Alcoholic pancreatitis


  • Is it true that alcohol consumption can lead to pancreatitis?
  • Pancreatitis is acute and chronic
  • Prevention of pancreatitis

  • Alcoholic pancreatitis

    Meanwhile, persons abused by alcoholic beverages often develop diseases of the digestive organs that occur, as a rule, hard and leading to serious complications.

    Is it true that alcohol consumption can lead to pancreatitis?

    In 65% of cases, it is possible to trace the direct link between the long-term intake of alcoholic beverages and pancreatic cancer. It is alcohol that is considered one of the most frequent (up to 80%) causes leading to the development of inflammatory diseases of the pancreas – Pancreatitians.

    What is pancreatitis? This inflammation of the pancreas due to the impact of prematurely activated pancreatic enzymes on the gland itself leading to its «Self-relocating» and subsequent death.

    Pancreatitis is acute and chronic

    To develop an attack of acute pancreatitis, the absolute amount of adopted alcohol is not decisive, as, however, the type of drink.

    The first glass may turn out to be the last, because, despite the significant successes achieved by medicine, the disease forecast is always serious, conservative treatment is ineffective, and the death rate from acute pancreatitis and today remains high.

    For acute pancreatitis are characterized by pain in the top of the abdomen, more often than looking. Pains can spread throughout the abdomen, accompanied by nausea, vomiting. Pain sometimes happens so strong that the patients lose consciousness. With all the variety of forms of acute pancreatitis, its clinical manifestations have one general.

    As a rule, patients indicate that the on the eve of the attack of the stomach pain took place the use of alcoholic beverages, accompanied by a meal of oily food (fat, fried goose, duck, mutton pilaf and T.D.).

    Chronic pancreatitis develops as a result of the undergoing acute. Although it is noticed that after 5–10 years from the beginning of alcohol abuse appear the first signs of chronic alcoholic pancreatitis. And in women in such cases, the duration of alcohol disease turns out to be almost one and a half times shorter than in men.

    Chronic alcoholic pancreatitis takes place hard. At the same time, all the functions of the gland are disturbed, there is a significant weight loss of patients, diabetes is detected at one third. Subsequently can join jaundice, ascites *, the blockage of the veins of the spleen will develop, disability quickly comes.

    Prevention of pancreatitis

    As measures for the prevention of pancreatitis, you can recommend full nutrition, elimination of alcoholic beverages, especially in combination with oily food and abundant food, smoking rejection.

    It is noted that if you refuse to use alcohol, there is often a significant reduction in pathological changes in the pancreas, there is an improvement and even partial restoration of its functions. Therefore, the cessation of alcoholic beverages – Pledge of successful pancreatitis treatment.

    * Ascites - Cluster of free fluid in the abdominal cavity leading to an increase in the volume of the abdomen.

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