Treatment of bubbles


  • Severity of bubbles
  • Treatment of bubbles

  • The problem of treating patients with a true bubble still remains relevant, although after applying hormones (systemic glucocorticoids), mortality of patients with bubble decreased from 60-90% to 15-45%.

    Severity of bubbles

    Currently, the death rate comes with particularly serious (malignant) hormone-resistant diseases of the course of the disease or as a result of the development of severe complications (myocardial infarction, stroke, sepsis, ulcer of the stomach, diabetes, etc.).

    Depending on the manifestations, the bubble is divided into:

    • Little, in which limited, small skin lesions are observed;
    • moderate, striking the extensive surfaces of the skin and mucous mouth;
    • severe, in which, along with extensive lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, there are related diseases.

    Treatment of bubbles and its success in many ways depend on the severity of the disease.

    Treatment of bubbles

    Treatment of bubblesIn the acute period of the disease, high (shock) doses of hormones are prescribed (prednisolone, dexamethasone, etc.), regardless of the form of the disease and the location of the rash. Dose depends on the severity of the disease. The patient gets hormones until the bubbles stop appearing, and erosion will not completely cover the skin. Then slowly, for several months, the dose of hormones decreases to the time, against which the patient does not appear signs of illness. This dose is appointed for a long period - months and years. If at this time there are signs of exacerbation of the disease, the supporting dose is temporarily doubled with the subsequent slow decline after the disappearance of the disease. Occasionally manage to achieve complete abolition of hormones, when taking into account that the disease does not exacerbate again, but while this is a rather risky step.

    In severe cases, when even when using high doses of hormones, it is not possible to achieve effect, it is recommended to assign funds inhibiting immunity. Once erosion begins to overcome the dose of the drug reduced to a minimum, and the patient continues to take it within 2-5 months.

    The hormone effect is trying to strengthen with various blood purification methods, first of all, hemodialysis, as well as some other methods. Local methods of treatment, affecting the skin directly on the skin, for example, irradiation with ultraviolet rays, as well as the use of disinfecting and healing agents, including phytotherapy.

    Sick bubble must be provided with good care, full nutrition with elevated content of proteins, vitamins and a limited amount of cook salt, liquid.

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