What is psoriasis and can it be treated?


  • What is psoriasis?
  • If you have psoriasis...
  • How to deal with this cunning disease?

    What is psoriasis?

    What is psoriasis and can it be treated?The disease flows like this: spots with small scales appear on the skin, forming hill-shaped layers, propagating from the periphery to the island in diameter 0.5-1 cm. Sometimes all skin is covered with such a rash.

    Czechs have a special bright white color (asbestos). In some places (elbow, knee and sickness of the head) rash can stay long.

    Until now, the riddle of the origin of psoriasis is not solved. Was, of course, invented a scientific term – a multifactorial disease that really does not explain anything except that the disease may arise from anything and ever.

    Speaking of various methods of treatment, we must immediately make a reservation: psoriasis – Chronic disease and heal from it completely, «for the rest of my life», impossible. You can treat it all life – and not cure, and maybe she herself disappear, without any treatment, and without any reasons.

    There are many hypotheses and the theories of the occurrence of psoriasis – Hereditary, exchange, neurogenic, endocrine, allergic, viral, infectious and others, and also studies the role and influence of provoking factors. Increasingly, researchers say that this disease occurs as a result of strong stress or emotional overvoltage.

    Most of the scientists of the world appearance of the disease see in genetic factors. 60% of patients detect relatives and ancestors, suffering and suffering from psoriasis. It is even determined by the chromosome responsible for it. But even if a person learns his genealogical tree for a hundred years in the past, and will not find patients in it, it does not mean anything. Pathology can dorm for many years, and children of sick parents will be afraid to strike the surrounding cleanliness and beauty of the skin. On envy... grandchildren.

    The most important provoking factors for the development of psoriasis are mental injuries, long-term stress, chronic stressful states (apparently, the cascade of biochemical and immunological reactions leading to the development of psoriatic foci). The role of infectious diseases, physical injuries, skin injuries, hyposals in case and exacerbations (relapses) of psoriasis.

    Intensive drug therapy (especially with the use of antibiotics), hormonal changes in the body (in the adolescence, during pregnancy and breastfeeding), alcoholic intoxication, long stay in the sun, climate change, abuse of products that can exacerbate disease (citrus, chocolate, Eggs, etc.).
    However, none of these hypotheses or theories discloses the fully essence of the disease, and the problems of treatment and prevention are as relevant as the eyelids.

    Meanwhile, the scaly is not infected. Indeed, the psoriasis do not die, the patient does not shout from pain (except rare, especially hard cases), not immobilized, keeps the clarity of the mind. But how many people psoriasis brought to various neuroses, changes in the psyche, and about broken families, failed to speak and speak.

    If you have psoriasis...

    • Make sure it is really psoriasis (if the rashes appeared for the first time).
      • Do not panic: Diseases are not so dangerous as it seems.
      • Remember what circumstances and events preceded the appearance of rashes. These may be stressful situations, any intoxication – Drug, Alcoholic, Food and DR., prolonged overcooling, infectious diseases and vaccination, traumatization of the skin (including chemical curling, hair color) and t. D. Subsequently, if possible, avoid the influence of these factors on your body.
      • Do not self-medicate. Do not experiment on your body.
      • Choose as harmless treatment methods. Remember: the more simpler treatment, the longer remission.
      • Do not believe obsessive advertising: there is often the desired for the actual.
      • Do not think that the more expensive the drug or method, the more effective.
      • Remember that for children, as well as at the initial or sluggish stages of psoriasis, often sufficiently complimentary diet, labor and recreation regime so that the rashes disappear. To drug treatment, proceed only when the disease delivers you moral or physical discomfort.
      • Dietary regime is nested. It is necessary to exclude the use of citrus, chocolate, eggs, honey, milk and products containing red pigment (tomatoes, pepper, strawberry and t. NS.). It is advisable to dramatically restrict acid, sharp and oily food, flour, potatoes. After the disappearance of plaques, during the remission, do not abuse these products.
      • Remember that alcohol and smoking tend to exacerbate psoriasis.
      • Popular lately «Cleaning» The body can also act as provoking factors. Do not get carried away and starvation.

      How to deal with this cunning disease?

      What is psoriasis and can it be treated?One of the most important points in the treatment of psoriasis is the experience of treatment, long-term observation of the patient and the right choice of methods and means of therapy. Always need to remember that the main thing in the treatment of this unpredictable disease – «Noli Nocere!» (Do no harm!).

      In some cases, psoriasis does not require any treatment at all. For example, when there are 2-5 small papules or plaques, and then the process does not develop. Not touching these foci, you can live in such a state for many years. It must be remembered that the treatment should always be carried out «from simple to complex» – Using the most gentle, harmless tools and methods.

      Many patients remember old times when in pharmacies it was possible to freely acquire a solidol ointment (according to. F. Rybakova). She facilitated the condition of the patients, softened and exfoliated the plaques, and some of them completely disappeared. Most often it happened in children or on easily passing places.

      Recently, solidolo-based ointment is very popular «Magnpsor», which passed long clinical trials on a large contingent of patients. She proven itself as a very effective tool, because it has all the necessary properties.

      Ultraviolet is very useful in psoriasis, namely the sun. In summer, people suffering from this disease are worth sunbathing, and in winter at least 1-1.5 months visiting the solarium, it prevents the spread of plaques.

      If psoriasis covers the head of the head, you can recommend having fun shampoo «Frieder».

      Remember that the abnormal diseases – The most unexplored industry of medicine. In this case, the doctor does not prescribe one particular tool, he can only offer. Many ways to treat psoriasis exists in folk medicine.

      be healthy!

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