Pain in the right side


  • Pain in the right side
  • Pain in the right side at the bottom of the abdomen
  • Pain in the right side under the edge
  • Pain in the right side of the back

  • Pain is one of the most unpleasant symptoms that always testifies to disadvantaged in the body. Perhaps the most diverse in nature among all types of such sensations are pain arising in the abdomen and back areas or, as patients, pain in the right side or left side. Of course, this is not by chance, because in the abdominal cavity and the retroperitoneal space there is a significant part of the organs of the digestive system, urinary organs, internal genital organs, many nerve components and blood vessels.

    Pain in the right side

    Pain in the right sideIn most cases, the localization of pain society coincides with the location of the problem structure, and therefore pain in the right side of the cup is associated with the pathology of the bodies in this area. But sometimes pain «deceive» and arises away from the place «Accident», bottled and gives in the most unexpected points of the body. So the cause of pain in the right side of the abdomen, in its upper part, can become acute appendicitis, although the process is located far from this place - to the right at the bottom of the abdomen.

    In the nature of all the pain, including pain in the right side, can be strong, sharp, sudden, dragging, stupid, long, can increase over time or sneak. Catching pains are more often associated with sharp cuts in the muscles of hollow organs, permanent - with stretching of the outer shell of parenchymal structures, and increments - more typical for inflammatory processes. Acute Dagging Pains arise, as a rule, with a breaking of some kind of formation, perforation (vesicle) of the organ, sudden intraperitoneal bleeding or blood clogging. But whatever character was not painful sensations, even minor, comparable with ordinary severity, wherever the pain arose, in the right side or in the teeth, it should always alert a person and make their health.

    Pain in the right side is most often due to diseases of the liver, biliary tract, duodenum, pancreatic heads, the right kidney and uretera, inflammations of the ascending part of the large intestine, blind intestine and appendix, diseases of female genital organs and other pathology. Consider more than any pain in the right side with these diseases.

    Pain in the right side at the bottom of the abdomen

    Most often, pain in the right side at the bottom of the abdomen is associated with diseases of the genital organs in women and appendicitis.

    Ectopic pregnancy - Disease due to the pathological development of a fruit egg outside the uterus. In 99%, the germ develops in a fallopian tube, leading to its stretching, thinning and rupture. In the period when a fruit egg has not yet destroyed its capacity, a woman is worried about pulling stupid pains in the lower abdomen, and it is quite natural that if an ectopic pregnancy develops in the right winding pipe, then pain in the right side arises. During this period, the latency of menstruation is more often noted, the emergence of separating bleeding from sex tract and other subjective signs of pregnancy. Acute fiberglass pain in the right side at the bottom, which is in the rectum, is characteristic of breaking the uterine pipe. In this case, the situation becomes critical and can lead to the death of a woman as a result of bleeding. «Acute belly», How to call this condition doctors, always requires immediate ambulance and urgent operation.

    Inflammatory changes in the right uterine pipe manifests constant pulling and stupid (chronic adnexitis) or acute and strong (acute right-sided adnexitis) pain in the right side, at the bottom of the front abdominal wall, closer to the groin. Pain applies to the inner surface of the hip, lower back and crotch. Often a woman notes the appearance of purulent or mucous-purulent seals from sex tract and an increase in body temperature. In the formation of an ulcer and his gap, a feeling arises «Dagging strike» and a sharp deterioration in the state of the patient due to the development of pelvioperitonitis.

    A sharp sudden pain in the right side, downstairs in the area of ​​the appendage of the uterus, may be a symptom twisted cysts or tumors right ovary or uterine pipe. These situations also require urgent surgical treatment. When apoplexy (rupture) ovarian The appearance of pain more often coincides with the middle of the menstrual cycle of women, and in this case the tactic depends on the nature of the course of the disease and the size of blood loss.

    Acute appendicitis At the beginning of its development, it is characterized by the occurrence of pain in the right side of fuzzy localization. Often the first appears pain in the right side in the upper part of the abdomen, which is then, as the disease progressing, goes down to the right iliac region. In addition, the patient notes an increase in body temperature, often, vomiting and abdominal muscle stress.

