Treatment with leeches (Hildrapery)

Nasty and nasty, they cause nausea only from one thought about them. Leech Bloodiers. Most Russians when mentioning this kind of worms will cry and feel irritation. In this article, our site will talk about leeches and hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) - such a wonderful ancient treatment method.

Treatment with leeches, hirudotherapy
Nasty and nasty, they cause nausea only from one thought about them. Leech Bloodiers. Most Russians at the mention of this kind of worms will turn around and feel irritation, but part of the people on the contrary will feel even some joy of mentioning these little slippery creatures, remembering and realizing what benefit to health they brought. In this article, our site will talk about leeches and hirudotherapy (leeches treatment) - such a wonderful ancient treatment method, unfairly forgotten contemporaries.

Nadezhda Boldyreva, 26 years: «I woke up Once in the morning, I suddenly found that the head turns into one direction by 90 degrees, and in the other side it does not turn at all. In horror, went to complain with a massage. My complaints Masseur put me on a massage table and said to trust him. In a couple of minutes, I felt on the sick section of the shoulders, how some wet soft lumps lay on my skin, after another minute I experienced lung plugging. I realized that I had a leech, from one thought about which I used to be horrified and experienced nausea attacks. And only acute pain in the neck and shoulders stopped me, so as not to scream from fear and not jump from the massage table. With thought - be it, I will, - I trusted this little soft and slippery creatures ..»

It is very sad that acquaintance with the hirudotherapy occurs in this way. But treatment with leeches is one of the most ancient medical methods. In the distant 200-120 BC, Greek Nikandander from Kolofon, which in ancient Greece, successfully applied therapeutic properties of leeches. In Russia, the first documentary references to this method relate to the XVII century, when Tsar Alexander Mikhailovich ordered to breed in one of the Izmailovic ponds of therapeutic leeches, which were used not only for the treatment of various diseases, but also to create a good mood at the lady in front of the balas and to give Live brilliance Eyes (for this lady On the eve of the Bala, it was planted on a leech to the area for the ears). Such a solid age of the method does not leave doubt in its effectiveness.

In recent years, hirudotherapy has entered a new round of its development. And this is not a tribute to fashion, but the well-deserved victory of reasonable and useful on promoted advertising with chemicals.

Leeches - what are they?

Medical leech
Leeches - this is the class of ringed worms. In total, there are about 400 different types of leeches, 80 of which can be found in Russia. Natural habitat of leeches - fresh reservoirs, only a few species dwell in the sea or wet soil. All leeches or bloodsicles or predators, they are able to be sick to the skin of a person and suck blood from it. Among such a huge amount of species, only a few types of leeches are therapeutic. Such leeches are bred on special pharmacological farms under the careful observation of biologists.

What is based on the method of hydrapery («Giruda» - Leech, «therapy» - treatment)? It is known that saliva leech contains more than 150 useful biologically active substances, which are the key to successful treatment.

Leech proximizes the skin only in energy-active, reflexogenic points, just at the points that are used when Acupuncture. In these points, infrared and electrical radiation occurs. Therefore, hirudotherapy In addition to other things, the principles of reflexotherapy. When contacting leeches injected saliva, which is the main healing value of the leech. The saliva contains a huge amount of beneficial substances, the main among which is giraudine. In addition, the leaving of the leech also contains antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Also in a recent past in the saliva of leeches, scientists managed to detect substances explaining the mood of the human mood after severe heatherapy sessions, as well as substances that promote noticeable imminent strengthening.

During the cultivation of leeches, a biologist often has to take leeches, it contributes to the fact that leeches become «manual», What makes it easier to work with them. In addition, it should be noted that the duration of the leech session is determined by themselves: when «enough», they fall off from the place of the suck. On average, the session lasts 40-80 minutes. Our site immediately wanted to dispel concerns about the fact that after the end of the session from the resulting wounds, a long time (sometimes up to 24 hours) continues to compose, as it seems, blood. In fact, this liquid - lymph with capillary blood. The fact is that the substances contained in the saliva leeches mechanically affect the lymph nodes, thereby stimulating the production of lymphocytes in them, which increase immunity.

Indications and Contraindications for Hormotherapy

Treatment of leeches
Almost a complete absence of side effects allows to apply treatment with leeches in the widest range of diseases. These are rheumatology - various diseases of the joints, rheumatism. Also, leeches are used to treat blood circulation organs: atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, ischemic heart disease, heart defects congenital and acquired. Hardherapy is also used as a preventive measure to avoid infarction and strokes.

Excellent result gives both an independent method, as well as in a complex with other methods in the treatment of endocrine diseases and in disruption of metabolism. Nervous Diseases, Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, eye disease, ears, are all perfectly treated with leeches. Even from sexual disorders can be delivered by methods of hirudotherapy.

It is often that hirudotherapy is almost the only efficient method when Treating hemorrhoids. Already after 2-3 sessions it is possible to reduce pain or completely eliminate pain and bleeding.

Hirudotherapy is quite effective and in the treatment of diseases of the genitarine system, including in the treatment of obstruction of uterine pipes, some forms of infertility, fibromy of uterine, mastopathy, vulvit and vaginitis, urolithiasis, cystitis and kidney polycystic disease.

Contraindications of the use of leeches for treatment are quite small: hemophilia, persistent hypotension, pregnancy, or individual intolerance.

What else needs to know about hirudotherapy

In addition to the beneficial properties of therapeutic leech it is also worth knowing several important points:

  • With the help of leeches you can not get infected by any diseases. Leeches are grown on special bofabriks by the junny method. To leeches, ready to use, a certificate of conformity is provided. After the geerotherapy session, leeches are killed.
  • Hirudotherapy is almost painless - the bite of leeches for sensations is similar to Komara bite or burden. The initial fear of leeches and disgust for them after the first session passes and even causes a sense of sympathy for these creatures.
  • Hirudotherapy

  • After a session of hirudotherapy from a rink can continue to be released fluid. As already mentioned, this fluid is lymphic in the capillary blood. It is not necessary to stop this process, because at this time the increase in immunity is activated and swelling is prevented. To comply with hygiene, it makes sense to impose a bandage for a bleeding rink and change it as needed.
  • The course of treatment is appointed by a hirudotherapist individually and depends on the current results of treatment, the general state of the patient and many other factors. Most often, the course consists of 3-8 procedures for 2-3 per week. Our site would like to note that the cost of one session in various clinics may depend on the number of applications used, so the price may be installed regardless of their quantity. In the first case, the price for one leech ranges from 100-200 rubles for leech, in the second - the session will cost in sum from 750 to 2000 rubles. The amount of leeches and in that, in another case, remains at the discretion of the attending physician.
  • Gurudotherapy can be used both exclusively and in a complex with other methods of treatment, for example, with phyto and physiotherapy, aromatherapy, homeopathy.

Nadezhda Boldyreva, 26 years: «...When leeches from my body masseur collected in the bank, I felt relief. After the procedure of hirudotherapy, the massage therapist made me an aromassage with warming butter. Having stuck with a massage table, I was able to turn my head in both directions. A little pain I still experienced, but was just amazed by the results of the session. In a bottle with leeches that sucks me from me, a massage therapist poured clean alcohol, why leeches «Spread out» What drank me. This fluid is surprisingly not caused my batch of nausea. I was amazed at how much this liquid is littered. Masseur said that after several geerotherapy sessions, this liquid will be smoothly red. As they say there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped. Now I really feel sympathy for leeches and consider them small wise doctors».

Our site wishes you not to be afraid of leeches and trust their healing properties, and after the first sessions you can feel the result of treatment. Be healthy and beautiful soul and body!

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