General information about the drug
Drug that will be «hero» Our article belongs to a large group, called NSAIDs (Nonteroid anti-inflammatory funds). Its main component is a acecloofenak substance capable of suppress inflammatory processes, it removes pain in the focus of inflammation. The manufacturer releases aerial in three dosage forms:
- Two-buckled round pills, their diameter is about 8 mm, white color, there is a film sheath. On one of the sides there is an engraving in the form of a letter «BUT». In each tablet 100 mg aceclofenac. There are auxiliary ingredients: Glyceryl Dystearate, Pisidone, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Sodium Croskarmelloz. For film shell are used: hypimloose, macrogol stearate, titanium dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose. Packaging can be 90, 60, 40, 30, 20 or 10 tablets.
- White homogeneous cream, concentration of the active substance in it 1.5%. As auxiliary components: Liquid paraffin, emulsion, propyl aprichedrocybenzoate, methyl apoxibenzoate, methylpagidroxybenzoate, was packaged into aluminum tubes of 60 grams.
- Sachet - powder used to prepare a suspension taken inside. Each sachet contains 3 grams of powder, acecloofenac there 100 mg. In addition to it: saccharinate sodium, sorbitol, flavors, aspartames and other fillers. Total in packing 20 three-layer durable bags.
pharmachologic effect
Like other representatives of the NSAID, Aeral shows anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. Acycloofenak activity is high, so the condition of patients is significantly improved. This is especially true of those who suffer from rheumatic diseases. Patients noted that they have decreased the swelling of the joints, which was especially expressed in the morning clock. Thanks to the pills, pain is eliminated, so the volume and amplitude of movements increase. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the active ingredient of the aerotal is quickly absorbed, after a few hours aceclofenac accumulates in synovial fluid.
When Aertal is appointed?
Aeral will benefit when it is required:
- Eliminate inflammatory process.
- Redet pain in the joints and soft tissues.
- Remove sharp Toothpick.
The range of application of the drug is wide, our site will list only the most common diseases in which ATERAL is assigned as one of the symptomatic means:
- rheumatism, arthritis;
- ShoulderPath Periatritis;
- Spondylitis;
- Osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis;
- lumbago;
- Neuralgia Triple Nerva, Gangliabonic, Facial Neuritis.
Aeral cream is used when Mosita, Tend you, tendosive, dislocation, stretching, bruises, lumbago, periatritis, kryvosha.
How to use medicine?
Typically assigned two tablets per day. One tablet (active substance in it 100 mg) is taken in the morning, and the other in the evening. You should not ride or crush the tablet, just swallow it entirely and write in conventional water (boiled). Instead of tablets, you can use Sasha (in each sachet contains the same dose of aceclofenac as in one tablet). Only powders are pre-stirred in a small amount of water. Patients often ask a question - how long can aerial use in case of chronic diseases? If there is no predisposition to peptic ulcer, then the aerial inwards can be taken about 30 days. But if the liver is not functioning enough if there is a peptic disease, or the kidneys do not work well with their duties, it is required to adjust the duration of the course of treatment with aerial trees - everything depends on the state of the patient.

If you have discharged Aeral cream, then the sick places to apply it three times a day. Squeeze out a little cream from tube and light movements into the skin. If the integrity of the skin is broken, then in this case the cream cannot be applied. Refuse the cream will have to and in the event that suddenly notice irritation on the skin after it is applied.
About contraindications
MirSees warn that it is impossible to use aerial inwards with:
- erosive-ulcerative lesions of the organs of the digestive system in the stages of their exacerbation;
- gastric bleeding (or the slightest suspicion of them);
- severe liver failure or serious lesion of the liver;
- disorders of coagulation and blood formation;
- Propons to bronchospasm, Rinita, Krapivnice After receiving Aspirin or other representatives of the NSAID Group;
- progression of kidney diseases, severe renal failure;
- confirmed laboratory hyperkalemia;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- increased sensitivity to the components included in the preparation;
- After the recently transferred aorticon-artum shunting.
It is not recommended to give aerial inwards to children and adolescents under the age of eighteen. Careful when receiving it is necessary to be for those who suffer Hypertension, Bronchial asthma, IBS, diabetes, Dyslipidemia (hyperlipidemia), diseases of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, peripheral arteries and avid smokers. Special attention requires the treatment of elderly people. With prolonged reception of the Aarthala required to do blood analysis, Control the functioning of the liver, kidneys, explore the feces - is there any tracks in it.
Unwanted action
Unfortunately, in some patients, the following side effects appear in the treatment of aerial:
- decline in appetite, pain in the epigastric region, constipation or diarrhea, appearance of ulcerations on the gastrointestinal mucosa;
- Intestinal bleeding, Pancreatitis, hepatitis;
- stomatitis;
- breaking sleep, hand shake, irritability;
- Changing the taste sensations, the appearance of noise in the ears;
- Otki, nephritis, manifestations of renal failure;
- arrhythmia, increase pressure;
- anemia;
- bronchospasm, eczema, rash or other allergic manifestations, Outlet Quincke.
special instructions
During the course of treatment with aerial, refrain from alcohol consumption.
If, in addition to the aerotal you use antiagregants or anticoagulants, the risk of bleeding significantly increases.
You should not use other NSAIDs with the aircraft with the air, otherwise their negative impact on the state of the dumping gem membrane will increase.
Aeral may lower the therapeutic effect of hypotensive and diuretic drugs. Its influence on the concentration of blood glucose.
If you combine the reception of aerotal with potassium preparations, it can provoke the occurrence of hypercalemia.
Aeral can enhance the effect of some drugs, if we take them together. Therefore, be sure to inform the doctors of a narrow specialization that you are currently taking Aeral.
Under the overestimation of doses of the drug there is a risk of its overdose. This is evidenced by:
- lethargy, dizziness;
- loss of ability to navigate in space;
- thirst, felling, urge on vomiting;
- Causes.
To eliminate overdose phenomena, symptomatic therapy is required.
Many positive feedback confirm the effectiveness of aerial. And yet it is not necessary to engage in self-medication. Consult yourself at the doctor - Do you really need to apply Aeral.