Difference in the rhesus factor


  • Different blood
  • Prevention and methods of treatment of rhesv conflict
  • Good forecast

  • «In school, I hid from medical examinations in toilets and locker rooms. At home, opposed to the call of the doctor, resorted to all tricks: pressed his forehead to the frozen window glass to cool it and hide an increased temperature, coughed under the blanket, shake the thermometer. And when I grew up nor in illness, neither the preventive medical examinations somehow lacked time, there were always more important and absolutely urgent things. As a result, about the existence of such a thing as a rhesus factor, as well as that he is negative, I learned only at twenty-one - that is, at that time, when I decided to become a mother».

    Different blood

    Difference in the rhesus factorRus-factor is an antigen (or protein), which is on the surface of the red blood cells (red blood cells). It was found only about 35 years ago. And at the same time, they found out that about 85% of men and women have this Rh Factor and, therefore, are rhesus-positive. And the remaining 15%, respectively, the rhesv factor does not have and are called Rh-negative.

    In ordinary life, neither the presence of nor the absence of a ray factor does not play any special role. It becomes important only with such emergency circumstances, such as blood transfusion. Or pregnancy. Why pregnancy? Because if the future mother has a rezes-factor negative, and the dad is positive, the child can inherit both Mamm Rus and dad, there is a fifty-fifty probability. If he inherits Mamin Negative, everything is fine, no danger. And if the dad is positive? Then the threat of rezv conflict arises. What it is? This is the incompatibility of the blood of the mother and its fetus.

    The fruit rhesus overcomes the placental barrier and enters the blood of the mother. And its organism, «not recognizing the fruit» And perceiving it like something alien, begins to produce protective antibodies. These antibodies penetrate the placenta and begin «fight» with erythrocytes of the future child, destroying them. What can it lead to? And to the miscarriage, if the maternal body will reject the fruit. And to the fact that in the blood of the future kid will begin to produce a large number of bilirubin, substance, painting the skin in yellow and leading to jaundic newborns. Also bilirubin can damage the brain of the future child, cause him violations in the development of hearing and speech. In addition, since the erythrocytes in the blood of the fetus will be constantly destroyed, its liver and spleen will accelerate the production of red blood cells, increasing sharply in size. In this race, they will, however, will inevitably lose, and as a result of the future child, anemia may begin, caused by the threateningly low content of erythrocytes and hemoglobin. In addition, the rhesus conflict can cause congenital water (swelling) of the fetus and even lead to his death.

    Prevention and methods of treatment of rhesv conflict

    There are prevention measures and methods of treatment of rhesv conflict. The very first of them – It is as soon as possible to learn your blood group and your reserves, as well as a group and a rezes of the future Father. Sometimes a rhesus conflict begins at the incompatibility of the blood of mom and baby in a group, for example, if the mother has a blood type of 0, and the future child is a child, or in. Fortunately, such incompatibility is less dangerous and does not foreshadow serious complications. If both parents have the same rhesus, there are no reasons for excitement. If the mother is negative, and the dad is positive, she will have to regularly pass through such a procedure as blood test from veins. So doctors will be able to constantly control the amount of antibodies in your blood and notice the beginning of the rhesus conflict. Until the 32nd week of pregnancy, blood should be handed over once a month, from 32nd to 35th - twice a month, and then up to day of birth weekly.

    If still, the reserves conflict will begin, experts can resort to various measures to save the kid. In some cases, premature genera are caused and the exchange transfusion of the blood of the newborn - doctors introduce the blood of the same group to him, but with negative rezes. This operation is carried out within 36 hours after the birth of a child.

    There is also the opportunity to reduce the risk of developing a rhesus conflict during subsequent birth. For example, using the introduction of a special vaccine - antiresus-immunoglobulin immediately (within 72 hours) after the first birth or chopped pregnancy. The principle of operation of this drug is based on the fact that he «Ties» aggressive bodies in the blood of the mother and takes them out of her body. After that, they can no longer threaten the health and life of the future kid. But for some reason, the antibodies were not introduced prophylactically, such «Grafs» can be done during pregnancy. The introduction of anthreasus-immunoglobulin is made after puncture of the fruit bubble, amniocente and operational intervention during ectopic pregnancy.

