Diet against acne


  • In search of the culprit
  • Poor food is also stress
  • And in the trumpeted
  • Additives for quick food

  • In search of the culprit

    Once it was believed that acne came from chocolate and oily food. Then
    I had to admit that one «pest» Among the products ne
    exist. Although dermatologists-practitioners know: a full healthy food
    perfectly affects the skin.

    Then scientists started talking that men's hormones are guided in youthful acne
    - Androgen. Their level increases significantly in boys and girls in
    Hormonal perestroika time and increases skin products. But
    If the appearance of acne was simply a reaction to an excess androgen, from
    they would suffer the most courageous, cool guys, and this is not so. WITH
    acne stubbornly fight the girls to whom the concept «excess
    Androgen» Poor applied.

    Today, scientists say that youthful acne arise because of the elevated
    skin sensitivity to androgen. And sensitivity increases this
    stress. INDiet against acnefrom why on the eve of the responsible exam or date
    Teenagers often discover that the face sprinkled terrible pimples.

    Poor food is also stress

    But stress for the body – These are not only violent experiences or illness;
    Poor food – also stress. And adolescents who escaped from under
    Adult control, often bad and irregularly eaten, abuse
    Dourborn – chips, crackers, fast food, gas...

    When the body is in a state of stress, any substances that
    We need to confront him, literally intercom from all the cracks,
    all organs and systems are taken away because – means
    survive. And if these substances initially in short supply?

    Therefore, a teenager is so important home dinner with fresh greens, soup,
    fruit for dessert. Such a lunch itself creates a feeling
    Stability and relieves stress. And he provides vitamins,
    who need adolescents in such a quantity to have enough
    Neutralization of stress, and to keep the skin smooth.

    And in the trumpeted

    About the importance of vitamina and for the health of the skin everyone knows. This vitamin or his
    Synthetic analogues are part of many creams. Vitamin A rich
    fish oil and liver, butter, cream and yolks «Rustic» Yaitz.
    Try to teach a child to fish – Although gracious cutlets, at least
    to low-voltage salmon; Even sledka – and that good as a source of vitamin

    In people who are constantly sitting on fast food, there is a significant
    Nitamin deficit group. Their lack not only affects
    skin and hair condition, but also provokes nervous exhaustion, increases
    craving for sugar and alcohol. To provide the body with these essential
    vitamins, you need to eat meat, solid cereals and natural dairy
    Products, not white bread and sausages.

    Additives for quick food

    If you are busy and categorically do not have time to prepare homemade variables, a teenager cannot do without food additives.
    The first thing is recommended to a schoolboy with acne, – Brewer's yeast.
    This is an effective means for restoring impaired metabolism,
    Natural concentrate of amino acids, minerals and vitamins. In addition to others
    useful effects, they reduce craving for sweet.

    If the child refuses to take yeast, try the complex
    In vitamins. In addition to the complex two months let's
    Pantothenic acid – The importance of her for skin health is confirmed

    It is more difficult to deal with the deficiency of vitamin A.
    Large doses of pharmacy drug can be toxic, and small –
    Not effective enough. If the child does not eat fish, you can just
    taking fishery in capsules.

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