Diagnosis and treatment of anointing

Nature has the fact that the body of a woman is able to conceive and endure a child safely. But, as in everything, sometimes in the body there are certain failures and, contrary to a strong desire, will not get pregnant. One of these failures is anointulation, that is, the absence of ovulation. This pathology becomes one of the reasons for female infertility.

Anovulation: the essence of the problem

Anovulation, Gynecology, Women's Health, Concession, Ovulation, Signs of ovulation

When the fertility or ability of a woman to childbirth is broken, her chances of successful toddler conception are almost equal to zero. The fact is that the egg cell can not leave the follicle. If such an unsuccessful ovulation is repeated once at once, it means you can talk about chronic annovation. It in turn is two species: physiological and pathological. In the first case, angulation is manifested during pregnancy, breastfeeding and Klimaksa, and in the second - dysfunction is in a constant repeating state.

Annovulation can be both independent pathologies and a symptom of some acute or chronic disease that is not related to the sexual system. Any problem that impedes the normal operation of the body can cause this complication when the natural process of ripening and the exit of the egg is broken. Under normal conditions, a fertilized egg, passing from the ovary to the uterus, implanted into the endometrium, and it happens only with the normal course of the menstrual cycle. Diagnosing a cycle failure in your patients, as a result of chronic annovation, doctors talk about infertility.

Symptoms and reasons for anovulation

Anovulation, Gynecology, Women's Health, Concession, Ovulation, Signs of ovulation

It should be noted that a healthy woman has several anovulatory cycles during the year and it is quite normal. Pathology is the situation when ovulation does not occur at all.

Here are the probable reasons for this:

  • hormonal disbalance in the body (high level of prolactin, not enough LG and FSH hormones);
  • Regular inflammation of small pelvis organs;
  • sex infections;
  • Ovarian depletion syndrome;
  • excess male hormone androgen;
  • Polycystic ovarian, Endometriosis or tumor of appendages;
  • Dysfunction in the work of the thyroid gland;
  • overweight.

Other reasons for the lack of ovulation:

  1. Long exercise. Running or cycling have a property to disturb the ovulatory cycle by oppressing the production of hormone gonadotropin. In this case, there are usually no monthly, but after the woman changes his lifestyle, everything comes to normal.
  2. Stresses and anxiety give a failure of an ovulatory cycle. It is important to bring your emotions in order to reduce such a negative impact of stress.
  3. Reception of some medicines. The fact is that oral contraceptives in tablets can slow down ovulation. They affect the operation of the ovaries, suppressing the production of hormones, ovulation and, as a result, preventing pregnancy.
  4. This list of probable reasons for annovation can also be attributed to:
    • age after 35 years;
    • Low body weight, as well as on the contrary, obesity;
    • hyperotherioosis;
    • Nourishing disorders, unbalanced diet;
    • Regular travel and climate change.

Diagnosis and treatment

Anovulation, Gynecology, Women's Health, Concession, Ovulation, Signs of ovulation

If you are suspected that a woman has ovulatory dysfunction, a gynecologist should interview it about the periodicity of menstruation. The doctor will appoint blood to study and determining the level of hormones, as if the level of progesterone exceeds the norm, ovulation could not happen.

To visualize the size of the uterus and appendages, the gynecologist may assign an ultrasound examination. This will determine whether there is no ovarian polycystic.

Angulation treatment methods:

  1. Elimination of pathology is entirely depends on the reasons for its appearance. Sometimes, in order for everything to normalize, a woman is enough to change lifestyle and power system. Reduce intensive physical exertion, gain weight or lose weight. In this case, ovulation can recover already in the following cycle.
  2. When polycystic ovaries becomes the cause of annovation, the therapy will be sent to the elimination of this disease.
  3. It is often treated with drugs by drugs, such as grinding or clomiphene. They are able to cause ovulation, stimulating the pituitary gland, the production of gonadotropins and FLS hormone. As the numerous medical studies show, after receiving one of the above drugs, more than 45% of women have restored ovulation, and more than 30% of patients were able to successfully become pregnant.

Self-health is dangerous for health, so our site recommends any treatment start only after consulting with your doctor.

Pregnancy against anointing

Anovulation, Gynecology, Women's Health, Concession, Ovulation, Signs of ovulation

To put a serious diagnosis of anointulation, the gynecologist-an endocrinologist is obliged to conduct a thorough examination of the endocrine system of its patient. Accurate diagnosis is the key to effective treatment.

The medical definition of anointing is to repeated ultrasound research, that is, in different days of the menstrual cycle, the state of the ovaries and endometrium will be monitored. If there are no signs of ovulation for several cycles, it means that you can talk about chronic annovation.

Due to its rapid development today, medicine offers various ways to overcome pathology, depending on the reasons for its appearance. There is no common effective technique to eliminate anointing, however, only comprehensive treatment can be pregnant with complete recovery and further opportunity, aimed at restoring all Women's systems responsible for successful conception. In the case when conservative therapy does not bring its results and cannot be pregnant, you can think about the auxiliary methods of overcoming infertility. Women with impairment of the reproductive system and the most launched forms of angiolation helps to get pregnant method of extracorporeal fertilization. This modern technology is really effective on the way of a woman to happy motherhood.

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