How to downgrade pressure at home?

Recently, there has been a constant trend towards jumps (enhance and decreasing) of arterial pressure. Sadly, the increase in pressure, peculiar to people of an older or small percentage of hypertensive, now touched upon people younger than 35-40 years old. And the question "How to downgrade pressure at home?"worries an increasing number of people.

Blood - one of the important components of the human body. She is the story «conductor», which delivers oxygen and nutrients to each cell, internal organs, skin cover, brain. As long as the person is healthy, the natural turnover of blood in the blood vessels is not aggravated: the blood goes on time into heart ventricles, in the lungs, is saturated with oxygen it is satisfied and distributed throughout the body.

What is blood pressure?

How to reduce pressure at home?
Hydrodynamic blood pressure in capillaries, veins and arteries are called blood pressure. The working heart is injected by blood into the human circulatory system. Due to the fact that the vessels have elastic walls, they stretch and resist blood flow. Thus, blood pressure occurs. For various types of blood pressure vessels has different values.

Blood, getting out of the heart in the aorta and artery, expands the walls of the vessels at the moment of cutting the heart. When the cardiac pause occurs, the arteries walls are narrowed, pushing part of blood according to the vessels. In this case, blood pressure is higher at the moment of cutting the heart, and below at the time of relaxation of the heart muscle.

It should be noted that in recent times there has been a constant trend towards jumps (enhancements and decreases) of blood pressure. Sadly, the increase in pressure, peculiar to people of an older or small percentage of hypertensive, now touched upon people younger than 35-40 years old. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels are a fact. To date, more than 25% of the population of the Earth suffer from hypertension, and after 15 years this figure approaches 30%. What are the causes of such morbidity and an increase in blood pressure?

Causes of improving blood pressure

How to reduce pressure at home?
In an adult, as in many other kinds of mammals, the systolic pressure (upper) rate is 110-129 mm Hg. Art., diastolic pressure (lower) - 60-79 mm RT.Art. With age, the norm of blood pressure changes somewhat. So, for people over 40 years old, blood pressure is considered, equal to 130/80 mm RT. Art. For those who have turned 50-60 years, the norm will be blood pressure up to 139/90 mm RT. Art., over 60 years old - up to 150/90 mm RT. Art.

Increased blood pressure can be both short-term and persistent. The causes of short-term pressure increases are most often an exorbitant physical activity, which is not characteristic of the usual way of life of a person. In addition, short-term pressure increases caused by a tense emotional state, excessive meal or tonic drinks (tea, coffee), alcohol. Such an increase in blood pressure is not considered pathology, since it refers to compensatory reactions of the human body.

Arterial hypertension, or persistent increase in blood pressure, either as a result of an increase in the amount of blood, pumped in your heart, or as a result of a larger resistance, which meets blood when driving by arteries. In other words, in order to ensure constant blood circulation on narrowed arteries, the heart should work with an increased load.

Imagine for a moment that the full-flow river flows through a free even bed, carrying his waters to the sea. If, on the path of the river in several places, it is more than half to fall asleep with stones, forming congestion, a calm flow of water will be broken. Water stream will overcome barriers trying to bypass them.

Exactly how our blood is trying «Bypass obstacles»: narrowing arterioles, thickening of vessel walls, «clogging» Blood «Highways» cholesterol placas. These are just some causes of hypertension. Increased pressure can be caused by the internal organs, for example, renal failure, age or hormonal changes.

Based on this, the primary hypertension is distinguished, called another hypertensive disease, and secondary hypertension, called «essential hypertension». As medical studies show, hypertension can also be caused by genetic pathologies or the inclination of both parents for this disease.

By the way, hypertensive disease may occur against a low-lifestyle lifestyle, in excess weight, as well as with constant mental or emotional load. And factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption and too salted food can be not only the cause of increased blood pressure, but also other serious diseases - ischemia and atherosclerosis.

So, the reasons for the increase in blood pressure:

  • thickening of vessel walls;
  • cholesterol plaques;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • age changes;
  • hormonal changes;
  • genetic pathology;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excess weight;
  • emotional (or mental) load;
  • smoking;
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.

How to deal with such a serious disease like hypertension? What to do if the high pressure does not give normally to live and work?

How to downgrade pressure at home?

If you have risen blood pressure, do not rush to take the daily doses of drugs, since there is a lot of other ways to overcome the manifestation of the ailment without resorting to medicines. Alternative to the pills and medicines have always been nature - herbs, the fruits of some trees and shrubs, shoots and kidney, vegetables and fruits.

What kind of medicinal herbs are capable of such a miracle, as a decrease and normalization of blood pressure? Here are just some fruits and herbs, lowering pressure:

How to reduce pressure at home?
Rosehip and hawthorn. Good stimulants of the heart of the heart are a hips and hawthorn. These fruits can be found literally in every pharmacy or assemble on the household plot directly from the bush. Each of the named fruits is separate and in combination help reduce blood pressure. Hawthorn effectively affects increased diastolic pressure. Such properties of the hawthorn and rosehip are based on the ability of berries to help the work of the heart muscle, improve the bloodstream throughout the body, as well as purify the arteries from unwanted formations.

Stevia, Flax seed and Valerian. Beautiful natural tool to reduce blood pressure is Stevia. Its extract can be used as a sugar substitute. Based on these properties, Stevia stabilizes the level of sugar in humans, so it is shown to use patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. To stabilize the pressure in folk medicine, seed and flax oil are also used, Valerians (which is a sedative tool).

Attention! Before taking cancellations of medicinal herbs, consult with your attending physician! Observe the dosage designated on drugs with medicinal herbs. Remember that every person is individual, so it's not worth the risk.

Improving motor activity and nutritional normalization. In addition to therapy with medicinal herbs, you can use purely physiological methods. For example, an increase in activity during the day, small exercise, outdoor walking. These physical «exercises» more importantly by the reception of drugs, they eliminate overweight, make the heart «train».

Many hypertensive are a state when after a strong physical activity, the pressure rapidly dropped, and diabetics also fell in blood sugar levels. Load yourself moderately, gradually raising the level of load. Then you can control blood pressure by alternative ways.

Attention! Sharp physical exertion for people suffering from hypertension, contraindicated. In case of strong overloads, pressure jumps and even the attacks of angina. That is why, making the schedule for a new day, remember that it is better not to rely on «AB» and keep nitroglycerin with you. It is especially important to remember the people of old age. Do not risk your health and life.

Review your diet, eat not only porridge and meat dishes, but also fruit, and vegetables. Everyone in the house has a miraculous root root - beet. Beet juice, boiled beets and salads with the addition of beets - reduce systolic and diastolic pressure. This vegetable should regularly be on your desk.

How to reduce pressure at home?
Impact on acupuncture points. Helps to fight high pressure impact on Acupuncture points. There is a way to lower the pressure by affecting the line, located on the recess under the urine of the ear and to the clavicle. Apply an index finger into the recess under the ear of the ear, press and spend the line until the middle of the clavicle. The imaginary line should be practically vertical.

It is not worth putting on this line, just enough to stroke the skin with your finger. Spend 8-10 times on each side of the head so that the pressure partially dropped. The result can be fixed on a tonometer, measuring pressure to massage and immediately after it. Try - and you will succeed!

be healthy!

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