Treatment of the fungus Stop and nails using ointments and tablets, their effectiveness. Folk remedies against fungus. What to do not to infect fungus?

Stop and nails — the process is quite complicated, which is due to the inability to
For a long time to save on the skin necessary for the healing effect layer
cream, as well as bad bioavailability of the lesion.
With skin lesion (Dermatophyte stop) especially in the very
the beginning of the disease, it is enough to use antifungal agents
For external use, various creams, gels or ointments. Treatment of leather
must be thorough, regular and carried out quite a long time
prescription doctor. But when Mikose nail
one external means can not do.
The complexity of treatment Mikosa nails It is that no drugs are not
able to penetrate the affected nail record and to the sick nail false.
So in order to deliver the medicine to the place of his alleged
actions, as Mycosis Stop have to
Drink tablets. Modern antifungal agents selectively accumulate
in the nail bed and, practically, do not have side effects. To kill the fungus completely, the drug should be taken for quite a long time, within 3-6 months,
In order for the affected nails to have grown, and the nail beds cleaned from
Easy access to antifungal media in
Nail bed helps the removal of the nail plate. Previously, it was done
Surgically, the method was rather painful, and the doctor's manipulation of several
frightening. Now the nails are cleaned with a keratolithic plaster, which
Promotes the softening of the nail plate, its easier removal. Thus
In a way, naked nail bed is preparing for antifungal ointments,
creams and gels.
With Mycosis Stop
Treatment with folk remedies occupied
special place. Homemade means to improve blood circulation in the limbs, such
Like warm compresses, hand and feet baths and other warming procedures
promotes rapid skin restoration and nails. Sometimes the doctor is optional
prescribes drugs that improve microcirculation and metabolic processes in tissues.
It is important to remember that at Dermatophytium Stop and Mikoza Nail Treatment should be
long, only a clear execution of recommendations will make rid of fungus forever.
What to do to not be a victim of fungal infection?
When visiting a bath, sauna or pool necessarily
Use slippers and individual hygienic supplies. Skin Stop I
Hand brushes each time to prevent anti-haircut cream. -
Do not wear someone else's shoes, socks, gloves and another
Clothes. -
During communication with a man having fungal
Hand defeat, never reach the handshake, and if there are patients in the house Mycosis Stop, Require constant
wearing socks and regularly carry out disinfection treatment of the floor, bath and
Other objects and public items. -
Not to wash manually clothes, underwear and socks patient mycosis stop, resort to the help of a washing machine, after which carefully
stroke clothes hot iron with steam. -
When visiting manicure and pedicure cabinets
pay special attention to the ways and the quality of disinfection of tools, and in
case of damage to the nail or cuticle, to carry out the processing of the wound iodine and
impose a banner with antifungal agent for a day. -
Every day it is recommended to wash your feet with cold water with
using soap. -
Socks, stockings, tights change at least 1 time in
day. -
Wear comfortable shoes, prevent education
calluses and scuffs opening the road fungi. -
Fight feet with all means, for
Increased humidity contributes to the penetration of mushrooms in the skin and their turbulent
Growth. -
More walk barefoot on grass and sand to leather
feet was less sensitive to the action of irritants.
Execution of these
uncomplicated recommendations will allow you to avoid Dermatophytium Stop and Mikosa Nail and save health and beauty
Your feet.