Food and medicine: Dangerous combinations


Ham with chocolate? Ice cream with chili pepper? Caramelized Sweet Loek? There are absolutely wild combinations, which in practice are surprisingly tasty and healthy dishes. But when it comes to a combination of drugs and food, it is necessary «Study Matchast». Medical manufacturers do not always write in the instructions, with which it is impossible to use their products, so we have to replenish the gaps. So, seven dangerous combinations «Product + medicine».

one. Citrus + cough medicines

Food and medicine: Dangerous combinations
About grapefruit juice we wrote more than once. But other citrus satellites cause scholars. Dr. Pharmacology Mary Ellen Gallylicson from the Marshfield Clinic in Wisconsin said that limes, a pomelo and bitter orange suppress the action of enzymes who split dextromethorphan — Cough. Without the protective effect of enzymes, dextromethorphan in unchanged form penetrates blood and can cause strong drowsiness and hallucinations. The effect of one small lime or several poles is preserved during the day, in some cases longer. So if you take symptomatic medicines for cough, ask if there is no dextromethorphvania, and do not combine limes, grapefruits with it, and other suspicious citrus.

2. Dairy Products + Antibiotics

Some antibiotics are associated with calcium, iron and other minerals that we get from dairy products. As a result, the antibiotic is not absorbed into the bloodstream and turns out to be ineffective in the fight against bacterial infection.

Going to drink the course of the antibiotic, check with a doctor or on the Internet, whether the substance prescribed to you have to groups of tetracycline or fluoroquinolones. If you feel, you need to eliminate milk, yogurts, kefir, ryazhenka, cottage cheese, cheese and any other dairy products two hours before taking medication and two hours after.

If in parallel with antibiotics you take multivitamins or minerals, the story is the same. Discuss with a doctor prescribing an antibiotic, a diagram of receiving all drugs.

3. Smoked meat (and not only!) + Antidepressants

If your antidepressant refers to the class of thiramine inhibitors (monoaminoxidase), it is not necessary to combine it with products rich in Tiramin's amino acid. Violation of the rule can provoke an increase in blood pressure and lead to a stroke or myocardial infarction.

Tiramina Much not only in smoked meat, sausages and squeezed fish. If you accept antidepressants of the specified group, for all the reception you will have to forget about «old» Cheese, red wine, soy sauce, dark and home beer. Replace these products with safe analogues: sausages and smoked meat — Home buckling, mature cheese — immature, weathered red wine — Young red in homeopathic doses or ordinary white, soy sauce — Sea Salt, Favorite Dark Beer — Bottle or Roast Light and unfiltered.

«Good news: Recently, the newest generations of antidepressants are still appointed, not affecting the increase in Tiramine», — Consoles patients Nicole Gattas, Doctor of Pharmacology from Pharmaceutical College in St. Louis.

4. Chocolate + «Ritaly»

Chocolate and RitalyChocolate contains not only caffeine, but also another stimulant — theobromine. Tom Viller, Dr. Pharmacology, working in the Masonic Medical Center in Chicago, warns: «Chocolate cannot be given to dogs, because their body does not know how to split theobromin; Theobromin can kill your four-legged pet». A person has a combination «Ritaline» With caffeine and theobromine can end the loss of focus concentration, convulsions and even apoplexic strike (stroke).

«Ritaly» and its analogs (preparations containing methylphenidate) have recently been appointed for weak psychostimulation at fatigue, ADD (D), apathy, after stroke or in the treatment of obesity. In Russia and a number of other countries, methylphenidate is seized from turnover and prohibited for appointment. However, it is prescribed in the USA, Canada and many countries of Europe and Latin America. Be careful when treating outside Russia: to combine methylphenidate with chocolate is very dangerous. «The darker chocolate, the higher the risk», — Adds Dr. Vireler.

five. Apple and Citrus Juice + Antihistamines

Do not drink apple, grapefruit and orange juice, if we are treated with allergies with preparations containing Fexophenadin. Listed juices enhance the effect of peptides that carry the medicine from the digestive system in the bloodstream. As a result, the effect of the substance is reduced by 70%, and you remain with your allergic symptoms.

The same juices may interfere with the action of some antibiotics and drugs appointed during asthma and diseases of the thyroid gland.

6. Cinnamon + warfarin

If you are taking anticoagulant warfarin, avoid cinnamon. «In cinnamon contains kumarin, thinning blood and capable of damaging the liver», — Warning Eric Newman, doctor of medicine of the Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. Warfarin, inhibiting blood coagulation and preventing thrombus formation, does not need random assistants and their bear services.

7. Alcohol + acetaminophen («Paracetamol»)

Analgesic acetaminophen in combination with alcohol leads to the destruction of the liver and damage to the kidneys. If you are taking drugs with acetaminophen, alcohol can not be drunk for six hours before receiving and within six hours after. Simply put, «Paracetamol» not compatible with alcohol. Do not take pain this medicine if you drink every day.

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