Erytrazz loves full and sweaty men. Surprised? And the explanation is very simple - men are much more often negotiating with hygienic procedures, so they are punished for it. I am glad one, the means of preventing erytress are simple, and some are even pleasant.

Explains everything is simple - men sweat more and, alas, neglect the achievements of hygienic progress. But it is possible to pick up an infection in public shower, on the beach and in other places where we are walking with barefoot, as well as from a sick friend, ready to generously share a T-shirt, towel and other personal things that are waiting for malicious cinnobacteria.
Erytrazz - complication of increased sweating. In large folds (inhabricted thighs, under the chest glands), sometimes brick-red spots of oval shape with sharply defined boundaries appear. Most often they are smooth, but sometimes someone sacrifice from them. Eritraism behaves modestly: unpleasant sensations does not cause. The folds of the skin begin to root and hide when the affected areas are inflamed due to the attachment of the so-called secondary infection.
Treatment appoints a doctor after a careful examination: analysis of leather scraps under a microscope, biochemical and serological blood test. Indeed, under the mask of the eryzamm, other diseases are hidden - right up to syphilis. In order to choose a doctor's ointment, it is necessary to make sure the diagnosis is needed.
Apply a medicine prescribed by the doctor to the lesion foci, slightly rubbed, once in 7-10 days. Erase daily and stroke all the clothes, first of all underwear. After recovery, ask the Doctor to the direction on the ultraviolet irradiation session or sunbathe for 30-40 minutes in the morning and in the evening when the sun is not too burning. Soft ultraviolet renews skin and serve as a guarantee from exacerbations.
The intensity of sweating depends on temperature, clothing, nutrition, floor, age, and nervous system status. Physical work irrigates moisture all body (this is the so-called generalized hyperhydrosis), and only palms, soles and armpits (local sweating) wet the mental efforts (local sweating).
Increased sweating, as a rule, meets in young men - from 20 to 35 years: to them, first of all, cling to erytraism. It's all about the features of the nervous system: if it is easily excited (and so it happens at this age), reinforced sweating is provided. With age, the vegetative regulation of sweating is more or less stabilized, but it is not worth it for time: it is necessary to deal with this feature of the body now. Take advantage of recipes against sweating, and if they are not enough, contact a specialist.
Salvation - in preparations suspending sweat. Their creators acted on the principle applied from ancient times: make poison medicine. Incredible, but fact: healing agents are obtained from toxin, which synthesizes the pathogen of deadly food poisoning - botulism of type A.
You can not worry: in a minimum dose and intradermal administration, preparations based on botulinum toxin are absolutely harmless and give a stunning effect. Do not interfere with cell activity, they block the selection of acetylcholine - key substance that runs the operation of the sweat glands on problem areas of leather. A few days after the injection, these places will become absolutely dry, and you will forget about the sweating of 6-8 months, after which you have to repeat the procedure.
Refuse synthetic linen and clothing. Wear things from cotton and flax, well absorbing sweat and allowing the skin to breathe: under natural cloth the body sweats less.
Take advantage of Richard X recommendation. Strauss, University of sports medicine specialist in Ohio (USA): Before putting on a new clothes, especially color, be sure to wash it out, otherwise the seven sweats will come off with you, and erytrazz clutches. Washing softens fabric, removes dyes and chemicals that give things hardness and shine and imperative heat exchange.
«Engage in tight sports tricoting or bicycle shorts from cotton knitwear with the addition of Likers: they reduce the friction of contacting parts of the body and selection of sweats in the folds when walking, running and during training», - advises patients family doctor from North Carolina (USA) Tom Barringer. For obese men, he recommends binting the rubbing parts of the hips on his knee elastic bandage, but warns that the bandage should not be too tight.
Take baths that reduce sweating: with food soda, dissolving several tablespoons in water; 6 percent table vinegar - liter on the bath, as well as with infus. Cook in infusion as follows:
- Fill 2 handwriting of the oak bark in a liter of cold water, bring to a boil, keep 30 minutes on low heat, insist for an hour, strain and add to the bath;
- Mix the grass of the souls of the ordinary and turns with the leaves of nettle and currants, the flowers of the pharmaceutical chamomile (1: 5: 5: 2: 3). Fill 300-500 g of a collection of cold water in the bucket, bring to a boil on slow heat, insist the hour, strain through 2 layers of gauze, press and pour in «font» Or prepare on the same recipe for the bath from the Zverkoy, mint and sage (1: 1: 1).
Wipe the axillary depressures and the folds of the body in which the sweat accumulates and the cinornobacteria, 1-2 percent solution of acetic acid or pasta of Teymurova (sold in a pharmacy) accumulate and pleasure.
Use special antipers welded deodorants that reduce sweating. The best - in the form of a gel, as well as ball and aerosol, which, as it were, pointing the skin.