Adenoids in children

Many parents heard such a word - adenoids. But not everyone is correct - what is it. Some people mistakenly think that adenoids are some terrible and harmful thighs arising in the nose. Our site will tell your readers details about this disease.

The article will tell parents, how to understand whether their toddler adenoids, how to recognize their presence, how to treat the child.

What is adenoids?

adenoids in children, influenza, ENT, ORVI

To begin with, let's say that adenoids are lemphoid fabric foci. They are needed to stand «on guard» and protect the ENT organs from those who are trying to invade the body of irrehable guests - pathogenic microorganisms. Adenoids can be called one of the necessary and important unmune chain units of each person. But it happens that under the influence of any negative processes, the lymphoid tissue of adenoids begins to expand pathologically, these growing are enlarged and begin to perform a completely wrong function that is assigned to them. They become a good refuge for infectious agents. The barrier disappears, the infection constantly falls into the bronchial tree and light - the baby is increasingly different. Adenoid expansions are most characteristic of children from a year and up to 15 years. Significant enlargement of pharyngeal (or nasophaling) almonds located on the nasopharynx heap, and constant inflammatory processes on it and call adenoid doctors (adenoid vegetation, dissection). Healthy adenoid pink color, cheaper and loose. But with adenoid (inflammation of the adenoid) because of the depletion, it becomes smooth, smooth, but the whole is covered in pus. So why are some children's ideas do not have about such a disease, and others - even have to remove the increasing adenoids by the operational way? There are hypothesis among doctors that this disease is transmitted at the genetic level. An increase in adenoids contribute scarlet fever, measles, tuberculosis, flu, Recurrent ORVI Other children's respiratory inflammation. Pathology impressed: weak immunity, allergies, congenital predisposition. Sometimes the growth of lymphoid tissue gradually disappear independently.

Degree of disease and signs

adenoids in children, influenza, ENT, ORVI

Elor doctors use several methods that allow you to correctly diagnose and resolve the issue of treatment:

  1. Palping - finger examination, allowing to know adenoid consistency.
  2. The nasopharynx x-ray is an informative method, but it is associated with the effects of X-ray rays.
  3. Classic and common method - rear rosicopy, is carried out by a doctor using a specialized mirror through the patient's mouth. The surface of the adenoids Experienced otorhinolaryngologists see and surveyed the front of the nasal cavity.
  4. Endoscopy. Modern method, conducted through the nose (the so-called endoscopic rosicopy) or through the oral cavity (then the method is called endoscopic epipharingoscopy). To implement this survey, a special device is required - Endoscope.
  5. Computed tomography - a good method, but expensive, so it is rarely used.

Treatment methods

adenoids in children, influenza, ENT, ORVI

The main method of treatment to which ENT doctors resorts, is considered to be surgical removal of the increasing adenoid fabric. Sometimes conservative treatment is prescribed, that is, antibiotics, sprays and drops in the nose. With this approach, the inflammation of the pharyngeal almond is removed, a slight decrease in its size occurs. With age, the nasopharynk is growing, and adenoids decrease in size. But if a child has pronounced problems with a nasal breathing, then it is not necessary to wait for the disappearance of adenoids, as difficulty complications can join during this time. The less the age of a small patient to whom the doctor removes the scratched tissue, the greater the risk that adenoids will rise again, and have to resort to the operation again. If the problems with breathing are small, the degree of expansion is minor, then the operation is better to postpone, but be sure to systematically visit the otorinolaryngologist. If possible, it is better not to make the operation until the child turns three years. Now the operations are carried out in the hospital under general anesthesia, in which the child does not feel anything and does not see, he is not appreciated by the psychotraham actions of medical personnel. In some clinics, only local anesthesia and sedative injection.

The saving circle can be homeopathy. Find for your child a good, knowledgeable homeopath, which can individually appoint small sweet taste granks for internal use, drops, ointments. It is often assigned homeopathic oil of the Tui, usually at night. It is buried for a few droplets for 14 days. After a week break, the course resumes. After the procedure, a few seconds in the nose, another discomfort is discouraged, warn the baby about it, persuade to get rid of the disease, without resorting to the operation.

Sometimes doctors prescribe laser therapy - 10 sessions four times a year. These procedures do not reduce adenoids, but facilitate the course of the disease, relieve inflammation, restore the breath, resume the work of immune cells and metabolic processes.

In recent years, a non-medical method of physiologist Buteyko is promoted, which allows to avoid adenoid removal operations. After such treatment, the child is normalized by a good sleep, the snoring disappears without a trace, the excessive secretion and the release of mucus from the nose. The method normalizes nasal breathing, warns the inflammation of the ear, nose, laryngo and bronchospasm.

From plant and folk remedies are most effective:

  1. Installing four times a day in the nostrils of sea buckthorn oil during the month. The last time you put up already in the crib when the baby is preparing to sleep.
  2. Drops in the nose of their own preparation, for which it is necessary to squeeze the juice from fresh winds (two parts) and one part of the honey (for example, lime, eucalyptus or chestnut). Such a sweet mixture is also dripped four times a day at 5 or 6 droplets.
  3. Washing the throat and nose of sea water, which can be done by adding in 200 ml of warm water, pre-boiled, teaspoon of sea salt and five drops of pharmaceutical iodine.
  4. Before bedtime, get into the nasal strokes, the juice obtained from a small piece of aloe sheet. Will be bitterly in the mouth - you have to suffer. Course - one year.
  5. Inhalation lasting ten minutes with essential oils (jajunov, fir, spruce, pine village).

Our site should be remembered that the pathology of the adenoid cannot be launched, make efforts, control the situation and get a reward - the state of health of the child will improve, will return the ability to breathe a nose. And do not hurry with the operation, first try alternative therapy methods.

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