    Good forecast

    «In general, the doctor finished his story, "you can now know only one thing: the forecast is good. So regularly give blood and do not think anymore». And I went to donate blood. Once, the second, third... And soon found out that this is not so nasty procedure. Becoming ordinary, she stopped seemingly some terrible test. Think, once - and ready. One bad - such analysis should be done in the mornings and necessarily on an empty stomach. But the most important thing was that each subsequent analysis demonstrated the same result - no threatening number of antibodies in my blood and, therefore, no rezv conflict.

    With such indicators I reached the long-awaited day of childbirth. And made an absolutely healthy daughter. Her appearance, naturally, outstretched all other thoughts from my head. And, unfortunately, I completely forgot to ask to introduce me anti -usus immunoglobulin within 72 hours after delivery. And no one suggested him. But then, to be honest, I did not think about any repeated pregnancies. And now? You know, I haven't said anyone else... But, in my opinion, two children in the family - it is much better than one. And, perhaps, I am ready to repeat all this. We give all the tests, we will consult the doctors, we introduce this most antip. Of course, a little scary. But after all, as the doctor said, the forecast is good!

    Difference in the rhesus factorPeople differ from each other not only by the color of the eyes, skin or growth, but also a blood group, as well as its Rh. Until time until time, we are absolutely anyway, what kind of blood runs through our veins, because she «working» Only on our body and completely suits it. But sometimes there may be a situation, as a result of which the blood of one person contacts the blood of another - it happens during its transfusion or pregnancy. And then problems appear...

    There are four main blood groups: the first one is also called zero (0); second (a); Third (c) and fourth (AV). If you pour blood the blood is not his group, heavy complications may develop, right up to states threatening life.

    In addition, the blood is divided into two types of rhesus-factor - a protein contained in red blood cells (red blood bodies). Rhzv factor is positive or negative. If a woman with rezes-negative blood is having a child who has inherited the rhesus-positive father's blood, then when the blood of the mother and the fetus is in contact, the body perceives the fetus as something alien and produces antibodies that contribute to its rejection. It may make it difficult to normal growth and develop the future kid, to have a detrimental effect on his health. With severe form, the intrauterine death of the fetus, miscarriages at various deadlines of pregnancy.

    During the first pregnancy, the conflict caused by the incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the fetus in the blood group and the rhesus factor is rare, since antibodies in women are still developing in insufficient quantities. With each subsequent pregnancy, the probability of complications increases several times.

    Often antibodies are formed in the annoying women - as a result of preceding blood transfuses without taking into account the compatibility, spontaneous or artificial abortion, ectopic pregnancy. Aggravate the severity of the state and increase the likelihood of conflict development various complications during pregnancy (toxicosis, an increase in blood pressure, infectious and other diseases).

    The conflict due to the incompatibility of the blood group is more common, but when Avo-conflict, serious problems arise less frequently than when the rhust factor incompatibility. To predict the likelihood of the pathological process, you can, knowing the rhesus affiliation and group of blood of both parents.

    Women who have a risk of developing a conflict, must be under the careful observation of the gynecologist observation during pregnancy. Throughout the term, it is necessary to determine the level of rhesus antibodies in the blood (1 time per month to 32 weeks of pregnancy, 2 times a month from 32 to 35 weeks, and then weekly). The height of the antibody titer helps to determine the state of the fetus, predict the severity of the state of the newborn and, if necessary, prevent the development of complications.

    Avoiding the conflict during re-pregnancy in women with negative rezes, it is possible by introducing anti-rhesus-immunoglobulin immediately after the first birth, pregnancy interrupts, incompatible blood transfusion. This is usually included in the routine practice of maternity homes, but when choosing a institution where you are going to give birth, it is better to ask a similar question.

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