Treatment of angina people by folk remedies


  • Herrapure and angina

  • Herrapure and angina

    Breast toe in times of Chekhov was called angina. Usually approximately 20% of people are familiar with it after 50-55 years, and most often a man. However, today «toad» Significantly grown up and does not spare even very young. What you need to know about this disease and how to defend?

    At the heart of the angina lies the inconsistency between
    the amount of oxygen coming to the heart together with blood and
    The needs of the heart. If you consider that it pumped over a day
    up to 10 tons, blood, then you can imagine what a colossal load
    Withstand our main engine throughout life.

    arteries have a unique ability to adapt to various
    conditions, but, as they say, everything has a limit and, dissatisfied
    the owner, the heart begins to send pain signals, calling about help.

    Treatment of angina people by folk remedies
    Disease risk factors include smoking, hypertension,
    Obesity, diabetes, alcohol, cholesterol disorders,
    hypodynamine, excessive salt use, stress. The bigger
    The components are going together with one person, the shorter the path from
    angina to myocardial infarction.

    According to
    World Health Organization Chest Toad in Smokers
    develops at 13 times, and a heart attack is 12 times more often than non-smoking. Not
    lags behind smoking and alcohol. By the way, in the US, the insurance campaign is not
    will pay for the operation of aorto-coronary shunting smoking

    Stenocardium is easier to warn than
    treat. The basis of the prevention is laid in the lifestyle, nutrition.
    It is necessary to reduce the consumption of salt, sugar, the outflow broths,
    pork, smoked, spices, swelling. In the diet should
    Prevail vegetables, fruits, vegetable oil, sea products, mushrooms,
    peas, soy.

    Ascorbic acid (500-1000 mg in
    day), strengthens the vascular wall and slightly reduces the level
    Cholesterol in blood. The missing organism ascorbing can be replenished
    mixture taken 50 g. Rosehip, black currant, rowan, viburnum,
    sea ​​buckthorn and two lemons.

    300 g are added to the chopped in a coffee grinder. Honey I
    Restored in a dark place for a week with periodic stirring.
    Ready composition is used on a tablespoon before meals in the morning and in the evening
    before bedtime for three months. Then you need to make a monthly (or
    Break, and repeat the course.

    With good tolerability of garlic suitable
    recipe. Water on a grater The large head of garlic mixes with juice
    three lemons and 200 g. Honey. Insuit a mixture of three days in a dark place,
    Take it on a teaspoon in the morning and in the evening before meals. This will help
    reduce cholesterol in blood, adjust the intestines, strengthen immunity.

    For the prevention of atherosclerosis is suitable and
    Pharmacy tincture of garlic, by the way, not inferior to the effect of foreign «Chesnokov» Tablets. Her drink, adding 10-20 drops to the milk in
    within a month 3 times a day before meals. Such courses should be carried out 3-4
    per year.

    Old Tested iodine for Prevention
    Stenzardia take on such a scheme: on the first day one drop on
    half a cup of milk, then increase the dose on one drop per day, bringing
    Total amount up to 15. After which we start to reduce the dose in the opposite
    order. If you feel the nasal congestion, rash or other will appear
    discomfort is a signal to cancel iodine.

    One part of the Hypericum, two parts of the yarrow, mother-in-law, three
    parts of dill and five melissa possesses «Cleansing», Soothing I
    Snow Motion. This collection is taken regularly at half a glass
    2-3 times a day before meals.

    Good helping B
    treatment of angina, hypertensive disease and level decline
    Cholesterol in the blood can become a seven-day infusion «Tea mushroom». His
    drink half a cup for 1 hour before eating 3-4 times a day. Only mushroom need
    buy in a pharmacy and not «fuse» A piece of old neighbor.

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