Hypertensive crisis, causes and treatment

Many people, especially in elderly people, are often observed with blood pressure. Violations in the work of the cardiovascular system can lead to such a dangerous state as hypertensive crisis. This disease is expressed in a sharp increase in blood pressure, resulting in a risk of developing a plurality of severe consequences.

Why occurs hypertensive crisis

Blood pressure, Hypertensive Crisis, Hypertension, Pressure, Cardiovascular system

There are many prerequisites for the development of this state. They can be divided into external and internal factors. MyMedinform.COM allocated such external causes of the development of a hypertensive crisis:

  • stress, experience, nervous voltage;
  • consumption of hormonal drugs;
  • intense physical exertion;
  • Weather changes;
  • adherence to smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Eating excess salt.

The internal factors of the development of the disease can be attributed as follows:

  • Hormonal restructuring of the body in women in the period Klimaksa;
  • prostate adenoma, causing urine removal problems;
  • complications Ischemic heart disease;
  • poor blood supply to the kidneys;
  • Breathing disorders in sleep - apnee-hypopnoe syndrome.

A separate group of reasons for the development of a hypertensive crisis is considered so-called yatrogenic or drug factors. This means that such a state may arise due to the abolition of certain drugs or as a result of the side effect of some medicines. In some cases, two or more incompatible drugs can be used to hypertensive.

Classification and symptoms of hypertensive crises

Blood pressure, Hypertensive Crisis, Hypertension, Pressure, Cardiovascular system

Due to the fact that hypertensive crisis is a serious health danger, and sometimes for human life, therapeutic measures should be taken immediately. If you have noticed the first manifestations of complications in a patient, urgently needed Call an ambulance. Waiting for doctors, put the patient in a horizontal position and try to ensure peace. It is extremely recommended to give such a person to this person, since this can lead to a complication of its condition. Treatment of the patient is carried out in the hospital under the strict observation of specialists and using intensive therapy.

If hypertensive crisis develops without complications, hospitalization may not be required, but the patient should be called a doctor for inspection and treatment of treatment. As a rule, a person with problems with Pressure, must always be prepared for a similar situation, so the possibility of using certain medicines should be discussed in advance with the attending physician.

Upon the occurrence of a hypertensive crision, a sharp decline in pressure can be extremely dangerous, so during the first two hours to reduce this indicator recommended no more than 20-25%. After 6 hours, blood pressure should be reduced to the mark of 160/100 mm RT. Art. Over the next day, the patient needs to show a doctor. In the event that the drugs available at hand do not help cope with the problem, you need to call an ambulance.

Prevention of hypertensive cries

Blood pressure, Hypertensive Crisis, Hypertension, Pressure, Cardiovascular system

This disease, as we noted earlier, presents a serious threat to the health and life of a person. If you have at least once in my life, hypertensive crisis happened, try to avoid the appearance of attacks, observing the prevention. Consider basic precautions:

  1. Try to always control your blood pressure. Let the daily measurement of its indicators enter you in the habit.
  2. Take all drugs in a timely manner that you have appointed your doctor. Permanent therapy and regular visit to the doctor will prevent the occurrence of hypertensive crises.
  3. Avoid stress, disorders and nervous voltage. Try to surround yourself atmosphere of calm, excluding annoying factors from everyday life. If it is impossible, review your attitude to different situations. It is possible to gain spiritual harmony to you will help special trainings or a visit to the psychotherapist.
  4. Provide your body regular physical exertion.
  5. Refuse bad habits.
  6. Eat moderately, if possible, make a useful and nutritious ration for yourself, limiting consumption of oily, fried and too salted food. Control body weight, because extra kilograms can lead to an increased risk of a hypertonic crisis. For assigning the correct diet, contact a nutritionist or attending a doctor.
  7. During the rehabilitation period after the attack observe Calm diet - Then the prescribed drugs will have the most effective effect.
  8. Be sure to control the volume of fluid drunk per day. High pressure people are recommended to use no more than 1.5 liters of drinks per day. From mineral water with sodium content is better to refuse.

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