Treatment of tuberculosis by folk remedies

Tuberculosis - Dangerous infectious, infectious disease. Infection occurs when communicating with an already sick man through the air or through an infected large and finely horned cattle. Recognize tuberculosis not easy. He loves to hide under the mask of other diseases. In the treatment of tuberculosis, medical treatment, and meals, and lifestyle.

Treatment of tuberculosis by folk remedies
Tuberculosis - Dangerous infectious, infectious disease. Infection occurs when communicating with an already sick man through the air or through an infected large and finely horned cattle. Infect through food. There is a intrauterine infection. Scientific name - Mycobacterium tuberculosis or koche. Differ pulmonary tuberculosis and extrap. Earlier, the tuberculosis of the lungs was called a carcup, tuberculosis of the skin, mucous membranes - gold, internal organs - a tuberculosis.

Every third resident is infected in the world. The situation in countries in Africa and Asia, South and Central America is especially dangerous. Last year in Russia there were about 350.000 people. In Ukraine - 700.000. And this is the top of the iceberg. And how many unregistered patients go through the streets, enjoys public transport, feeds in the canteens, go to work. Some people do not suspect that sick tuberculosis. And if the tuberculosis was previously considered the disease of the poor, now the disease does not choose, and mows all who we have immunity or who is hereditably predisposed to this disease.

It could be so that someone in your environment fell ill, someone's sick, lost hope. Someone was treated and could not cure, someone's intolerance to modern drugs. This article for such people.

Recognize tuberculosis not easy. He loves to hide under the mask of other diseases. Only on time made fluorography and radiography will help determine whether you. Therefore, it is desirable to undergo planned medical examinations every six months-year.

At Tuberculosis treatment Important and drug treatment, and food, and lifestyle. And sometimes the will, persistent desire to survive. In an example, I would like to bring the story of Nikolai Morozova (1854-1946) - Russian revolutionary population, scientist, honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He spent a quarter of a century in prisons, sick with a heavy form of tuberculosis, he himself cured without any tablets and helping doctors and lived the remaining life with a healthy person. But our article about another.

Folk remedies

Treatment of tuberculosis by folk remedies
Patients with tuberculosis can not be smoking and it is necessary to find an opportunity to work in air. A lot of helping to visit saline caves. The presence of salt in the air inhibits inflammation in the lungs, and potassium ions are easily seeping into the blood, improving metabolic processes in the body.

During the disease, people are very thin, therefore it is recommended more protein products and products containing fat: meat, liver, brains, milk, yolks, oil, caviar, various porridge. It is said about the animal protein, it is he who gives anti-tuberculosis immunity and stimulates oxidative processes, which helps the rapid absorption of vitamins. Also required onions, garlic. Salt is needed.

It is advisable to drink paired milk every day, near a liter. No opportunity to get milk every day - warm usually milk and dissolve in it charcoal for intestinal disinfection . Drink milk slowly to not torment flatulence (gases).

During the disease, very useful fat - bearish, dog. It must be melt in milk and drink warm (most importantly, so that the fat molded). Add a teaspoon of a sala on a glass of hot milk. His, Salo, often consume in the Caucasus among the mountaineers. To do this, mix on a glass of pork grazing sala, beef, ram and a third of a glass of dog. All together boil on the water bath and drink 3 times a day for 2 tablespoons in warm form. If this form of reception does not fit you, then smear this mixture that has cooled on bread, like oil, slightly spilling. According to observations, in a month of reception, the lungs are poured fat so tightly that sick places localize. This method helps even with very heavy forms of tuberculosis.

Often helps such a mixture: squeeze 20 lemons, strain juice, pour into a jar. Insert 10 fresh chicken eggs in shell. Jar tie a piece of fabric, leave for a couple of weeks in a dark place. You will notice at the end of the deadline that the shell dissolved, then add 400 grams of this honey there, a glass of good brandy and mix everything. Blend break the bottle. Drink 2 or 3 times a day by 50 ml, before shaking the bottle. Keep in a dark.

Take iron. No need for tablets, just in the apple stick with a dozen clean nails from iron (not steel!) and leave for a day. After that, the apple can eat. For a day, 3 apples are enough. But if you have no apples at hand, just put a large iron nail into a glass with water for 24 hours. Then drink 3 times a day on 1 tablespoon, stabulating in advance. Be sure to rinse the mouth to the iron not spoil your teeth.

Replace water sometimes by Navar from bran and oats. Boil an hour, strain, drink it that density that you like. Good honey to add, but then you need to peel again. For day 2 glasses.

It is necessary to eat patients every 2 hours, after it washed, swallow the crude yolk with lemon juice, which helps to struggle with the disease.

In the fight against the disease helps to swallow. His drop (and she is big) divided into three receptions. Put.

Here is a very old folk remedy for the treatment of tuberculosis: it takes one glass of radish juice (better black), beet juice, carrot juice, real honey. Everything is poured into the bottle, buried 13 days in the ground. Then before the food you need to take on a glass 3 times a day (do not forget to shake).

And this is a purely popular Russian tool (especially gentle persons I ask not to read). Watering a healthy eight-year-old boy. Morning. On empty shop. Fullack. After a few days, it starts to highly extend the sputum, cough softens. After 3 months, explicit health improvement.

Those who sick tuberculosis sweat at night, and then they feel weakly. I advise you to wipe myself with water. Add alcohol or vinegar to water. Even from sweat helps sage on milk: glass of boiling milk pour herb teaspoon. Take in.

From cough sick helps to drink a very warm infusion from the grass of Icelandic moss (h. L. on a glass of water).

If the spooky is hard and it accumulated a lot in the chest, I advise you to drink a hot infusion of altetic root.

When bleeding facilitates the condition of drinking cold navars from binding fruits (blackberry, rowan, pear, grenade). Or extract from uterine horns 15 drops per day.

During the crisis (strong bleeding): the patient to sat down, put a wet cold cloth on the heart and often change it. Feet - in heat (heels). Take inside a tablespoon of a saturated salt solution. Here's how to cook it: a tablespoon of salt with a riding, weaving on a glass of water. Mix well and when the salt will not dissolve, give to stand, while the precipitate does not fall on the bottom, and the layer of clean fluid turns at the top. Gently pour the clean part of the solution into a new dishes and keep ready for such cases.

Any of these recipes is possible and will not cure, but will definitely facilitate the suffering of the patient. Choose more convenient recipe. Or change them. And do not forget - strengthen your body. Take care of your health.

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