Treatment Enurraw in children

When a child is mastered by a pot, all moms sighs with relief: a problem «Pampers» and endless change of pants exhausted! And what to do, if the time turns back and the baby's bed in the morning again wet?

How should parents behave

Children's diseases, children's enuresis, urine incontinence, Enures

The scientific name of this «Trouble» - Enapers, or urinary incontinence. Faced with him most often, children who have already turned 4 years old. By the way, before reaching the child of 4 years old wet «Casus» consider the norm after 4 years of life - pathology. Not insured against the disease and 6-7-tips, and boys are 3-4 times more often girls. Probably, it is not necessary to say how much upset and confused by the parents and the child himself - the question is very delicate!

Nevertheless, there is nothing shameful here. MirSees strongly draws the attention of parents that the treatment of Enurda begins not from visiting the doctor, but with a trust conversation with a child at home. Some moms do not specifically sharpen the attention of the son or daughter on «Wet crib», so that they say, once again not injured. This is the root of the wrong approach.

It is necessary to talk about it certainly, because the treatment of any disease begins with her awareness and adoption.

The child can not yet understand why wakes up wet, - Fear and shame appear so. Scold kid, try to add to the edge categorically prohibited! On the contrary, it is necessary to choose these words to calm and cheer it up. The child must be sure - he loves him, contrary to everything, and mum and dad will help him to cope with the problem.

Views «Childish» Enurraw

  1. Primary - gives you to know about myself at night, when the child sleeps tightly, while the bladder needs to be emptied by the bladder.
  2. Secondary - caused by congenital and acquired health impairment and mental nature. Manifests itself at any time of the day.

Factors of development of urinary incontinence in children

Children's diseases, children's enuresis, urine incontinence, Enures

Any drug takes a course from 1 to 2-3 months. It should be prepared for the fact that the disease after the course of treatment can be returned again, so the doctor, as a rule, prescribes several courses of treatment per year.

The main reason that caused enuresis, determines the specifics of treatment. For example, if urinary incontinence appeared against the background of the infectious disease of the urinary system, do not do without antibacterial therapy. Such groups of drugs such as antidepressants, adaptogens and nootropics can also be involved.

A new cure for enuresis is enjoyed a great demand today - Adiuretin-SD. Remedy. The active ingredient of the drug, desmopressin, allows the bladder to fill to the volume that will allow the child to wake up dry.

Another fairly effective means - jerktan. Its applied is relevant when the cause of the enurisage lies in the impaired nervous regulation of the urinary system. The drug relaxes the smooth muscles of the bladder, thereby increasing it in size, and eliminates the involuntary compression, which is the immediate cause of spontaneous urination.

If the tone of the bladder is lowered, parents must ensure that the child is forcibly emptied the bladder every 2-3 hours. Supplement treatment with drug intake, which increase the tone of smooth muscles (minin, prozerne).

If the reason for an unpleasant illness, as they say, «in the head» The little patient, the doctor will appoint drugs regulating metabolic processes in the brain - nootropyl, peyonal, Persen, Novopalsit.

Communicable additional measures to the main treatment are common massage and medical gymnastics.

Folk Medicine advises:

  • Sage, lavender and coriander in the form of essential oil mix, sticking up proportions 3: 2: 1. The resulting medicine must be sprayed around the room (2-5 drops per session). The course of treatment is 20 sessions.
  • Hawthorn flowers, grass horsetail grass, mint leaves, hormour grass mix in equal parts. 1 dessert spoon is poured with 1 glass of steep boiling water and wait about a quarter of an hour, cooled and filter. Take a half package to 5 times a day, the last reception in 16.00
  • mint leaves (one part), sage leaves (one part), herbal grass (two parts), valerian root (one piece), hormour grass (two parts), the root of AIRA (one part) is mixed and prepared as well as a means in Previous Recipe. Only take this healing drink per hour before sleep.

How to help your parents

Children's diseases, children's enuresis, urine incontinence, Enures

  1. Control so that the child falls asleep and woke up at the set clock. Active games and TV are better transferred to the morning, and for a while you just just talk or read the book. Useful short-term evening walks. The mattress in the bed of the baby must be medium hardness, but in no case is not mild. Specialists advise a little lift the bed from the other side where the baby has legs.
  2. Unobtrusively limit the child's desire to drink in the evening and before bed, felt the missing amount of fluid in the morning. Better shortly before sleep offer him a piece of cheese or a handful of salted nuts (everything that is capable of delaying liquid in the body).
  3. Externally, it is impossible to show even the slightest discontent or irritation at the form of another wet spot in bed. Fear «Get into disfavor» Mom only will move the child a few steps back in the treatment of Enuris. It is necessary to assure him that he does not differ from the rest of the children, that his problem is temporary and he will get rid of it.
  4. Before bedtime, you need to trace the child to go to the toilet. At night, the pot leaves near the bed, in case the baby will wake up. To the darkness that many children fear, did not interfere with the protection of natural need, the room is left to work a small night light muted glow.
  5. If my mother took responsibility to wake a child at night to sit on a pot, she must remember what to do it at the same time. And in half a second state, it is impossible to raise the baby, you need to make sure that it fully woke up, otherwise the problem of urine incontinence is only aggravated.
  6. Disposable diapers for the night to wear it is categorically prohibited! Then it does not make sense to make any measures for the treatment of enuresis.
  7. Parents must strive for the fact that the family becomes a refuge for their kid from everything that only he can be afraid, that quiet harbor, where you can be confident in its need and significance.

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