How to become an iron lady


  • Without iron - nowhere
  • In pursuit of the norm
  • Where to look for iron
  • How to raise hemoglobin?

  • Without iron - nowhere

    How to become an iron ladyThe role of iron in the work of our organism is very significant. This element is an integral part of hemoglobin delivering oxygen to each cell of our body. Hemoglobin level directly depends on the amount of iron entering the body with food. Hemoglobin transfers oxygen from breathing organs to tissues. If iron is not enough, the hemoglobin level decreases, the organs do not receive enough oxygen, which inevitably affects well-being.

    According to some medical research, iron deficiency anemia in Russian women is diagnosed in 90% of cases! There are several main reasons for such a state of affairs. First, women lose a large amount of iron during pregnancy. Secondly, the representatives of beautiful gender are inclined to follow their figure, resorting to diet, which are not always safe for health, which increases the risk of reducing iron reserves in the body. And thirdly, the level of hemoglobin falls due to blood loss in critical days.

    And if the pregnancy every Russian woman is experiencing one or twice in life, and permanent «Sitting» On diets, fortunately, it is rather an exception to the rules, then critical days - the phenomenon is regular. So every month for several days we lose iron, purchasing anemia.

    In pursuit of the norm

    Iron is absorbed only in one place, in a small intestine, and only about 10% of its total content is extracted from food. Our daily need for iron is 10-20 mg. It would seem that the number is small. But do not hurry to rejoice, because these milligrams are very difficult to get and assimilate.

    Even if you eat one hundred and five-permand iron nail per day (which is 500 times the need of our body), it will not help. Iron must be available for suction form. Help him in this form go to the special substances of our gastric juice. However, it is only a stomach to get sick, as the absorption of iron will break. And in critical days low hemoglobin – Conventional phenomenon, because even a healthy intestine can not always keep up with our need for new hardware.

    This is how the most common of all anemia arises - iron deficiency (anemia in a literal translation means «without blood» and implies a reduced hemoglobin level in the blood, otherwise anemia). Symptoms of anemia varied: fatigue, dizziness, in severe cases - high pulse rate, low pressure, severe weakness. This state leads to apathy, to a sharp decrease in performance and mental activity, when there is no desire to think about himself and about his career. And if you are planned serious affairs and important meetings? Exit only one: to stay «Iron Lady» - It is necessary to increase hemoglobin, increasing the amount of iron entering the body.

    Normally, everything you need for the body must come together with food. True, there is one condition: you need to eat fully, but with this just big problems. Radiant pace of modern life, increased loads, chronic overwork, as a rule, no longer leave forces on home cooking. Come home, quickly snack and collapse on the sofa - here is a dream that most of us live all day. Where is it here to take forces for witchcraft over a stove or fitness classes?

    Yes, and the food industry and household appliances industry try to meet us towards. To our services, microwave and infrared furnaces, the mass of various and beautifully packaged semi-finished products and by-products, which for use you should only warm up. And as a result, such a kitchen is no longer different from the fast food eatery.

    Not only is the nutritional value of such food is more than doubtful, but also the same type of such diet leads to the mass of problems from the stomach, which only aggravates the situation. Maybe at least every other day, and at the weekend and suppressed, it is still worth spending more time in the kitchen? Then it will be useful to know which products the content of iron is high enough.

    Where to look for iron

    How to become an iron ladyVery much iron in cocoa powder - 14.8 mg per 100 g of product. It is less in the hazelnuts, but also enough - 3 mg / 100 g. Rich in iron beans, meat, pork and beef liver, soy, peas, white fresh mushrooms, parsley, buckwheat and oatmeal, wheat grain and rye bread, raisins. As you can see, fruits in this list are practically absent, which is not surprising. After all, even in apples, traditionally offered as a source of iron, it is contained in a dose of only 2.2 mg / 100 g. By the way, in imported apples of iron can be less - only about 0.2 mg / 100 g.

    Critical days should be followed by what we eat, especially carefully. If during this period you still adhere to a diet for weight loss - and most of them are based on a poor food, such as cottage cheese, yogurts, salad, fruit juices - the probability of iron deficiency anemia increases. Attempts to limit their diet due to a decrease in the number of calories can also end the loss of forces and all the other issues listed above.

    How to raise hemoglobin?

    The most interesting thing is that even the use of a large number of products rich in iron is not yet salvation. It is also necessary to take into account the quality of the iron incoming. Some of his connections are absorbed better, other worse. In addition, the products and components of food in various combinations are absorbed differently. For example, the use of proteins significantly increases the absorption of iron from food.

    Therefore, for prevention and treatment of anemia should be regularly - and even more so in critical days - to use lean meat, best canaline. Garnish for it can serve dishes from cereals and vegetables. Useful to eat rich legumes: beans and peas - good iron sources, turn them on the diet. If there are them with low-fat meat, it also contributes to better absorption of iron. Other gland rich products - liver, eggs, beets, spinach.

    Vitamin C also improves the absorption of iron, especially contained in vegetables, croups, fruits and nuts. If with them you will drink a glass of orange juice, the amount of learned iron can increase more than 2 times.

    But the products rich in calcium prevent the absorption of iron. So milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurts can be used separately from other food. Tea and coffee with anemia are contraindicated: the tannin and caffeine contained in these beverages are associated with iron, not allowing him to be absorbed.

    However, life is such that it is not always possible to cope with the deficiency of iron only with rational nutrition. What to do in this case? There are a number of drugs, which are various iron compounds - iron chloride, iron sulfate, iron gluconate and t.D. However, in some cases, their reception may be ineffective. For example, if you have low acidity gastrites.

    How to become an iron ladyThe point here is that the digestible form of iron is the chloride of iron zaksi, but it can only go into this form only in the presence of hydrochloric acid. Remember this, and if you suffer from this disease, it is necessary to take iron preparations simultaneously with pharmacy hydrochloric acid (10 drops on a half-table of water).

    Milk and alkaline mineral water hydrochloric acid is neutralized, so if they drink iron-containing drugs, then it means to reduce their efficiency to zero. But there are substances that, on the contrary, contribute to the absorption of iron, is cobalt, amber and ascorbic acids. Therefore, it makes sense to take iron preparations simultaneously with ascorbic.

    However, in suspected any disease of the gastrointestinal tract, it is best not to deal with self-treatment, but to contact a specialist who will select the right diet with anemia and will appoint an optimal course of treatment.

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