Sanatorium-resort treatment of urolithiasis: history and modernity


  • From the history of sanatorium-resort treatment of urolithiasis
  • Sanatorium methods of treatment and metaphylaxis of urolithiasis

  • Sanatories for the treatment of urolithiasisDespite the fact that in the pharmaceutical market of Russia, new drugs appear for the treatment of urolithiasis and complicating its pyelonephritis, sanatoriums for the treatment of urolithiasis and other kidney diseases are enormous success with doctors and patients. And this is not by chance, because the presence of stones in the kidneys and the constant threat of infection require the use of powerful antibiotics, without them it is impossible to achieve a stealing remission, but their frequent use is destructive effect on the kidneys. Mineral waters that make up the basis of the sanatorium-resort treatment of urolithiasis, in the full sense of the word flutter small stones, salts crystals, bacteria, creating conditions for recovery without antibacterial therapy.

    From the history of sanatorium-resort treatment of urolithiasis

    Significant sources affirm the urolithiasis suffered by many genius of humanity, they had information about how they fought against the ailment, which resorts visited. Roman emperor Lucius Septimia North was treated by the waters of the resort of Hisar, located in the current Bulgaria. Today, health resorts takes patients, offering modern methods of treating urolithiasis for recovery after lithotripsy.

    Modern methods of treatment of urolithiasisThe healing humic and ful-oxid waters of the famous Italian resort of Fiugges in 1549 glorified the great sculptor Michelangelo, called mineral springs "water capable of crushing stones".Napoleon III was treated in the Swombier-le-Bain, however, it is known that he suffered phosphatine and water resorts could not bring him relief. In Russia, the first sanatorium for the treatment of urolithiasis was created by the decree of Peter I, to which maritarian waters from natural sources helped to restore the forces after the attacks of the renal colic. At his request, the first recommendations for the use of mineral waters were written, and gallery with colonnades for walking became an indispensable attribute of each health resort.

    Modern methods of sanatorium treatment of urolithiasis (ICD 20-23) are developed at the beginning of the twentieth century, thanks to which the patients have the ability to prepare and relax in comfortable conditions at the same time.

    Sanatorium methods of treatment and metaphylaxis of urolithiasis

    It should be noted, not to all sore urolithiasis (ICD 20-23) shows sanatorium-resort treatment. The nature of the urolithiasis, the presence of complications, concomitant diseases and other factors.

    Treatment in the sanatorium at urolithiasis is aimed at the correction of exchange violations, warning of stone formation and the removal of small stones.
    Contraindication for sanatorium-resort treatment is:

    • The exacerbation of the urolithiasis, the presence of pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis.
    • Stones in the kidneys, ureters, urinary bubble, urethre, requiring operational treatment.
    • Urolithiasis (ICD 20-23), complicated by renal failure.
    • Urolithiasis, burdened by hydronephrosis, pionephrosis, kidney tuberculosis.
    • Macro Hematuria.
    • The combination of urolithiasis and diseases, violating urine outflows (tumors, prostate hyperplasia, narrowness essences).

    Sanatorium-resort treatment of urolithiasisBefore getting a referral to a sanatorium or a pre-treatment of urolithiasis, it is necessary to undergo a survey, clarify the state of the kidneys, urinary tract and the degree of illness. The minimum survey of the patient with a urolithiasis (No. 20-23 in the ICD) includes general urine and blood tests, biochemical blood test, kidney ultrasound.

    Balneotherapy is the main method of prevention and treatment of urolithiasis in resort conditions. The selection of the sanatorium takes into account the quality of mineral waters, on which the therapeutic properties of the source depend. However, it is not necessary to underestimate the influence of climatic conditions for urolithiasis. Sick chronic pyelonephritis should not go to hot countries due to the possibility of exacerbation of infection, sea bathing in cold water can provoke spasm of urinary tract, impede the detection of stones and cause kidney colic.

    Today, the sanatoriums are widely implemented by modern high-tech methods for the treatment of urolithiasis, such as lithotripsy and dialysis.

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