What to do if sore throat during pregnancy

Find a runny nose and sore throat during pregnancy is an outbreak of all - the most common cold is a serious danger to the growing fetus. In addition, most drugs of the future mother can not be taken due to their teratogenic impact on the child's body. How to be treated in such a situation without harm to the health of the future kid?

Mountain pain usually indicates the development of an infectious inflammatory process that covers the almonds. When health is upset, our immune system launches special protective mechanisms, helping the body to cope with one or another disease. Almonds are the peripheral center of immunity. In addition, the role «Bodyguard» Nature also placed on lymph nodes, and they are also in the throat area. It is from the activities of almonds and lymph nodes, it will be able to penetrate pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate the oral cavity further. The expectation of the baby weakens the immune woman, so the throat often becomes easily vulnerable target before the real threat of inflammation. The pain in the throat during pregnancy is most often the harbinger Angina, tonsillita or Farriagita.

Causes of sore throat appearance

Angina, Angina during pregnancy, pregnancy, throat disease, throat pain, throat

There are many factors that can cause sore throat in a woman in a position, but the most common of them are inflammatory diseases. Painful symptoms of tonsillitis, angina, pharyngitis and laryngitis future mothers are extremely hard.

Pathological viruses and bacteria, falling into the oral cavity, have an irritating effect on its mucous membrane. At the same time, one important point should be taken into account: if weakness comes to the throat, fast fatigue, temperature increase and tension in the joints, similar symptoms speak of infection with viral infection, and restoring their health should be entrusted with a specialist. Visit to the doctor is impossible to slow, because only he can designate the future mother and safe treatment, determining the etiology of the disease. Self-examination of dubious ways and drugs is very dangerous!

If the sore throat is the only trouble that worries a pregnant woman, then it is most likely a sign of ordinary Colds. Find such «surprise» Simple: not to dress without weather or make a few chrot water sips. Now the main thing is not to aggravate your condition: warmly dressing and drinking a lot of warm not strong tea with lemon.

However, with a detailed study of the issue, it turned out that poor well-being due to sore throat can attend pregnant women not only for diseases:

  1. The cause of unpleasant sensations in the throat sometimes becomes irritation of soft fabrics of the food tract. For example, too hot drink can be very significantly injured not only the throat, but also the whole oral cavity along with the esophagus. In addition, pain in the throat will certainly appear due to the strong overvoltage of the voice ligaments, which may be due to the acquaintance of the professional activities of a pregnant woman (for example, work in the school teacher). And in general, if the future mother got sick, but in general it does not feel the bitter, it is important to remember that she recently did - so the reason for discomfort to establish easier.
  2. Mountain pain can cause mechanical damage to the pharynx, which is most often due to poor-quality food chewing. Of course, since childhood we are told, as it is important, there is no hurry, so that the pieces of products can be soaked in saliva and easy to slip on the esophagus in the stomach. However, the common habit of future moms to snack crackers often plays a bad joke with them. Such food do not want to chew for a long time, because the dry crumbs are easy to injure the throat when swallowing. In this case, the unpleasant sensations will disappear after 1-2 days - the mucous membranes are rapidly restored if the pregnant will prefer the soft and liquid food.

How to treat throat during pregnancy

Angina, Angina during pregnancy, pregnancy, throat disease, throat pain, throat

So a woman in «Interesting» The position felt the pain in the throat. At the same time, it is absolutely confident that this symptom is not a consequence of mechanical injury or hard work of voice ligaments. Then the reason is obvious - viral infection or cold. In both cases, a pleasant little, because pregnancy can be complicated by high temperature or increased fatigue against the background of general weakness. Do not hurry and open a home first-first aid kit with medicines - it's time to remember the effective and safe people's methods of treatment.

  1. Sick throat can help with frequent rinsings of healing herbs. Suitable chamber, chamomile, mint, calendula. Natural remedies have mitigating, antimicrobial and painkillers. To prepare a decoction, you will need 1 part of the selected vegetable raw materials and 10 parts of water. Raming the cooked tool, we extract from its leaves we need substances. Place the raw material, covered with water room temperature, to a boiling water bath and wait around at half an hour, then insist it for 10 minutes. Ready decoction strain and do not forget to press the dry residue. Broth can be stored no more than 2 days. To achieve a positive effect, wechieve the inflamed throat as often as possible.
  2. When the sore throat is complicated Cache, On the revenue will come from childhood familiar to the whole drink - milk with honey. Fill the mug with milk and add 1 dessert spoonful of honey to it, slightly warm «medicine». Remember that the high temperature destroys the useful properties of honey, so the milk do not heat the milk. Also give up already cooled milk with honey.
  3. Be sure to try compresses for the affected throat. Pharmacy chamomile - Means number 1 in natural product treatment issues. Proper preparation and application of plant flowers has a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Of 2 Article. L. Dry raw materials and 2 glasses of water Cook the decoction. Imprelect the finished warm agent a small towel and wrap the neck. Compress remove when the towel cools. Warming procedure must be performed at least 5 times a day.
  4. Positive effect can be obtained from inhalation based on natural essential oils, so if you have a sore throat, bow to a turn, peppermint, chamomile, mother-and-stepmother. You can also make inhalation based on potatoes. Deep breathe mouth over a container with water solution and several drops of selected essential oil for 5-8 minutes.

How to prevent the appearance of sore throat during pregnancy

Angina, Angina during pregnancy, pregnancy, throat disease, throat pain, throat

In advance, exclude the possibility of infection or cold is much easier than to treat already existing disease. To remain a healthy, future mother, you need to adhere to some recommendations that MPsovets are willing to share with their readers:

  1. Regularly ventilate your home or room in which you work. In the cold season, when conducting a pregnant woman, it is better to stay in another room to protect yourself from drafts. Also do not forget to regularly use the devices moisturizing too dry air in the house.
  2. Make sure that your diet has enough useful substances and vitamins for you and your baby. Perfect if their deficit you are used to fill, giving fruit and vegetables. In addition, you can always consult with a doctor about the most suitable to your position of the multivitamine complex.
  3. So as not to get sick, future moms need every day there are onions and garlic. If you do not like these burning products in a fresh form, go to a cunning: Put in the room with a crumpled head of garlic or dried in bulk. An unpleasant sharp smell can be killed by several droplets of beloved essential oil in the aroma. Fitoncides, which are part of the onion and garlic juice, saturated air, destroy dangerous microorganisms that can cause disease development.
  4. Every day walk on the street. Let it be at least a 20-minute walk with a slow-size step. In the cold season breathe through the nose.
  5. Feel free to carefully examine people with whom communicate. The least pregnant woman needs contact with sick people!

The pain in the throat is very deceptive: it can be a consequence of a banal cold or a dangerous infectious disease. However, to panic a future mother can not in any way! Timely consultation with the doctor and a reasonable approach to the problem will help you quickly return good well-being.

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