Things that you need for patient care


As you know, all sorts of diseases are fighting people not only old age, but also from other ages. At the same time, a person may be underlying patients, and without any assistance he can not do. The causes of such diseases are different. Sometimes the consequences of other diseases, sometimes the consequences of injuries or just old age, complicated by diseases. In all cases of these people, there is insufficient mobility and the need for our help.

Very often when trouble happens, people turn out to be not prepared. I do not take in this article describe all the subtleties, but I will share the basics.

So, first of all, it is necessary to stock kindness, mercy, faith, patience, moral and physical forces.

The second thing that will certainly be in demand - these aids and medicines, without which there is no care for lying patients.

Subsiders include waterproof diapers, diapers, wool, ship.

What you need to care for the sick

Diaper Necessary for insurance sheets from marching in unexpected situations when changing diapers, as well as for lining under sheet. The latter is used to prevent random blotch of the bed mattress. Better for this purpose, waterproof diapers in size 60 x 90 cm. For one lying patient, no more than 30 pcs will be needed. Diaper per month.

Diapers contribute to the retention of the flowing urine and its smells when incontinence. Pampers are divided: in size and groups in the degree of moisture deduction. Information about this can be obtained from a pharmacy worker, where diapers are purchased. If a patient has a patient incontinence, you may need a minimum of 70-90 diapers per month.

Vata It is used for the preparation of tampons, which processes the skin sections camphor alcohol.

Things that you need for patient careVessel Used when taking urine and emptying the stomach. To the selection of the vessel, it is necessary to approach very carefully. The ship should not be cold. This property is better satisfying plastic. Before placing the vessel, it is recommended to warm up warm water to the body temperature. The shape of the vessel must be comfortable.

Since all the lying patients pursue the formation of bedsores, hence the necessary minimum of auxiliary medicines. This is camphor alcohol, drying ointments, containing zinc, ointments and gels that promote skin regeneration. Naturally, all medicines need to coordinate with your attending or family doctor.

Camphor alcohol It is used to wip skin sections on which the formation of beds. Mazi, promoting skin regeneration, can be applied in preventive purposes after drying skin sections treated with camphor alcohol.

The precursor of the formation of a breakdown with the subsequent destruction of the skin is the darkening of the skin. First of all, such darkens may arise on the hips, on the back in the area of ​​the Cobchik, less often on the side surfaces of the foot, in the heel area.

People who care for patients must try to prevent the appearance of darkens on the skin. For this purpose, it is necessary to periodically change the position of the body of a lying patient. That is, it must be rotated at certain intervals from one to another side or back.

For the same purpose, it is necessary to wipe the skin sections of the skin on which a person has to lie for a long time.

Lying patients, as a rule, arise problems associated with the work of the stomach, which is why constipation is possible. To this end, it is necessary to have a laxative tool that must be coordinated in advance with your attending or family doctor.

Almost all sleeping patients need additional vitamins and trace elements that they cannot get due to a bed lifestyle. Chat with your doctor and make a necessary vitamin diet.

In conclusion, I wish everyone so that these knowledge is not needed!

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