«Diseases of water bodies»: how to warn infection?


& laquo; diseases of water bodies & raquo ;: How to warn infection?What is dangerous swimming in open water bodies? Great risk drown? By no means. Sound a few, but the number of people who picked up intestinal disorders on the city beach on the shore of a quiet rural Ozerka or Pond, not read. Warm standing water literally tears with pathogenic microorganisms, ranging from banal intestinal sticks and ending with cholera vibriions. Than you can get sick, sticking out water from the lake or river?


Infection is widespread among people, small rodents, cats, dogs, cattle, pigs. Sick people and animals highlight the causative agent in the form of a cystic in the environment along with the feces. In the reservoir, Giardia may be, if it is contaminated with feces, and they retain viability for three to five weeks.

Once in the intestine of an infected person, Giardia multiplies, penetrate the biliary ways and the gallbladder, disturbing digestion and causing dyskinesia of biliary tract. Manifestations of giardiasis: nausea, pain in the top of the abdomen, bloating, the rumbling in the abdomen, the appearance on the body of a rash, resembling a gloomy, general weakness, decline in appetite, sleep disorder.

Viral Hepatitis A

This is one of the forms of hepatitis, which is transmitted by an alimentary way, through dirty hands, water and food. Infection occurs during bathing, if you block water from a water branch contaminated by feces of a patient person. The first signs of the disease appear in thirty days. Breasting and pain in the right hypochondrium appear, the body temperature rises, the skin, the mucous membranes, the eye sclera are painted in yellow, urine becomes like firmly brewed foamed black tea. Sometimes the disease occurs in a hidden form, causing the development of dyskinesia of biliary tract, disrupting the work of the liver and pancreas.

Bacterial Dieseneria, Abdominal Tiff

These diseases related to intestinal infections can also be treated during bathing in a dirty water branch. They are dangerous both in themselves and complications: intestinal ulcers, peritonitis, liver lesions, gallbladder and heart, cardiovascular failure, pneumonia, arthritis.

Enterovirus infection

On the beaches with a large crowd of people have a risk to infect enterovirus infection. Viruses fall into the water from the feces of patients of people, and, being in the digestive tract or the respiratory tract of a healthy person, cause the appearance of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, ravis on the body, pharyngitis, angina and conjunctivitis — Clinical options for enterovirus infection are very diverse. In severe cases, meningitis, myocarditis, pericarditis develops.


This disease is still distributed in regions with a warm climate. The causative agents of cholera fall into the pond with sewage drains and are able to maintain viability within 5–25 days, until they are in the intestine of a healthy person.

Cholera can proceed in a light form, in the form of a conventional intestinal disorder, but often takes a hard form. Loss of fluid with vomiting masses, frequent liquid chair leads to dehydration, strong intoxication, heart activity disorders. Children and older people are especially serious, cholera can lead to the death of the patient.

It is worth noting that the cholera vibrion is able to survive in seawater, so it is not worth relaxing even during the rest by the sea.

How to prevent infection?

& laquo; diseases of water bodies & raquo ;: How to warn infection?In order not to infect intestinal infection, do not pick up viral hepatitis, you need to avoid bathing in suspicious water bodies. But how to understand how the chosen lake or the river meets this criterion? After all, all people are different, and that bad for one may seem ideal for another. And yet there are some common moments to pay attention to.

  • Never swim in the reservoir if the sign is installed on the shore «Bathing is prohibited» or something similar.
  • Do not choose to rest reservoirs, on the shores of which there are sewage treatment plants, farms, plants and other industrial facilities.
  • Avoid crowded beaches, especially «Wild» Places of recreation. The more people around, the higher the risk to pick up «infection».
  • Do not bathe in water bodies located in park areas, often owners of dogs walk there their pets there.
  • Do not go to the water if you have noticed the traces of cattle stay on the shore, if the place of animal grazing is located nearby.
  • Ate on the lake a lot of waterfowl, it means that water is sick of parasites and pathogens microbes.
  • If water in the reservoir «Flowers», It looks unclean or has an unpleasant smell, this place is not suitable for water procedures.
  • In no case do not drink water from the river or lake, it is fraught with at least intestinal disorder.
  • Do not bathe without a bathing costume.
  • Come in the water and swim in aquasuchs or other rubber shoes.
  • Try to swim so that the water does not fall on the mucous membrane. Do not open your mouth, breathe your nose calmly and measured, do not dive.
  • In order to avoid infection, wear a bathing cap and swimming glasses.

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