Toxicomicia, treatment


  • Toxicomia
  • Treatment of toxicia

  • Toxicomia

    Toxicomia (Greek. Toxicos - employee for lubrication
    arrows, that is, poisonous and mania - madness, madness) - Disease,
    characterized by pathological addiction to substances, not
    considered as drugs. Biological differences
    between drug addiction and toxicomia do not exist. Alcohol addiction
    usually do not refer to substance.

    The abuse of sleeping agents - barbituric acid derivatives (barbituatism), many of which
    (sodium amital, etodine-sodium, medinal) are attributed to drugs.
    Intoxication occurs after taking double or triple therapeutic
    Doses of preparation. It is expressed in carefree freedom with complacent
    Sympathy to others, the desire to move, speak, in violation
    Coordination of movements, fuzzy word pronunciation. Then comes
    Deep sleep, after which lethargy is noted, slowness,
    Violation of thinking, nausea. Addictive accompanied by the participation of admission
    preparations, including daytime, increased daily doses; Appears
    Attraction toxication. Gradually the euphorizing effect decreases,
    Inxication is characterized by irritability and angry.
    Termination of drugs leads to concern,
    feelings of dissatisfaction, mallance, insomnia. Arise
    Combining the muscles of the body, pain in the stomach and large joints. Often
    Psychosis and convulsive seizures are celebrated. May come death in
    As a result of brain edema. In chronic intoxication color
    Skin becomes Earthy, face - masca, edema appear, do not heal wounds for a long time, more often develop
    Various diseases of internal organs. Psyche changes are expressed
    In erasing individual properties, moral and ethical degradation
    personalities, the appearance of depressive states, weakening attention and
    memory, slowing down mental processes, can develop dementia.

    Treatment of toxicia

    Treatment is carried out only in the hospital (narcological or
    psychiatric). Doses of sleeping pills reduce gradually;
    prescribe funds that eliminate insomnia and mood disorders;
    Conduct a liner treatment with vitamins, piracetam, and
    Also insulin in small doses. Psychotherapy is aimed at changing
    Relationships to the consumption of sleeping drugs. Supporting task
    therapy, which is carried out in a drug physician, is
    Elimination of mood oscillations and arising attraction to sleeping pills
    drugs. Barbitourians often die from overdose sleeping
    preparations, as a result of suicide and related diseases.

    Toxicomicia, treatment
    Tranquilizers (more often Seduksen and Meproamat)
    abuse cause pleasant physical sensations, raised
    mood with nonsense; The gait at the same time becomes uncertain,
    Words are pronounced unfortunate. With prolonged abuse
    The initial effect decreases, patients are forced to increase
    Daily dose. Termination of tranquilizers leads to the appearance
    irritability, evils, headaches, cramps in the legs,
    insomnia, trembling of hands, as well as disruption of coordination of movements and
    Equilibrium. Chronic abuse causes memory weakening,
    slowdown in mental processes, narrowing interest, fall
    performance, sometimes convulsive seizures arise. Often
    There is simultaneous abuse of tranquilizers and alcohol
    Drinks. In this case, intoxication is more deep, changes in psyche
    Complete faster. Treatment is carried out in drug treatment
    psychiatric hospital; usually start with gradual decrease
    daily doses of tranquilizers; sleep and mood disorders eliminate
    using neuroleptics. For tall treatment use
    Vitamins, piracetam, as well as insulin in small doses. When conducting
    In a narcological dispensary supporting therapy use
    Neuroleptics, antidepressants; Reflexotherapy is recommended. Those who
    Also alcohol also abuses, anticlassic therapy is carried out.

    The toxicization caused by cyclodol is rare. At
    An overdose of this drug is noted unpleasant sensations in the body,
    nausea, vomiting. In the future, nausea disappears, unpleasant feelings in
    The body becomes pleasant, the raised mood arises with feeling
    content, attention and fine coordination of movements, answers
    become inaccurate, statements inconsistent; in patients
    Expanded pupils. Then against the background of the permanent of consciousness appear
    Spectative hallucinations. With prolonged abuse euphorizing
    The effect falls, to achieve a dose of cyclodol, you have to increase
    several times.

    With the cease of reception of the drug appear
    irritability, mallance, motor anxiety, pain in
    Different parts of the body. Chronic intoxication cyclodol
    It is characterized by a violation of mood, a decrease in mental and
    physical performance, loss of interest, moral and ethical
    Degradation of personality. Treatment is carried out in drug treatment
    psychiatric hospital; To eliminate mood and sleep disorders
    Neuroleptics use; Then a lining treatment is carried out, with
    The help of psychotherapy seek to change the attitude of the patient for receiving

    Toxicomes using volatile substances (gasoline, acetone,
    toluene, perchlorethylene, stainstress), strive for the achievement of euphoria
    or to the appearance of hallucinations. These funds in small doses when inhalation,
    Application on the skin of the head or introduction inside cause euphoria, shaky
    gait, saliva and redness of the face, in large doses - visual
    and tactile hallucinations, violation of his own body perception and
    Orientation in a specific setting. Chronic abuse
    leads to pathological addiction: lethargy, decline
    Life interests and intelligence. Especially dangerous abuse
    volatile substances in children's and adolescence. Treatment spend
    in a narcological or psychiatric hospital; With vitamins,
    PiRsetam eliminate the consequences of intoxication; Sleep disorders I
    Moods eliminate with psychotropic and physiotherapy.
    Using psychotherapy, seek to change the attitude to abuse
    volatile substances.

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