    Pain in the right side under the edge

    Pain in the right sidePain in the right hypochondrium may be due to the diseases of the liver, biliary system, duodenum or the right corner of the large intestine.

    The most frequent causes of pain in the right side under the ribs are dyskinesia of biliary tract and acute calculous cholecystitis. Similarly, the character of pain in these diseases served as the basis for the unification of their entitled «Hepatic colic». A sharp sharp sudden pain in the right side under the ribs occurs more often in the night hours and is a consequence of relent of biliary tract of bile, accumulating as a result of the violation of her outflow in the intestine. Pain gives to the right blade, shoulder and neck, bottled throughout the top of the abdomen, is accompanied by a multiple vomiting and a disturbance of the patient. With the passage of stone and the normalization of the outflow of bile, sharp painful sensations suddenly stop, only heaviness remains in the field of hypathrod. In the case of acute cholecystitis with the addition of inflammation, in addition to pain in the right side under ribs, elevated body temperature, chills, weakness and other signs of intoxication appear.

    Dupach constant pain in the right hypochondrium can be the result of stretching the hepatic capsule, with an increase in the organ as a result of inflammation, that is hepatitis A. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by a jaundice, that is, the appearance of a yellow shade of mucous membranes and skin, which indicates damage to the liver cells and getting into the blood of gallbump products.

    Pain in the right side under the ribs are sometimes manifestations Singing linga - Inflammations of spinal ganglia and intercostal nerves caused by herpetic infection. In this case, the characteristic rashes on the surface of the skin are accompanied by the unpleasant sensations in the form of the nerve fibers in the form of bubbles, general ailment and a slight increase in body temperature.

    Pain in the right side of the back

    Pain in the right side of the abdomen and, at the same time, the backs are more often associated with such urological diseases, like urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, kidney tumors, kidney vessel thrombosis, kidney tuberculosis, nephroptosis (kidney omission), hydronephrosis, and others.

    Acute sudden grasp pain in the side of the back, developing as a result of the blockage of the ureter by stone, inflammatory masses, products of tuberculous decay of tissues or a clutch of blood, is called «Renal colic». Renal colic appears in urological patients after abundant drinking, physical overvoltage, and sometimes even in a state of full rest. Violation of the outflow of urine leads to an increase in the pressure of the fluid inside the urinary tract, the kidney edema, to exclude its rich innervated capsule, and, as a result, to the emergence of painful sensations. Naturally, pain in the right side of the back is developing with right-hand kidney damage and often apply and go to the upper right side of the abdomen. The sensations are so harsh and unbearable that patients are moving and seeking the most convenient position of the body to facilitate their condition. Over time, when promoting a stone or a bunch of ureter, pain migrates into the lower departments of the back and abdomen and begins to give to the bladder area and genital organs. When the stone falls out, the thrill suddenly stop, while changing the stupid pain in the right side of the back, along the injured by the stone of the right department of urinary tract. Renal colic often accompanies vomiting, rapid urination to urination and an increase in body temperature.

    Right-sided glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis in acute flow are characterized by a sudden appearance and an increase in the acute constant pain in the right side of the back, and in chronic flow - the presence of stupid constant painful sensations. During the examination, an increase in body temperature is detected, the development of edema, urinary change and impairment of urinary. Sometimes the presence in the urine of impurities can observe the patient himself. When pyelonephritis, it becomes muddy due to the presence of pus, and when glomerulonephritis - color is painted in color «Meat pets» Due to the impurities of red blood cells.

    You can still talk about how pain in the right side of the abdomen may be caused, from what pains in the right side of the rear arise… There are many diseases that can cause these unpleasant sensations. But only a doctor who thoroughly analyzing all the manifestations of the disease, the reasons that could contribute to the occurrence of pain in the right side, the dynamics of the development of the symptoms of the disease and research data, can put an accurate diagnosis and assign competent adequate treatment.

    The output suggests itself: if you have pain in the right side of the abdomen or back, and in general the pain at any point of your body, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible, and not try to cope with the problem yourself. Unfortunately, sometimes, in order to preserve health and life, the doctor lacks a few minutes lost patients in empty thinking and self-medication.

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