What is the heel spur


  • What is the heel spur
  • Diagnostics, Treatment and Prevention of Heel Spur

  • What is the heel spur

    Spur on the heel is bone formation in the form of spikes on the plantar surface at the site of bonding muscles with fascia - by special connective tissue structures holding the stack arch. Spur can be formed in the tendon, which doctors are called Achillov, or Achilles fifth. Most often, non-harmony stops on the foot lead to deformation of bones and tendons and deeper, leading to pain, displacement inside. Sometimes the formation of heel spurs is rapidly increased body weight. And very rarely growths appear due to infectious diseases.

    There is a philistine opinion that the growing of the heel bone is an indispensable attribute of gout. This sometimes happens, but this is not a regularity. Gout, this «noble» The disease is due to a violation of salt metabolism - the deposition of urates of urates in the bones, joints, cartilage, fascia, which was mentioned above. Gout often transmitted and inherited. Spur - the phenomenon is not hereditary. It appears if you regularly overload ligaments and wear inappropriate, say, close shoes, which can lead both flatfoot, and to the deformation of the bones of the legs.

    The intensity of pain is not always connected with the magnitude of the growth on the heel. Sometimes the spur is very difficult to detect, despite the painful sensations. It's good because in such cases «flow» The beginning of the ailment and immediately take measures to eliminate it: first of all choose the appropriate shoes - maybe even in full.

    Diagnostics, Treatment and Prevention of Heel Spur

    Accurate diagnosis is made only when X-ray examination. But an experienced specialist is able to do this when Spur is just beginning to be drawn up, thoroughly trucking the foot and after listening to the patient's complaints on puff-characteristic in this case. According to their description, the doctor determines that they are connected with an emerging spur, and not with something else, also because with a weak pressure on the non-deformed heel, a person is experiencing severe pain.

    What is the heel spur Now doctors have successfully treated spurs. In the arsenal of their funds - special insoles, usually manufactured by order depending on the place of the appearance of spurs and its size. The doctor can offer special supinators. Full recommend paying weight. And, of course, adhere to the lifestyle necessary in this situation - to move less and even stand. Under the passage of the acute period, an experienced doctor appoints a special course of therapeutic gymnastics, as with flat-protecting, when the lining exercises for the bone system are generally combined with the techniques developing a muscular-binder.

    Dancers, athletes and people of other professions related to the risk group does not prevent prevention every evening to use a fairly simple way to remove the fatigue of the legs: foot relaxing warm baths with salt, iodine and soda (components are taken in an arbitrary ratio). Immediately after removing the working shoes, tired legs must be immersed in the bath for a few minutes. This will help you and relax, dropping the nervous tension accumulated per day.

    And here is another effective recipe for the fight against the heel spur, recommended by traditional medicine. You can even say, pleasant, because for the treatment requires May lilac. You need to type it as much as possible, separate the blooming part of the leaves and branches, decompose the flowers on the newspaper and put it, putting into a dry solar place.

    Next Stage - Preparation of tincture. Take 1 part of flowers and 10 parts of 40% alcohol. Insist 8-10 days in a darkened place and in tightly closed dishes. For the treatment of heel spurs, especially with strong pains, 20 drops of tincture twice a day after eating (if necessary, the number of drops can be increased to 30) and at the same time rub it three times a day. Then it can be bandaged, pre-attaching a grain with a tincture of lilac. In particularly severe cases, when the pain from the heel spur is very worried, you can make the compress from the same tincture at night.

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