You can fight with pigment stains. But not all people agree on the procedures offered in cosmetic salons - due to fear or «Dear pleasure». The recipes and tips offered in our article will help you cope with this problem at home and without special costs.

In some cases, stains are unsafe: for example, chloasmma, large spots on the face, appear due to the failure of female sex hormones (therefore only in women). Sometimes such pigmentation appears during pregnancy and reception of some contraceptives.
Why appear pigment spots?
- Because of cosmetics of dubious quality.
- From some medicines.
- Under female diseases, disorders of the thyroid gland.
- There are post-traumatic stains - they appear after the extrusion of acne, migration and t. NS.
- Essential oils can play a cunning role and increase skin sensitivity to sunlight. The result is photodermatitis.
Despite the fact that pigment spots, as a rule, do not bear the threats to health, their presence, especially on the face, makes a person feel uncomfortable. Large pigment spots arising from the wrong tan, are a problem even for young people.
Chloasma accumulates in the surface layer of the skin, they are not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations, the surface of the stains is smooth and not peeling, therefore they will brighten them much easier than, for example, freckles or hepatic spots.
Usually, cryotherapy, acidic flushing, whitening, phototherapy, low-energy pulse or traditional laser therapy are used to remove pigment spots. Quite often these methods allow you to achieve only a partial result, and the effect of treatment keeps long.
In systematic long-term treatment, satisfactory results can be achieved, applying vegetable preparations at home with delicate exfoliating and discoloring properties.
Lemon mask: One lemon is finely cut, pour 100 g of 40-degree vodka and leave insist for 6 - 10 days. Then infusion strain. On the cleansed skin of the face, impose a thin layer of wool and richly moistened by the resulting liquid. Keep the mask 15 - 20 minutes. If you dry in some sections dries, you need to make it again. At the end of the procedure, you will remove the cotton, but do not wash the mask.
Pergelskaya yeast mask: 0.5 g of dry yeast or 5 g of beer mix with 10 grams of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and add 5 g of ammonia alcohol. This means is very rich in vitamin B and will help solve some problems of youth skin.
Pergelskie lemon: take 1/4 cup of table vinegar, 15 g of 40-degree vodka and 15 g 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. Squeeze juice from two lemons. Mix all listed components and pour 1 g of salicylic acid. Take a piece of gauze with holes carved in it, nose and mouth, moisten it in a cooked liquid, slightly squeeze so that the juice does not appear in the eye, and whether to make, impose on face and neck.
Take the boiled screwing eggs, remove yolks. Putting a yolk on a metal mesh or putting it on a plug or on the knitting, keep the candles over the fire. From the heated yolk will drip «the juice» - It must be collected: as soon as the drop appears, immediately substitute the cup. Then again grate yolk. Collected «Oil» thickly lubricate gauze or cloth and, impoverished on a damaged skin section, to bandage. Change no more than once a day or every two days. So that the bandage does not absorb oil, put the cellophane.
Mix on a tablespoon of lemon juice and table vinegar and add two teaspoons of boiled water. Such a mixture is rubbed every day. If the skin is dry, a teaspoon of vegetable oil is added to the mixture.
Well also wipe the skin with a piece of lemon, cucumber, kefir, acidic milk, and after washing or wipe the face with lotion and sweeping.
Beat the egg whites and mix it with a juice of one lemon, add 100 g of cologne and 1 tablespoon of glycerol. This lotion wipe the face before bedtime.
One hundred grams of cherry seeds of cherry bones and pour 0.5 liters of olive or sunflower oil. Insist two weeks in a dark place, strain, pressing through several layers of gauze. Wipe face.
Watermelus mask. Puffed watermelon to be confused and put on the face for 10-15 minutes. Dry skin with pigment stains before applying the mask to rub olive or corn oil and make a hot compress for 5-7 minutes (moisten a towel in hot water, into which the soda is added, 1 teaspoon per 1 liter). Hot compress you can do from the infusion chamomile.
