Toughness in the newborn: why arises and how to deal?


Difference in the newborn: why arises and how to deal?The diarming of newborns in dermatology is customary to be called diaper dermatitis. Its development begins with easy redness of the skin in places of thick fit, diapers and diapers, in the field of skin folds, behind the ears, on the neck, under the mouse, in the inguinal folds, between the buttocks and the ass of the baby.

A replacement of redness come with abundant small bright red rashes and crumbled bubbles, the skin itches, the child becomes restless, often humpy, sleeps badly and eats worse.

Lack of attention to the problem leads to the development of wet eczema. The skin is covered with erosions and hurts, strong inflammation leads to an increase in body temperature and a violation of the general state of the newborn. Treatment of dermatitis at this stage requires an active doctor intervention.

Why do diamers arise in newborns?

Toddler skin tender, sensitive, the function of the body is at the formation stage, so any aggressive factor is able to lead to problems.

one. Excreta

Child need to beware after each fear. Long-term skin contact with urine leads to irritation of leather with uric acid. The reproduction of bacteria, in the abundance of the skin present on the skin, the decomposition of the uric acid and the formation of an aggressive ammonia aggravates the situation. If the child's skin is in contact with the carte masses, the intestine microorganisms and the remains of digestive enzymes, lipases and proteases, which accelerating dermatitis are additionally operating.

What to do? Qualitative disposable diapers have a large margin of hygroscopicity and leave the skin of the kid dry for a long time. However, changing the diaper is needed every 3–4 hours, no matter how filled it is. If the baby squeezed, it should immediately undress it, get it up, dry his skin with a napkin, to handle with a supper or children's cream and then put on the diaper.

2. Wrong care

Often parents sin the fact that changing the diaper, forget to get a baby or do it is not carefully.

What to do? If the child described, to wash a fairly simple warm water, if the skin is evaporated by a feet, it should be washed using a hypoallergenic baby soap containing the components of medicinal plants that have antimicrobial effects, and natural vegetable oils, mitigating and moisturizing skin.

If «accident» It happened outside the house, it is necessary to change the diaper in marching conditions, then wet baby napkins can be used to cleanse the skin.

Attention! To fill the baby you need for each change of diaper. To dry the skin in the folds it is better to use powders based on corn starch.

3. Friction

Friction — Frequent cause of baby skin irritation, provoking dermatitis development. Tight swaddling in the past, today the skin of the child is injured «Model clothing» and diapers.

What to do? A disposable diaper must strictly match the age and weight of the baby, it should be properly correct, fix it loosely to keep air circulation between diaper and leather. The newborn clothing must be made of natural soft breathable fabrics, seams outward.

4. Overheat

The occurrence of diaper dermatitis is often due to the overheating of the baby. If a child sweats, his skin has long time remains moist, which leads to the breaking of the surface layers of the epidermis, penetration into the skin bacteria and the development of inflammation.

What to do? Follow the temperature of the air indoors, do not bother the baby, going outside, wear on season. When reservoirs, air baths and bathing in the decoctions of medicinal plants with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties helps.

five. Intolerance and contact allergy

Difference in the newborn: why arises and how to deal?Sometimes the cause of skin problems in the child becomes use «adult» cosmetics and washing powders containing fragrances and aggressive baby components.

What to do? In caring for the child and its things use only special «Children's» funds.

6. Food

Children who are solely on breastfeeding can react to dermatitis for changing the diet of the mother's diet, older kids can produce allergic reactions to mixtures and lures. As a rule, in such cases, dermatitis is characterized by the appearance of rashes throughout the body and is accompanied by a chair disorder.

What to do? Nursing mothers need to be clearly followed by their diet. To avoid allergies during dust, you need to led a new product during the week, allowing the child's digestive system to adapt to it.

7. Infectious dermatitis

It can wear a bacterial and fungal character and, at the same time, to resemble the diameters and the Padder. Candidiasis in newborns is more common if the candidiasis has a mother. The disease more often begins with the damage to the oral mucosa, the gastrointestinal tract and later applies to the skin around the rear passage.

What to do? Contact doctor. The child needs medical care and antifungal drugs.

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