No more need for kidney transplantation!


No more need for kidney transplant!Tens of thousands of patients around the world (669 of them in Israel) are waiting for their turn on a kidney transplant operation. Many of them die and without waiting for the required operation. Waiting for transplantation can last for years, but even when a suitable donor is found, there is a risk that the patient's body will rejected the transplanted organ. Collective researchers from the medical center «Shiba» Develops a method of treatment in which the stem cells of the renal tissue are transplanted into the patient's body with chronic or cancer. This method can replace transplantation operation.

Work is carried out in the study of children's stem cells under the guidance of prof. Binjamina Decilla, a leading specialist and a nephrologist doctor of a children's hospital. Edmond and Lily Safra, which is the structural part of the Hamim Shib hospital. The main objective of the project is to develop a method for treating chronic renal failure, in which his own stem cells taken from a healthy portion of renal tissue transplanted. Such cells are subjected to artificial cultivation and reproduction, and then transplanted into the patient's kidney and thus heal the affected kidney tissue.

According to Prof. Decilla, this modern method of cell therapy will allow in the future to reduce the need for transplantation operations when a patient is transplanted by a kidney. «We are talking about a scientific study that will allow patients with chronic renal failure to avoid dialysis procedures and in the future kidney transplant. Stem cells can be obtained from the kidney tissue of the patient himself in the early stages of the disease, but their source can become the renal cells of the undeveloped embryo (in case of miscarriage) or tumor tissue, artificially grown in laboratory conditions – Such cells are transplanted by the patient, from which it is impossible to obtain its own stem cells», - explains Prof. Desel. Scientists managed to analyze kidney tissue cells at the molecular level. For the first time, a technique was developed to determine the stem cells of the renal tissue on protein markers on the surface of the cell. With this technique, as scientists hope, it will be possible to allocate stem cells from healthy renal fabric of the embryo or adult and then transplant their patient. It is assumed that such cells are able to integrate into pathologically modified kidney tissue and improve the functional activities of the kidney.

Currently, the efficiency of the method is verified by experiments on laboratory mice. «I am full in hope that it will pass not so many years, and as a result of intensive work within our study, we will be able to bring joyful news to patients with kidney disease»,- summarizes professional. Desel.

Amos Menasha, a 53-year-old resident of Netanya, like many other patients, has been waiting for their turn on a kidney transplant operation for two years. «Every two days I have to come to the hospital for 4 hours in order to pass dialysis procedure», - tells Menashe. «I wish scientists for success in work. I hope that the results of their labor will bring us joyful news, and let it happen as soon as possible. Suddenly, the time will come true when the need for Dialysis departments will disappear», - said yesterday Menashe.

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