on the sides (over the blanket). Put them at the distance of the palm of the child. For permanent temperature control under the blanket next to the baby, you can put a thermometer. In no case (in order to avoid burns), it is impossible to lay the height of the child or put it on top (it makes it difficult to breathe). It should be changed after a half or two hours alternately, to not even leave the baby without a heat source for a short time.

    But the face of the newborn must be left open (not covering it with a blanket). By the end of the first month, the child begins independently «hold» body temperature and gradually it will be possible to abandon artificial heating. The body temperature of the premature child must be measured in the morning and in the evening. According to the recommendations of the doctor - more often, sometimes at every swaddling. Do it need not undressing kid.

    Baby clothes

    Calculation of premature children at homeBaby born with a body weight of more than 2 kg, do not need to be boiled. It is dressed as well as other (dusted) babies. Crumbs with weight less than 2 kg required much more things. The most suitable clothing for them is a knitted cap, knitted blouse with a hood and covered sleeves, diaper and sliders. Dressed in this way the child should be wrapped in a bike blanket, put in a woolen envelope and to cover the flannel blanket on top.

    By the end of the first month, the envelope and blanket should be gradually abandoned. You can not shy the breath of the child with tightwood. To evenly breathe all sections of the newborn, it must be regularly shifted from one side to another.

    Bathing baby

    Babies with body weight at birth less than 1500 g in the first 2-3 weeks at home should not bathe. The rest of the newborn with a low body weight should be waited with a bath adoption of 7-10 days. In the first 3 months of life of premature children bathe in boiled water. The water temperature in the bath must be 38 degrees, and in the room where the bathing is happening - 25 degrees.

    Walking baby

    With walks should be very careful: the sharp change of temperature may adversely affect the health of the kid. Premature children born with a mass mass of more than 1500 g, can be taken for walks starting from a 2-week age (in the warm season at air temperature 25-26 degrees). The first walk is short - only 10-15 minutes. Then the time of staying in the fresh air gradually (adding for 20 minutes) adjust to 1-1.5 hours. Autumn and spring (at air temperature up to 10 degrees) can only walk with infants aged 1-1.5 months with a body weight of at least 2500 g. At air temperature below 8-10 degrees, it is possible to walk with premature children only when they reach the age of 2 months and body weight 2800-3000 g.

    Baby vaccinations

    Calendar vaccinations in premature babies strictly individual. If the child is healthy and has a body weight at birth more than 2000 g, then his vaccination calendar will not differ from the dead children. Kids who were born with body weight less than 2000, the BCG vaccination in the hospital is not held. It is done when the newborn body weight is achieved 2500 g. Children born with a mass of body less than 1500 g, instilled only at the end of the first year of life, and then taking into account the state of health.

    Medical observation infant

    For children who born prematurely, a dispensary observation is established at the place of residence for up to 7 years of life. Periodic consultations of specialists are required, primarily a neuropathologist. At the age of 1-2 weeks and the prevention of Rakhita is carried out: ultraviolet irradiation - quartzing, adding to food for the appointment of Vitamin D, massage, hardening.

    During the first two years, a premature child must be under the supervision of a cardiologist. In 2, 4, 6 and 12 months of the child's life it is necessary to carry out electrocadography (ECG), which allows to evaluate the work of the heart muscle. Ultrasound examination of the heart (echocardiography - echo-kg) allows you to identify vices and other anatomical heart defects. Echo-kg It is advisable to spend in 2, 6, 12 and 24 months of the child's life.

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