With freckles and pigment stains wipe the skin of the face with a grapefruit juice or his flesh.
Decoration of melt melon is used by traditional medicine to remove pigment spots on the face.
Spring juice, obtained from a birch birch cut, moisturizes pigmented skin sections, not wiping, 4 - 5 times a day. Daily procedures before receiving the effect. This method is used with a few and non-trimmed freckles. Juice stored in a tightly closed dishes in a cold place.
Applied infusion of elderberry flowers for black (1:10). Napkins from several layers of gauze wet in a warm solution, slightly squeeze and put on a face in the form of a mask (with common freckles) or on a chloazma region. The procedure is repeated 5 - 6 times every 5 minutes. Treatment is carried out daily until the effect is obtained, and then procedures are less common, 1 - 2 times a week. During chloasmas, the treatment time is significantly elongated.
The powder of Sareptskaya mustard is poured with warm water, stirred to the consistency of the cashem and lubricate the spots (with oily and normal skin) until the burning appearance, then wash off and wipe dry. Daily procedures or every other day, up to 10 per course. It is impossible to use them with extended vessels and excess person in women.
The juice of fresh strawberries wet the napkin and impose it three times in a row for 10 minutes daily during the strawberry season. Less effectively wiping stains juice 4 - 5 times a day. This method is better to apply with small and non-trimmed freckles. You can make a 3-minute mask from pulp strawberries with egg yolk (for dry and normal skin) or protein (for oily skin) in a 1: 1 ratio. Can apply strawberries.
Napkins, moistened with fresh fruits of viburnum, impose on the Pigmentation sites twice in a row for 10 minutes daily before receiving the effect. Should refrain from use with dry skin. With a shortage of juice make a daily 30 min masks from the juice of berries in a mixture with egg protein (1: 1) or with cream for any skin.
Napkins are impregnated with sour cabbage juice, slightly pressed and impose on pigment stains three times in a row to 10 minutes daily.
Milky juice of fresh dandelion (from the leaves) carefully lubricate freckles 2 - 3 times, and chloasmma - 4 - 5 times a day until noticeable pale.
The raw seeds of pumpkin ordinary are cleaned from dense peel, thoroughly rub into a mortar with an equal amount of water and the resulting milk mixed with honey (2: 1). The mask is imposed for 30 minutes daily until the effect is obtained.
Grated horseradish poured with table vinegar (1: 5) and insist in dark tightly closed dishes for a week. After that, filter and diluted with water (1: 1). Napkins, moistened with infusion and slightly pressed, are put on fat or normal skin of the face for 5 minutes (with freckles) or for 10 minutes (during chloasmasters) daily or every other day, depending on tolerability. You can restrict ourselves to rubbing the pigmented skin three times a day, but this method is less effective.
Fresh juice of herb chilli lubricate chloazma daily 2 times a day. You can use tincture of dried grass on vodka (1: 5). Napkins, impregnated with her and slightly pressed, impose exactly on the area of spots for 15 - 20 minutes daily.
Recipes, as you can see, Mass. Optional to carry out only one drug. They can be combined, consistently changing during the course. It is appropriate to recall once again that any whitening and exfoliating means cannot be used around the eyes. You should not make these procedures before going out.
People who, by the nature of activity, have to be constantly on the street, such as farming workers, it is necessary to wear hats and, as far as possible, wearing clothes closing neck and hands. The most adverse time spent on the open space - from 11 to 17 hours. Do not get carried away and so fashionable in our time with solariums.
Only a qualified dermatologist can determine the type of skin disease, so one should not solve the problem of pigment spots exclusively with cosmetics.
Based on the above, before trying to easily get rid of hyperpigmentation (applying the above milky-acidic, protein-lemon, yeast masks, 3% percentage of hydrogen peroxide, some red berries), it's better to consult a specialist and trust so much Responsible work to professionals, as self-treatment, most likely, will not lead to anything, and in the worst case will only exacerbate the situation if for example, for innocent at first glance, a serious liver disease is hidden at first glance.