Causes of occurrence and prevention Panaritia


  • Causes of Panaritia
  • If the finger is injured
  • Prevention Panaritia

  • Any the most banal finger cut or a needle injection can turn into a painful injection (Panarium), if you do not take action on time. Why does he arise and how to avoid such trouble?

    Causes of Panaritia

    Causes of occurrence and prevention PanaritiaThe reason for the appearance of Panaritia is the pathogenic microbes - staphylococcus, streptococcus or their combination (in this case, the disease usually occurs more hard). Streptococci and staphylococcis are crowded around us in incredible quantities, but in order for them to cause purulent inflammation, you need a combination of several factors.

    First, the presence of an entrance gate for infection is can be cracks with increased dry skin, abrasions, crushed wounds, offices, bruises, burse. Especially dangerous Pets are considered to be. The second factor is the weakening of immunity due to avitaminosis, metabolic disorders.

    Panaritics are most difficult in patients with diabetes, and in healthy people the number of Panaritis increases sharply during flu epidemics. Panarias are often in children, which is associated with increased injuries and insufficient hygienic skills, and, oddly, the most economic women, although they are lover of purity and order - almost all the time we have water.

    If the finger is injured

    If you cut or pour finger, rinse with an antiseptic solution and impose a bandage or bactericidal plaster. In case of injuries or pinching the door, immediately substitute the hand under the rush of cold water - we kill three hares to this simple action - reduce pain, remove the swelling, rinse, if it is, open wound.

    If the pain or swelling persist, attach a cold compress to the patient and raise the hand higher. If, despite the measures taken, the next day you will notice on your finger the classic signs of inflammation - redness, swelling, pain, - impose a bandage with an ointment-containing antibiotic on a sore place (for example, a syntomicin emulsion with novocaina). This simple measure will help stop inflammation at an early stage.

    Prevention Panaritia

    The main means of prevention is the purity of the hands, but do not forget that the skin-overwhelmed with soap and detergent is covered with small, but deep cracks, and through these microtravas penetrates pathogenic microorganisms.

    Use gloves when cleaning or working in the garden. Be careful when you deal with mud and cutting items - clean the potatoes or separate the fish (crops of fish bones - a frequent cause of hard panaritis). You can not work in gloves, lubricate your hands with protective cream to and moisturizing after work.

    Do not use other people's nail instruments. If you do a manicure yourself, try to traumatize the skin around the nail bed. Gently and carefully remove the bursavires - they cause painful separation poanarities.

    Be careful when handicrafts - we forget about jokes with needles or knitting needles and remember the next day, when pain in a injured place appears.

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