The principle of safe ultrasound: so little as possible.
Each pregnant woman, As a rule, it is looking forward to the moment when he will see his baby for the first time. Thanks to the ultrasound, this moment comes earlier than nine months. And what kind of happiness see how your karapuz yaws, or sucks a finger. All you need to know about ultrasound during pregnancy - today for readers our site.
What is ultrasound
Ultrasound is ultrasound procedure. Simply put, diagnosis with ultrasound. And, despite the fact that ultrasound was opened earlier than X-ray ray, it is used to diagnose it is not so long. So for such a short term ultrasound has become a mandatory procedure in examination of pregnant women. The ultrasound apparatus is practically in every city, and any future mother can see her crumb before his birth. How this device works? It gives rise to sound waves unhappiness, which reflected from the body tissues, send a response signal, and in turn and gives us an image on the monitor.
Previously, the examination was carried out by a dipstick (special sensor) directly from the outside of the body. But with such an ultrasound and the picture was not a clear, and the power of the sound wave is too big, and the patient had to prepare in advance - drink a liter-one and a half liquid. Now, in the new equipment, the diploma was replaced by a vaginal sensor (introduced into the vagina for pregnant women, but only in the early time), reduced the power of the ultrasound itself, and the accuracy of the surveys increased.
Moreover, if there was only a two-dimensional ultrasound, only a two-dimensional ultrasound (when the monitor was visible on the monitor), now there are three- (3D) and even four-dimensional (4D) ultrasound, which allows you to see a color picture in dynamics, In detail to consider each toddler organ even in early pregnancy. But that's not all.
Using the Dopplerometry (type of ultrasound) vessels, the doctor may even appreciate the placenta bloodstream, and blood circulation (and therefore the supply of oxygen) of the kid himself. Previously, similar studies were impossible.
And here are the rates. Normal ultrasound of a small pelvis - 800 p., Ultrasound (3D, 4D) with an assessment of its organs, photos and conclusion - 1200 p. Vessel Dopplerometry - 800 R. And if you want to make a video of the baby - 300 p. Prices range from the clinic to the clinic, but in principle are very accessible.
When to pass ultrasound
Many mothers run on ultrasound just from the first days of delay. And here is not worth. The Ministry of Health does not recommend passing ultrasound to 10 weeks of pregnancy Without special indications. Yes, in the early deadline you will be confirmed by the fact of pregnancy and will even say if the pregnancy is multiply. But without severe reasons, such as bloody issues, Pain in the stomach and lower back, ultrasound better ignore. Although, you decide.
First «Mandatory» Ultrasound Pass on 10-12 weeks. During this ultrasound, the doctor will determine the exact period of childbirth, will tell you in general terms about pregnancy. And, of course, gives to listen to the heart of the baby.
Second ultrasound, If so you can put it, more interesting. In 20-24 weeks you will already show your ducts. If it is 3D ultrasound, then for you will increase each handle and leg so that you watched the amount of fingers. And also the baby necessarily yawning or smile. And you finally learn what color to buy dowry - the doctor will determine if you wish Paul baby. The specialist will have the opportunity to see the development of internal organs and make sure there are no malformations of development.
Third ultrasound Made already before childbirth in 32-34 weeks. The doctor will again examine the bodies of the baby, its prediction, other important features for childbirth. True, you will not see the kid whole - he is too big. But he will help the handle!
Ultrasound use
Why all the pregnant women do ultrasound? Yes, and not once, and three or four, or even more. In the process of ultrasound, the doctor can diagnose the deviations of the child's development, the problem of the course of pregnancy itself and a lot more. Our site will result in a list of what can tell us ultrasound about our child. Future moms, read carefully, and think about every item.
So, using the ultrasound of the device you can:
- Confirm the pregnancy in early time;
- Identify the number of disinterested children (after the sixth week) - so that the twin does not have a surprise to you, and you could prepare for its emergence of morally and materially, and doctors could follow the development of pregnancy and make true decisions);
- determine the accurate age of the fetus (in the first trimester of pregnancy);
- Diagnose ectopic pregnancy (in early) - to avoid surgical intervention and correct the situation without surgery;
- Determine the pathology of the course of pregnancy (detachment of the placenta, the threat of interrupt, hypertonus of the uterus and.) - to preserve pregnancy;
- reveal the malformations of the fetus - to take an objective decision on the necessary Interruption of pregnancy (if the vices are not compatible with life) or carry out the necessary treatment (if appropriate);
- Prepare for some features of childbirth - find out the mass of the fetus, determine its prelationship, diagnose the presence or absence of a cord cord, to clarify the lifetime;
- Learn the floor of the child.
- In some cases, the ultrasound can turn the unwanted pregnancy in the desired, because many moms, having heard the head of the heart of their child, are decided to keep his life.
You carefully read all these nine points. And now think that in case of refusal of the ultrasound, you very much complicate the life of a doctor - he is forced to act blindly. Yes, experienced obstetres can learn a lot with usual inspection. Much but not all! But only one wrong step can cause greater harm to the baby than twenty-minute ultrasound.
