What products cause acne?


  • Why occurs acne from food?
  • What exactly provokes the appearance of pimples?

  • Pimples — Inflamed formation of sebaceous glands. Each iron
    has its own shared duct through which skin fat is derived from leather and
    remains on her surface. If the duct is clogged, it is formed
    Inflamed pimple. And from the microbes, he begins to blush and inflated,
    What aggravates the whole picture.

    Why occurs acne from food?

    digestive system — Amazing thing. She can tolerate the mountains
    chips, crackers and liters sweet soda. True, there is everything
    Limits. Once, not withstanding everyone unpleasant surprises for her, she
    decides to rebel. Her anger is obvious, or rather — on the face. And he is expressed
    in the form of rash, acne, acne and other bad pieces. Of course Food — not
    The only reason for such phenomena on the face. But if soWhat products cause acne?and I
    there is probability, it needs to be excluded.

    So for our skin
    Scary two things: the lack of certain products and, on the contrary,
    oversupply. The body is extremely necessary variety in nutrition. In our
    The diet should include animal products (dairy, meat, fish) and
    vegetable origin (fruits, vegetables, flour, mushrooms). Their eating
    in excessive, as well as inclusion in our diet is overlooking
    Exotic dishes leads to the fact that the digestive system cannot
    cope with all eaten. The question suggests itself. So why
    same tons eat, say, salt cucumbers, pineapples or champignons?
    Of course, there is no need. But this happens with each of us, for example, in

    Remember at least a couple of festive feasts, on
    Which you clearly said: «I eat no more than a regular day». You
    And accepted? No. And the pimples meanwhile decided not to
    the day after overeating, and, let's say, in two weeks. Everything,
    It would seem just — not just a little. And then the question arises:
    And a lot — how much is this? For one person, a kilogram of strawberries can
    bring 100 acne, and for the other, in addition to pleasure and desire
    Find back — no rash. So for everyone
    Critical maximum of its. Our task — To determine it. Often that
    It happens completely by chance. But you can also start to understand.
    Let's say, try two weeks not eat lump and baking or refuse
    oranges (if you eat them a lot) — And wait for the results.

    Scientists of the Colorado State University investigated the issue
    the relationship of acne and nutrition, they found out that the so-called
    «Western» Food, including chips, fries and sandwiches potatoes,
    Stimulates the appearance of skin problems, and food with fruit, fish, rice
    and animal meat with the exception of bread and sugar — No. An example can
    serve the inhabitants of Papua, New Guinea and Paraguay, who adhere
    just this type of power.

    What exactly provokes the appearance of pimples?

    Coffee. Million
    Articles written on the subject of use of coffee and on its harm. We just say
    The fact that it can be included in the list of acne causing. Coffee
    Increases the production of hormone cortisol responsible for stress. And he —
    One of the main reasons for pimples at middle age. Especially dangerous
    Portions of sweet coffee on an empty stomach — After that can jump out not just
    Little red bumps, and raspberry mountain! Which is yours
    maximum — Unknown. It can be three cups per day, and maybe
    whole bank.

    Sweets and flour. Sugar, chocolate,
    Candy, cakes, cookies, chips and ice cream cause acne appearance.
    And here also include juices with high sugar content.
    Completely abandon all these temptations is unlikely to succeed, and not
    costs. It is better to look for compromises, replacing, say, unbelievable drinks
    water and teas, and sugar — dried fruits and honey.

    Muesli with linen seeds are incredibly helpful, as flaxed seeds
    contain omega-acids necessary for skin health.

    Dairy. Infringe upon
    yourself in the use of low fat kefir, cottage cheese or milk is not necessary, but
    Here is the amount of cheese or ice cream need to cut. Dairy
    Thanks to the progesterone and steroids contained in them, reinforce
    The activity of the sebaceous glands. If without a large amount of milk
    It is difficult to run on live yogurts containing acedophilic bacteria,
    Thanks to which the metabolism will improve.

    there is no such organ that would not suffer from roasted and fat.
    Replace animal fats with cold vegetable oils

    Vitamins E and especially important for skin. E contain
    In Walnut Walnut and Almond. BUT — in dark green and dark orange
    Fruit, such as carrots and spinach.

    Also paramount
    is vitamin A, which is contained in dark orange and
    Dark green vegetables. It may be carrots, sweet potatoes or
    spinach. If you regularly use these vegetables in food, the result is not
    make you wait — Literally a few days your skin will be
    Young and blooming.

    Fried, crunchy,
    Raw, delicious nuts. Almonds and pistachios, peanuts and walnuts — all
    they cause acne appearance. However, we repeatly repeat — acne
    Appear when overeating! And eating nuts gradually — healthy.

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