Fimosis in children


  • A little anatomy
  • Hygienic care
  • Pathological phimos

  • With a prophylactic examination of boys up to three years, doctors are often diagnosed «phimoz». For someone, this incomprehensible word sounds like a sentence and call for immediate operation. Parents in a panic start looking for specialists who can cure this «disease». And is it a disease and whether it is necessary to treat it?

    A little anatomy

    First, briefly read the normal anatomy of the extreme flesh.

    Sex member consists of body, head and root. On the head there is an outer hole of the urethra (Meatos). Through it, during urination, urine is distinguished, and during sperm seeds. Head of the penis is hidden skin - extreme flesh (prepucheia), which in an adult man is easily shifted, exposing the head. The extreme flesh consists of two sheets: an outdoor, not different from the skin and inner, gentle and soft, resembling a mucous membrane. There is space between the head and the inner sheet of the foreskin - the cavity of the extreme flesh. In this space (the presence of space), the secret of glands under the extreme flesh and forming a special lubricant (SMEZHM), which is facilitated by the skin offset from the head. Upon the bottom surface of the penis, the extreme flesh is connected to the head of the bridle of the extreme flesh - the skin fold, in which the vessels and nerves are located.

    Fimosis in children The newborn boy has an extreme flesh leather, as a rule, is fought with a penis head through synechs, peculiar adhesions that impede or completely eliminate the free removal of the head. Such a temporary anatomical structure is called physiological phimosis (phimosis, from Greek. phimosis - tightening, compression - the narrowing of the extreme flesh that prevents the removal of the head of the penis), which is a normal state for boys up to 3-6 years and does not require any treatment. Only 10% of children of the penis head is completely or partially open in the first year of life.

    Moreover, the battle of the head with extreme flesh can be viewed as a protective mechanism that allows you to reduce the likelihood of infection and inflammation.

    Gradually, in the process of growth of the penis, the head spreads the extreme flesh, there is a slow self-separation of the synech and the opening of the head. This process may continue until the beginning of the period of the boy's half ripening, when sex hormones are activated, which make the fabric of the extreme flesh more elastic and tensile.

    Sometimes Schegma, accumulates in the pre-seated space, limited to syneficia, in the form of a dense education similar to the tumor. In the case of a large cluster of SMEGS, minimal medical assistance is required: - Special probe, similar to a thin wand, shared synechs that prevent the separation of the secret.

    Hygienic care

    During the infancy period, the correct hygienic care is limited to the daily bathing of the child and the kneading, after the kid sides. During swimming under the extreme flesh, water falls, which naturally leans the accumulated secret. At least once a week should wash the sex dick and the scrotum with soap. To do this, it is better to use baby soap or special children's bathing. The daily use of bactericidal (killing microbes) of soap or gels is not recommended. With frequent use, they can disrupt the balance of the normal microbial environment on the skin.

    In order to avoid infections of urinary tract, children should be confined in front. Washing a penis, you should not shift the extreme flesh. If you are still trying (on the advice of some doctors) to gradually shifted the skin of the penis and expose the head, then such a procedure must be performed very carefully, not causing the larger pain to the child. It should be remembered that the head of the penis head contains a large number of nervous pain endings, and rough manipulations on the sexual member can lead to mental injury and fear. Immediately after the toilet of the head, the extreme flesh should be returned to the place, in order to avoid the development of paraffimose - infringement of the head in the foreskin.

    Pathological phimos

    Some boys may develop pathological phimosis - a disease that requires most often surgery. It is customary to distinguish atrophic (scar) and hypertrophic pathological phyms. The first is characterized by the presence of rough scarns, narrowing the extreme flesh; In the second case there is an excess of extreme flesh that prevents the head removal.

    There are two main reasons for the development of pathological phimosis:

    • Inflammation of the extreme flesh and penis head - Balantostitis.
    • Complication after coarse manipulations on the penis-related head.

    Rough, one-time generation head of the penis - one of the most frequent reasons for the development of phimosis.

