Causes of subfebrile temperature


  • Frequent causes of subfebrile temperature
  • Banal reasons resulting in the appearance of subfebrile temperature
  • Dangerous reasons for increasing body temperature
  • Infectious causes of fever
  • Causes of noncommunicable nature fever

  • Frequent causes of subfebrile temperature

    If the increase in body temperature is accompanied by a runny nose, sore throat, cough - questions about its reason, perhaps will not arise. It is clear that the patient has become a victim of an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), and in the coming days will have to lie under the blanket, armed with a nasal handkerchief and hot tea.

    While ORVI is the most common cause of fever in cold latitudes, in southern countries Palm Championship belongs to intestinal infections. With them, an increase in body temperature arises against the background of typical gastrointestinal disorders - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and bloating.

    Temperature of the body can be significantly increased in overdose or intolerance of some drugs (anesthetics, psychostimulants, antidepressants, salicylates, etc.) and with poisoning toxic substances (cocadinthrocesol, dinitrophenol, etc.) acting on the hypothalamus - part of the brain where the center of temperature regulation is located. This condition is called malignant hyperthermia.

    Sometimes congenital or acquired hypothalamus diseases are becoming its cause.

    Banal reasons resulting in the appearance of subfebrile temperature

    It happens that in summer, after spending a few hours on the sun, or in winter, rope in the bath, there is a headache and lubrication in the whole body. The thermometer will show 37 degrees with tenth. In this case, the fever testifies to the overall overheating.

    The best thing to be done is to take a cool shower and lie down in a well-worn room. If the temperature has not decreased by evening or exceeded 38 degrees, this indicates a serious heat strike. In this case, medical care is needed.

    Sometimes fever is a psychogenic, that is, it may occur with certain experiences and fears. Most often it happens in children with an excitable nervous system after suffering infection. If this state is revealed, parents need to show their child to a children's psychoneologist.

    Dangerous reasons for increasing body temperature

    Causes of subfebrile temperatureIf after supercooling or transferred ORVI, shortness of breath appeared, the temperature rose, and at night the underwear becomes wet from sweat, the visit to the doctor is necessary - most likely, this is inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia). The Phonneoscope of the doctor and the X-ray apparatus will refine the diagnosis, and it is best to be treated in the pulmonary branch of the hospital - with pneumonia jokes are bad.

    If at the same time with an increase in temperature, there is a sharp pain in the stomach, it is not necessary to postpone the call to the ambulance service. In such a situation, the likelihood of acute surgical disease (appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.), and only timely surgery will help to avoid deposits.

    Special attention should be paid to the fever, which appeared during or immediately after a visit to one of the warm countries. It may be the first swallow, testifying to some exotic infection, for example, typhoid, encephalitis, hemorrhagic fever. And the most frequent cause of fever among travelers is malaria - heavy, but quite healing disease. The main thing is to contact the infectious background in time.

    It happens that low (37-38 degrees) Subfebrile fever continues for weeks and even months. This state requires careful diagnosis.

    Infectious causes of fever

    The cause of a long-term increase in temperature can be chronic viral, bacterial, parasitic or fungal infection - infectious mononucleosis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis and many others. Often a long-lasting fever occurs during tuberculosis, foci of chronic infections.

    If the long-term fever is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes, loss of body weight, an unstable chair, this may be a sign of such hazardous diseases as HIV infection or malignant neoplasm. Therefore, all long-term temperature patients prescribe an analysis on HIV antibodies and the consultation of the oncologist - in relation to such diseases the vigilance is not excessive.

    Causes of noncommunicable nature fever

    A long rise in temperature accompanies autoimmune diseases, for example, rheumatoid arthritis. However, on the heat such patients do not complain about the first.

    It happens that for prolonged fever «responsible» endocrine system. Most often «culprit» is thyroid gland if it produces excessive amounts of hormones. Such a state is called thyrotoxicosis, and besides elevated body temperature, it is characterized by weight, tachycardia, extrasystole, irritability and (over time) with a characteristic pitchelzium (Exophthalm). Specialist Endocrinologist will help to cope with this.

    This is the most common causes of subfebrile temperature, but the list could be continued. So when ailment, use the thermometer - maybe he will help you learn about the problem with health and take appropriate measures.

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