Symptoms and treatment of diphtheria

The diphtheria stick causes one of the most dangerous bacterial infections. Due to the disease, diphtheria is developing inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by swelling. At the same time, the most danger represents the defeat of the body with exotoxin, severe poisoning which may be the cause of death.

Previously, the diphteria was one of the most common causes of child mortality, with the propagation of mass vaccination the frequency of this disease has decreased significantly.

Causes of the disease and its complications

Bacterial diseases, throat, diphtheria, infection

The outbreaks of incidence of diphtheria are often provoked by the insufficient compliance with the rules of hygiene, the crowding of people, a decrease in immunity, as well as insufficient medical care.

Infection of diphtheria bacteria most often happens to air-dropleted, less often in contact in the way - through contaminated personal belongings and household items from the patient or bacteria carrier. In people of different age groups with the lack of immunity to this pathogen, susceptibility to the disease is the same. Kids up to three months retain passive immunity derived from mother. Children between the ages of 1 to 5 years have increased receptivity to diphtheria, and they are hardly transferred to this disease.

The presence of diphtheria of diphtheria can be determined using rubber and nasophacks, or blood test for the presence of diphtheria sticks. The patient can infect the surrounding at the end of the incubation period, during the disease, as well as for 2-3 weeks after recovery. In some cases, it is a bacteria carrier for several months after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.

Throughout the treatment of diphtheria, as well as after the disease, it is necessary to observe the doctor in order to track possible complications - violations of the heart, jade, necrosis, eye diseases.

Types of diphtheria

Bacterial diseases, throat, diphtheria, infection

In case of disease, the patient's diphtheria is hospitalized. Observation of doctors in the infectious compartment, as well as the correction of treatment, if necessary, will help prevent possible complications. The success of treatment depends on the timeliness of the introduction of anti-informitarian serum, which is most effective for three days from the beginning of the disease. This agent is a drug from the blood of horses, which introduced antecoxin diphtheria. Purified and enzyme-treated drug is administered to a patient (an intradermal sample is pre-carried by tolerability with a small amount of this means). The dose of the drug is calculated based on the form of the disease, age and state of the patient. In addition, antitoxic therapy and antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

Before hospitalization of the patient, the following measures must be applied:

  • Isolate it in a separate room, ensuring it the conditions for compliance with the beddown;
  • Compliance with diet - it is recommended that the use of small portions of liquid and semi-liquid dishes (as erosion is healing is shown Diet number 4, 13, 15), as well as enhanced drinking mode (abundant warm drink);
  • Select a separate dishes that need to be boiled after each use for 15 minutes in a 2% solution of soda;
  • In order to avoid infection when performing patient care procedures, it is necessary to wear a gauze bandage;
  • Bed and underwear, household items and toys should be processed in a solution of chlorine or boil in soda solution;
  • The room in which is the patient, it is necessary to periodically check for 15 minutes - every 2 hours.

Treatment of diphtheria by folk remedies

Bacterial diseases, throat, diphtheria, infection

The following folk remedies are effective as auxiliary drug treatment;

  1. Recipes with the use of leaves and radish roots:
    • The compresses from fresh radish leaves are applied to the throat, as well as the injured lymph nodes. Change leaves required every 2-3 hours;
    • In the washed root corner from the inside, the deepening is done, which must be filled with sunflower or olive oil. Radish in Svimovka or on a water bath heated to boiling oil. After cooling, the resulting liquid is injected with a pipette, or wet your cotton swabs and put them in the ears and in the nose;
    • Decoration from radish - peeled radish to peak, add to the resulting liquid to half a teaspoon of honey and vinegar, rinse the throat every 1-2 hours.
  2. Herbs:
    • 2 Tea spoons of grass Chernogolovka ordinary pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. Obtained by infusion to strain and use for frequent rinsing throats;
    • 10 g of Rosyanka Lenglar Pour a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour. Strain, take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day;
    • Mix over 2 tablespoons of souls herbs, coltsfoots, add 1 tablespoon of berries or raspberry leaves. 10 g of collection poured 400 ml of boiling water and insist 2-3 hours. Such tea should drink as often as possible.

    Diffeter prevention

    Bacterial diseases, throat, diphtheria, infection

    The effective method of diphtheria prevention is considered to be vaccination with diphtheria anatoxin producing antibody production to diphtheria toxin and part of modern polyvaccines in the form of a component «D» (for example, in DC). Such immunization quite reliably warns the disease diphtheria. It should be borne in mind that to maintain constant immunity requires constant vaccination once every 10 years. In the absence of such often there is susceptibility to the infection of diphtheria in the elderly.

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