Home first aid kit: what should be in it?


Home first aid kit: What should be in it?What should be part of a home first aid kit? How to complete it correctly and take into account the interests of all family members? We offer you a brief list of what should be in every home. If among your households there are patients with chronic diseases, the list should be added to special drugs.

one. First aid tools for injuries

These funds are necessary to stop small bleeding, processing and closing wounds, first aid for burns.

  • Coil plaster
  • Piece leucoplastics of different varieties and sizes, but all moisture-resistant, bactericidal and hypoallergenic
  • Sterile bandage for applying aseptic dressings
  • Singful Bandage for Immobilization
  • Elastic bandage for fixing bandages
  • Gauze napkins (sterile and non-sterile)
  • Heal-link wipes impregnated with a special solution to accelerate blood coagulation, for example with fragin
  • Cats and wands
  • Alcohol solution of iodine and a solution of diamond greenery for skin treatment around the wound
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for rinsing wounds in order to prevent their suppuration
  • Spray from burns, for example «Panthenol», Reducing the degree of burning depth, facilitating pain and softening skin

2. Means for pain relief and temperature reduction

Anesthetic drugs at home can be used to remove head, muscular, articular, dental and menstrual pain. It is strictly forbidden to take analgesics in abdominal pains, they mask symptoms, change the picture of the disease, may cause diagnostic errors and serious complications of abdominal organs.

  • Paracetamol is considered the safest pain relief and antipyretic drug, however, it is impossible to exceed the dosage even if it is received. Paracetamol can be given even to children, it helps from headaches and lobs in the body with ORVI, reduces the temperature and, unlike aspirin, does not affect the permeability of blood vessels and does not cause increased bleeding.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular ibuprofen, possess an anesthetic and antipyretic effect. Ebuprofen-based preparations are allowed for use in adults and children.
  • Metamizol preparations: Analgin, «Barallgy», «Maksigan», «Benalgen», «Antigrippin-Anvi», «Pentalgin», «Spasgan», «Spasmalgon», «Tempalgin». These medicines also have the ability to simultaneously remove pain and reduce the temperature, but more often used as analgesics.

3. Antispasmodic drugs

The use of antispasmodic preparations is shown in menstrual pain, renal, bile, intestinal colic. They effectively help at the beginning of a migraine attack, as well as with headaches accompanying meteo-dependence. Brighter spasmolitikov representative — «But-shp», But it can be replaced by no less effective analogues, for example «DROTAVERIN», «Spasmol», «Sportsmizerin».

4. Cold Treatment Tools

First of all, keep in mind that the treatment of ORVI with its own means is permissible only in the case of an adult disease, a leisurely of a healthy person. High temperature and other SMI Symptoms in a small child, a person with a severe chronic disease or an old man should always be perceived as a signal to call a doctor.

The home first aid kit must be equipped with preparations for symptomatic treatment of ARVI. We are talking about complex preparations produced in the form of powders for the preparation of hot drinks containing paracetamol, which has an antipyretic and analgesic effect, phenylefedrine, which reduces nasal congestion and facilitating breathing, caffeine, improving overall health, antihistamine to reduce inflammation.

Nelishes in a home first-aid kit there will be pupintes and tablets for sinking, reduced sore throat and helping to cope with cough, as well as sprays, inhalers and solutions for rinse.

For the treatment of runny nose, vesseloring drops are needed for the nose, but do not forget that it is possible to use them not more than 6 days in a row.

five. Gastrointestinal

  • Enterosorbents, such as activated carbon, «Polyfaces», «Polyphs», «Enterosgel», «Smekt». These drugs will help cope with acute food poisoning, accompanied by vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea.
  • Medicine for diarrhea, for example «Loperamide», It is recommended to use only in the case of «Bear sickness», That is, if diarrhea occurs as a reaction to psychological stress.
  • Antacid drug, and an example «Almagel», «Maaloks», «Phosfalugel», will help in case of heartburn caused by overeating or light gastritis.
  • Enzyme preparations, such as «Festal», «Enzystal», «Mezim», Make the digestion after the festive feast.

6. Soothing means

Home first aid kit: What should be in it?Soothing drugs are designed to withdraw stress, they relax, allow you to lose weight of experiences, facilitate falling asleep, improve sleep quality.

Vegetable reassuring preparations based on valerian, dyeing, peony, passiflora are recommended for home use. They act gently, practically do not have side effects and do not cause addiction.

«Corwalola» and «Valokardin» Valerians act more, because they contain phenobarbital, they help to remove the alarm, eliminate pain in the heart, arising against the background of neurosis, but are not intended for long-term use, because they cause severe addiction.

For the treatment of eyes and ears

If there are children in the house, in the home first aid kit, the drugs are artificial tears, intended for washing the eyes. By the way, they will help both adults suffering from dry eye syndrome.

If a child or someone from adults is inclined to the diseases of the ears, you can replenish the first-aid kit for the drug «Otipax», which will quickly remove inflammation, eliminate the pain in the ear and the case of an unexpected problem will help «live» Before receiving the doctor.

Other medicines

Nitroglycerin must be present at home aid kit — Emergency preparation with acute myocardial infarction. The drug helps reduce the damage zone of the heart muscle and save the life of the patient.

If there are people in the family that suffer from vegetative dystonia by hypertension, as well as those who are over 40 years old, a home first-aid kit must be staffed by a high-speed hypotensive preparation containing captopril. Captor-based drugs quickly and gently normalize blood pressure and almost never cause hypotension.

For those who are predisposed to allergies, at home it is necessary to have an antihistamine drug, for example «Claritin», «Fencorol», «Kestin». These drugs eliminate allergy symptoms, but do not cause drowsiness.

7. Tools and apparatus for home first aid kit

  • Medical scissors with rounded ends
  • Tweezers
  • Pipette
  • Thermometer
  • Tonometer

All drugs and dressings must be packaged in a tightly closing box and store in a dark cool place, not affordable for children, for example on the top shelf of the refrigerator.

Once a year it is necessary to conduct an audit of a home aid kit, throw out funds with an expired shelf life and replace them with new.

Remember, in severe cases — In serious injuries, poisoning, with pronounced intensively increasing symptoms — Do not deal with self-medication, you need to call a doctor.

Funds from home first aid kit can not always replace high-performance drugs, procedures and interventions.

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