I will tell one case. In the seventh month of pregnancy my sister was put on saving. Uzi showed that she has a fruit bubble damaged and began to leak water. It was impossible to give birth at that moment, since the baby could not survive. Doctors appointed intensive therapy, full of peace and fought for every day. At the same time, almost daily on the ultrasound watched the amount of water so as not to miss the moment when the child will threaten the danger. So two weeks lasted, after which Paul was born. Now she is two years old, Girly active and healthy. So judge about the benefits and dangers of this study, because in addition to three planned ultrasound, the baby did nine unscheduled baby.
Indications for ultrasound
For compulsory passage of ultrasound, there is a whole list of readings.
- For example, chronic diseases - diabetes, various blood diseases. In this case, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound study. Moreover, a genetic doctor, the visit of which is now obligatory, in the case of your relatives of these diseases, will give you a referral to free ultrasound. So, of course, not everyone is lucky, but in many polyclinics it is practiced.
- To insist on the ultrasound will be a doctor and in case of your family, and even more so you personally had cases of unbearable pregnancy, fetal fetal, miscarriage, deformities or hereditary diseases. In this case, you will be sent to a special blood test, which is held twice for the entire pregnancy and allows you to find out the likelihood of various diseases from your baby.
- If you have worked before pregnancy in a chemical laboratory or an x-ray, ultrasound is also obligatory.
- Speed base for the passage of ultrasound are suspicions of disorders during pregnancy - whether it is a detachment of the placenta, the threat of interrupt or fetal fetus.
You are absolutely healthy? You never seriously hurt anything? And no chronic diseases in your family are not subject to? You are just happy! Your baby is very lucky. But let's make discounts on the mad rhythm of our life, disgusting ecology, constant stress. Only these, and this is not all, factors can cause many problems. Why not progress? Just twenty minutes and you will be absolutely sure that your karapuza does not threaten anything.
At the Sixteenth week of pregnancy, the results of the ultrasound were diagnosed «Pulk heart and some deviations in the development of the brain». My husband and I were shocked. There were no such hereditary violations in our families, the pregnancy was desirable and planned, and here such! The doctor tactfully silent that if the diagnosis is confirmed, we will have to decide on the interruption of pregnancy. But 3D Ultrasound in a specialized regional center fully refuted the diagnosed. The doctor was shocked, everything asked who we were so «Qualified» Surveyed. After all, the child was completely healthy and even waved her handle just from the screen. From this situation, I made a conclusion for myself: it is better to pass an ultrasound once on a modern apparatus in a specialized clinic than to listen to the doctor of ordinary clinic, which has only doppoplary equipment.
And if, according to the results of the ultrasound, your pregnancy is not so cloudless, as I would like - do not be discouraged! Yes, the share of serious abnormalities in children is great, but you should not immediately fall into panic - the doctor will definitely save the situation. Hypertonus is treated for a week with a bed and vitamins, the threat of pregnancy interruption will disappear after the correct therapy, and the campus is not such a terrible case (I gave birth to a son with a single progress of umbilical cord). Medicine develops rapidly, and many diseases are treated still in the womb or are adjusted, as a last resort.
Do or not do?
Everything in this world is relative. Especially in medicine. When you drink an painful, especially not thinking how to feel the liver. So with ultrasound. At the moment, the harm of ultrasound for mother and the fetus is not officially proven. For this, large-scale studies should be carried out, and the last time they were conducted in the seventies of the last century. Since then, much has changed, now ultrasound is carried out on modern equipment, which has a smaller signal power and a different radiation range. Officially installed and permissible time interval - up to 30 minutes, during which ultrasound is safe for a ductuzka and mom. Yes, and radiation lasts less than a minute, the rest of the time the device works at the reception.
Recently, it has become fashionable to take photos of a baby in the womb or even record a real video with a carapuse of a mom in the tummy. Undoubtedly, it's cute, and after years, the baby will look with pleasure «Cinema about me». Just not so harmless. After all, often to get «Beautiful» picture, the doctor enhances the power of the signal, and it lasts this signal is not a moment, but a few minutes, and it is still unknown, as will affect your baby's health. Therefore, our site does not recommend abuse of similar innovations, reasonably evaluate the risk!
Recently, the network was walking the article in which the shocking effects of the ultrasound of the child were told. It said that ultrasound leads to a violation of the structure of DNA and a failure in the normal formation of fetus tissues. One thing is strange - no word was said about the results of which studies became the basis for such a gloomy output. As long as it is officially proven that ultrasound somewhat increases the temperature of the fabrics. Therefore, if there is indications, you should not be afraid of this study. After all, as we already know, the benefits from the ultrasound are much more than harm.
Once I read that an ultrasound is heard for a child as a train beep for us. True, out of his experience I note that during the ultrasound, the carapuz in the tummy is constantly spinning, knocks the handbooks, and sometimes turns his back so that neither the floor, nor other necessary characteristics of the doctor see. Yes, and after the procedure, he behaves quite rowly.
Maybe really baby is unpleasant or even hurt the impact of sound wave. And every mother has the right to decide how many times to pass an ultrasound, and not be strictly according to the schedule approved by the Ministry of Health. Decide you dear moms. But both in any case, the extremes of unnecessary: it is not necessary to fully ignore this procedure, but also to run on the ultrasound in a week no need. Think of your child and listen to your intuition - because the maternal heart is not advised.
Health to you!