Treatment of faces by folk remedies


  • Recipes of traditional medicine in the treatment of faces
  • Diet in the treatment of faces

  • Ryzh - infectious disease characterized by progressive skin inflammation. The cause of the disease is the penetration of streptococcus through damaged scratches, abrasions, scuffs and t. NS. Skin. Disease manifestations:
    sharply delimited red, hot, glossy, shiny skin;
    Plowness, skin soreness (face, head, hands or legs),
    Increase body temperature, sometimes vomiting.

    Recipes of traditional medicine in the treatment of faces

    • Lubricate sore sick place ointment from propolis. With such treatment, inflammation passes after 3-4 days.
    • Missing washed fractures of the hawthorn and the resulting cleaner to apply to the place affected by the ill.
    • Romashka
      Pharmacy (flowers), mother-and-stepmother ordinary (leaves), black elderberry
      (Flowers and Fruits), Cyrus ordinary (grass), oak ordinary
      (Curra), Rose Crimean (flowers) Mix equally. On 1 liter of boiling water to take 3
      tablespoons of collecting, insist and strain. Take 50 ml 7 times in
    • Affected body parts lubricate pork fat every 2 hours. Inflammation is quickly removed.
    • Apply to the sick places crushed cherry or lilac, the leaves of the plantain big or blackberry.
    • Mix
      Taken equally taken crushed sage leaves, daisy flowers,
      Powder chalk and red brick. Pour the resulting mixture on
      Cotton fabric and tie to the affected place. Change 4 times in
      day in a darkened place, away from direct sunlight.
    • Eucalyptus alcohol tincture is applied for silent inflammation.
    • Pour potato starch on a piece of cotton wool and apply to a sore place in the form of dry compress.
    • Zolhari
      Recommended early in the morning, before sunrise, sprinkle affected
      Place with pure mela powder, top above the woolen red cloth and
      feed it. The next morning to impose another bandage, replacing
      a piece of chalk. Ryzh is heal in a few days.
    • Treatment of faces by folk remediesLoskut
      natural silk of red magnitude with palm sweat on
      Small pieces. Mix with natural bees honey, split the mixture
      on 3 parts. In the morning, an hour before the sunrise, impose this mixture on
      affected place and tie. The next morning the procedure
      repeat. The procedure is repeated daily, before recovery.
    • By
      Tajik recipe, the roots of the soapy medicinal drug should be crushed
      or destroyed into powder, pour with a small amount of boiling water,
      mix. The resulting cleaner to apply to the place affected
      Grinding inflaces.
    • 2-3 tablespoons crushed
      The top raspberry branches with leaves pour 2 glasses of boiling water,
      insist. Apply for kneading areas.
    • Crushed
      Top layer of the crust of the Tern (prickly plums) in the amount of 1 teaspo
      Pour a glass of boiling water, boil 15 minutes and breed a glass of water.
      Decoction to use in the form of a mow.
    • Dry leaves
      Coltsfoots of the Fucking in Powder and sprinkle a place affected by them
      Grind inflammation. At the same time drink decoction of leaves at the rate of 10 g
      Raw materials for 200 ml of boiling water 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

    Diet in the treatment of faces

    The following method of healing a diet is known in folk medicine.
    The patient needs to last a few days (until the week) on water and lemon
    or orange juice. Then when the temperature is normalized,
    Translate to a fruit diet. Three times a day give fresh fruits
    (apples, pears, peaches, apricots, oranges). The diet is very strict:
    nothing but fruit. Drink only water (can with lemon). No way
    case impossible bread. Fruits should be ripe. In winter, when
    There are no fresh fruit, treated dried fruits, twisted in water,
    complement them with grated carrots, honey, milk. Course treatment - up to 2

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