    Pathological phimosis can lead to a violation of the act of urination, which will flow with a thin jet, inflating the extreme flesh. Such a state requires an operation.

    Fimosis in children Also, pathological phimosis sometimes leads to acute urine delay. This condition is reflexive and more often found in small children, as a reaction to pain, due to the infringement of soft tissues. A child for a long time can not curse, it becomes worried, often complains of abdominal pain and above Lone, where the enlarged bladder is trying.

    Acute urine delay is an emergency situation and requires immediate appeal to the doctor. In this case, the baby gives painkillers, make a cleansing enema (so that the intestines with the feces do not additionally prescribe on the bladder and did not make it difficult to the outflow of urine), and then the warm bath with manganese, during which the child tries to pretty. If unsuccessful urine is displayed with a catheter.

    With the field available, as a result of attempts to remove the head of the penis, it may occur in the narrowed ring of extreme flesh - paraphomosis. In this case, blood supply and lymphotok violates in the sexual member, which leads to a eightary flesh and head edema, and in the future - to their necrosis (death) and the development of purulent complications. The development of paraffimose requires emergency medical care. Under a small period of the disease, manual insertion of the impaired head is possible (sometimes with the use of short-term anesthesia). If it is impossible, the surgical dissection of the infringerating ring is performed. In the future, the treatment of balanopostitis is carried out (see. Further) and, after the element of inflammatory changes - circumcision of the extreme flesh.

    Balanopostitis - Inflammation of the foreskin and penis head. Developed when infection of the presence of a pre-space, non-compliance with genital hygiene or the infection of urinary tract - urethritis (urethra inflammation), cystitis (bladder inflammation), pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation). The chance to get sick with balanopostitis increases in children with reduced immunity or against other infectious diseases.

    Balanopostitis can be both the cause and a consequence of atrophic (cutting) phimosis. The narrowed extreme flesh prevents the cleansing of the prepared space from the Smerage and the remaining droplets of urine, it makes it difficult to hygienic manipulations, which creates favorable conditions for inflammation.

    The inflammation of the extreme flesh is characterized by its edema, redness (hyperemia), pain, purulent secretions from the preusual space. The result of inflammation can be a scar rebirth of the skin of the extreme flesh and, as a result, the development of phimosis.

    With the coarse removal of the head of the penis for the treatment of the Balanopostitis or the separation of the synechia, there is injury to the delicate inner sheet of the extreme flesh, microcracks appear, which in the healing process form a scarsing narrowing.

    Balanopostitis is a disease requiring emergency medical care. The doctor introduces a special probe between the head of the penis and the skin of the extreme flesh, which are neatly separated by the existing synechs, and conditions are created for the outflow of the accumulated pus. After that, the prepactive cavity is washed with a solution of potassium permanganate (manganese) or furaciline.

    In the future, the child needs to make baths every day with a warm, weak warman solution or chamomile decoction (1 st. L. Grass on 200 ml of water, insist 10 minutes on a water bath, strain, cool). Multiple crystals are completely dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water and from the resulting solution is added to the container where the procedure will be carried out, several drops before the appearance of a weakly pink water shade appears. Home Danger - Make a too concentrated heatman solution, which can lead to a chemical bodge of a penis. Young children for the bath you can use a basin or bath, and senior children, sufficiently hold the sexual dick in the solution, poured into a glass or tray. The procedure is performed within 5-10 minutes, 3-4 times a day for 5 days. Depending on the severity of inflammation on the recommendation of the doctor, various antibacterial ointments can be used (syntomicin linime, levomexol, dioxidic ointment, etc.), which are laid in the presenter space.

    Balantostitis rarely, but may be complicated by the spread of infection on the overlying urinary ways with the development of urethritis (urethra inflammation), cystitis (bladder inflammation) and even pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation). For the prevention of these complications, it is enough to give a child abundant drink. In case of painful urination or increase temperatures, a urologist is needed, as well as carrying out additional surveys and treatment.

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