Beautiful, healthy skin is our wealth, the subject of pride, reflection of the inner state of the body. The success of the treatment of acne is depends on the competent choice of the modern method.
Angry rash
Angry rash (ASNE) - one of the most common skin diseases. During puberty, the problem of acne concerns almost every teenager. This problem spoils life not only to teenagers, but also an adult half of humanity. Acne, acne, irritation, peeling, redness - all these symptoms acne, or acne. The most often affected skin of the face, the top of the body and neck.
Causes of the appearance of acne
Hereditary predisposition.
- Violation of the immune system.
- Reception of some drugs (for example, antibiotics, receiving incorrectly selected oral contraceptives).
- Thickening of the horn layer of the epidermis - hyperkeratosis.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Own skin microflora - Activation of conditionally pathogenic and saprophistic flora.
- Incorrectly selected cosmetics (use of gamogenic cosmetics).
- Hormonal splash - hormonal fluctuations in adolescence, during pregnancy, before menstruation and t.D.
Acne is the defeat of the sebaceous glands or their output ducts of inflammatory nature with the involvement in the process of hair bags.
Inflammatory elements of acne
Papula - Red nodules with a diameter of 2-5 mm, which are formed at the site of the gamoton and protruding over the skin.
Pustules - cavities with purulent contents, in the center of each of which is hair.
Nodes - a complex form of acne, expressed in the chronic course of the disease.
Acne does not threaten life, but requires timely, urgent and qualified treatment.
Treatment acne
Self-treatment - can lead to deterioration and complications of the disease, it is better to contact the specialists. There are many methods of treatment.
The following methods of treatment are offered in the salons and centers of cosmetology:
- Laser therapy;
- Ultrasound cleaning;
- Peelings;
- Mesotherapy (allopathy, homeopathy);
- Enzyme dermatological cosmetics with individual recipe;
- Elos technology, well-proven itself, as the most advanced and safe method of treatment and prevention acne.
The method is based on the use of radio frequency and light energy in the treatment process, which penetrate the skin and are issued precisely measured pulses. Blue light destroys bacteria and, thus, inflammation quickly passes. Light acts in combination with radio frequency directly to infected glands and reduces excess education in them. Similar double influence on the sebaceous glands provides a long-term effect. It can be said that such a successful and complete cleaning of the skin is achieved only by the use of Elos technology.
Combined treatment of acne vulgaris 1-4 degree (from acne of gumons to acne with noded bubbles).
- pregnancy;
- painful photosensitivity;
- diseases of vascular collagen (eg. Skin tuberculosis, sclerodermit, dermatosis, rheumatic arthritis and mixed diseases of connective tissues).
The number of healing sessions depends on the severity of infection. Based on individual needs, a qualified cosmetologist will make a detailed treatment plan.
More detailed advice on ELOS acne treatments can be obtained from the specialists of the Israeli Center for Hardware Cosmetology «Virsavia».