How to treat fistula in gum

The fistula in the gum is a kind of protective reaction of the body, when a hole is formed next to the localization site in the fabric, a hole is formed through which the pus is output.

When inflammation develops on top of a native tooth, the output channel, as a rule, appears in the area of ​​the projection of the tooth root. Official medicine determines this phenomenon as a gum. This launched periodontitis form is seriously treatment, so decisive measures should be taken immediately after the formation of a fistula.

The reasons for the formation of fistula

Inflammation, gum, fistula, dentistry

The fistula is nothing but the result of the lesion of the soft tissues of the oral cavity or bone tissue abscess. In the niche formed due to inflammation, the purulent blood mixture accumulates, which will later be overlooked through the channel in the gum.

The factors provoking the appearance of a fistula, several:

  1. Unfair or insufficient Treatment of caries or Pulita.
  2. Svelaved cyst.
  3. Launched granulating periodontitis.
  4. Embicing growth or teething tooth wisdom.
  5. Poor-quality sealing of the tooth.
  6. Perforation (hole) tooth root.
  7. Heavy infectious diseases.
  8. Chronic overwork and reduction of general immunity.
  9. Consistent body temperature differences as a result of overheating or supercooling.

In the absence of treatment, the caries is complicated before the pulpitis (inflammatory damage to the nervous tissue of the tooth). As a result of this pathology, the nerve is moving, and the infection extends further, occupying the top of the tooth root. It is here that the purulent focus of inflammation is localized, called periodontitis.

The appearance of cysts, as a rule, is not associated with pain and discomfort, and it is easier for a person to close my eyes on the problem than eliminating it. However, with the weakening of the protective forces of the organism, either with exacerbation of chronic pus's disease continues to accumulate, driving healthy cells of soft and bone tissue. In the end, purulent infiltrate breaks out through fistula.

Symptomatic picture of pathology

Inflammation, gum, fistula, dentistry

The hole in the gum is not a disease, but its consequence. Therefore, they are treated, first of all, a sick tooth who served as an incentive for the spread of the inflammatory process deep into the soft tissues and the formation of fistula.

The task for the dentist is to scrupulously clean all the channels of the injured tooth, remove the purulent mass and deposits of carious origin. Purified from all kinds of sources of infection tooth disinfect with a special solution and seal.

The patient's affairs are much worse if the fistula originated on the basis of poor quality tooth: for treatment, dental channels are subject to purification from sealing material. In order not to provoke even greater inflammation in the purified channels for a long time, anti-inflammatory means. When the doctor make sure that the infection is not left and the trace, the tooth is seal again.

If there is a crown or pin in the folding tooth, the removal of the seal mass is so complicated that it becomes possible only with the help of a surgical operation, during which the top of the tooth root is removed.

Relief from the fistula will finally help the rehabilitation course. The damaged segment of the gums is irradiated with ultrasound or treated with a laser. In some cases, the fistula is migrated with diametric current. Inflammation is suppressed by antibacterial drugs, and the oral cavity is arranged several times a day with invalid solutions and salt baths make.

If there is a need to, the patient additionally prescribed antiallergic drugs (Tueva or Suprastin). Perhaps the doctor will recommend the patient to acquire special toothpastes and gels, the use of which will exclude re-infection.

If complications failed to avoid, and inflammation went further, for example, on an assault, the fistula is eliminated exclusively by operating. Surgical intervention can be prevented if you consult a doctor immediately after the emergence of alarming symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of pathology by people

Inflammation, gum, fistula, dentistry

MirSoveto in a hurry to note that the centuries-old experience Folk Medicine Unable to cure a fistula or tooth, which caused damage to the gums, but the recipes of our great-grandmothers will help speed up the process of recovery.

  1. You will need equal parts of the flowers of marigolds, yarrow grasses and the donel, the inflorescences of the Pijmas, the roots of the dandelion and garden sorrel. Mix the healing raw materials and twist it in the meat grinder. To the resulting fragrant mixture, add some ichthio oil and calendula oil - take them so much so that it turns out not too liquid herbal mass. Diligently mix the mixture and apply it to the affected gum. The tool effectively suppresses inflammation.
  2. With such a problem, it's time to remember the chamomile. Fill 1 st. L. Plant flowers 400 ml of cool boiling water and leave for 2 hours to appease, then strain. Wash the fistula formation area 5-6 times a day. Optionally, the chamomile will successfully replace calendula. Also, plant preparation plants can be used simultaneously in proportions 1 to 1.
  3. Grind the bulb to the state of Cashitz and mix it with flutter powder with mumiya tablets (8-10 pcs.), then add to this mixture 1 st. L. olive oil and thoroughly mix all. Put «medicine» on a sterile gauze folded in several layers and apply to the patient a place for 5-7 minutes. Repeat the procedure several per day.
  4. Let's remember the healing power of plants that have often grew by our grandmothers on the windowsill. You will need 3 leafs of the meal and calangean. Twist them in a meat grinder and mix. Customize «medicine» in several layers of gauze and attach for 10 minutes to the inflamed gum. The procedure must be repeated 3 times a day.

There is a people's opinion that the fistin can be cured with the help of vodka compresses. We hurry to warn you: despite the fact that the tool is quite effective in the treatment of otitis or cough, it is categorically not suitable for eliminating such a problem like fistula. On the contrary, incorrectly imposed compress can provoke a burn and only enhance inflammation.

Prevention of education for fistula

Inflammation, gum, fistula, dentistry

We think that ways of treating the fistula did not cause you a feeling of delight, so it is fair to believe that you need to try to keep your teeth with healthy as long as possible.

The appearance of a fistula, you want or not, indicates your negligence to your own health. The hole in the gum is the final stage of the disease, which was preceded by caries, pulpitis and periodontitis, and man all this time inactive. Remember that the problems associated with the teeth must be solved immediately after their occurrence. In addition, such preventive measures can be noted:

  • twice a day diligently clean your teeth at least 5 minutes;
  • Even if you are not bothering you, we attend the dentist once every six months;
  • by all means to give up smoking;
  • Eat healthy and useful food;
  • With the slightest discomfort associated with the gums or teeth, contact a specialist as soon as possible.

The forecast of the treatment of the fistula is very favorable, if timely solve the problem. However, with conscious ignoring the pathological process, there is a risk of losing tooth, although in this case you can count on complete recovery.

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