Treatment of meningitis

In childhood, many children who do not want to put on the hat in the cold season, the fussy grandmothers scare meningitis. Say, there is such a disease when the brain is inflamed. And really nothing about meningitis and can not. In such cases, some grandchildren still reluctantly stretch the annoying headdress, and others continue to straighten with youth, they say, they will not touch them...

Over the past year, outbreaks of meningitis in Russian regions. Periodically in the news on TV and radio, we hear reports that foci of infection in Voronezh, Rostov, Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Astrakhan regions are recorded. Touched Meningitis and the Republic of Adygea. Identified this disease in Moscow. This infectious disease can be developed not only in those who have undergone reduced or «picker» from someone dangerous microbe. Everyone can get sick, a child, a kindergarten, a schoolboy, a student, a seller, an office manager ... Therefore, our site decided to tell you more to your readers about distinctive symptoms, signs of illness and actions after their detection.

Overview of the disease

disease, infection, treatment of meningitis, meningitis, organism

Meningitis doctors are called an acute infectious disease in which the shells of the head and spinal cord are inflated. Meningitis culprits (pathogens) of meningitis are viruses, bacteria, such as meningococci, pneumococci, spirochetes, tuberculosis or hemophilic sticks, enteroviruses. It is believed to severe diseases, which represents the danger to human life, if we do not have the necessary medical care on time. Heavier disease occurs in children. Than younger kid, the greater the likelihood of death or complications. More susceptible to this infection weakened, premature children or those who have received the injury of the back either head has vices of the nervous system. Complications are rare. But sometimes after transferring infection, a person loses his eyesight, hearing, suffers from epileptic seizures or paralysis. If the time was missed, proper therapy was not provided, then a comatose state is possible. Meningitis is divided into primary, arising as an independent disease, and secondary, that is, evolving after pneumonia, Sinusita, Otita, Parotitis, Windmills, rubella, Furunkula ..

Characteristic symptoms

disease, infection, treatment of meningitis, meningitis, organism

Meningitis is a serious, infectious disease that is transmitted to the infection surrounding from the source (carrier). And if you noticed his symptoms, but not 100% sure, it is better not to endanger the life of native people familiar, but immediately call «Ambulance». Let the doctors themselves figure themselves in diagnoses than you will edit yourself for mistakes. While a team of doctors is going, a patient is necessary to isolate, and those who directly contact him, to wear, if possible, intended for such cases of masks. The pathogens are transmitted by air (this path is called air-drip). Some try to independently give the patient Antibiotics either other means by reading the information on the Internet. But such actions can be involuntarily harmful to the suffering relative. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed only after puncture has been carried out, that is, the puncture in the lower zone of the back with the fence of the cerebrospinal fluid. Do not try to treat a patient with folk remedies, I have the hope that it will succeed. If you do not suppress infection with strong drugs, it can spread through the bloodstream, it will cause severe intoxication, which will lead to a coma. If the brain and other systems under direct control suffer. Such a state requires urgent measures from a qualified, wise experience, medical personnel in a hospital institution. If, after hospitalization, the patient will be immediately appointed correct, adequate events, then he has every chance to get better and return to the usual way of life. The attending doctor will fight the disease in several directions:

  1. Antibiotic therapy (injection according to the scheme depending on body weight and gravity of the state). If meningitis is provoked by viruses, antiviral drugs will be applied.
  2. Diolets (diakar, Laziks) preventing brain.
  3. Disinfection with infusion solutions.
  4. Individual symptomatic therapy.

After the course of treatment of meningitis in the hospital, the patient has a long period of recovery at home.

disease, infection, treatment of meningitis, meningitis, organism

Even timely made vaccinations do not give 100% guarantees that a person will avoid infection with meningitis. The stronger immunity, the greater the chance not to get sick. And if this disease has fallen out to the share of a person, then our site strongly recommends as soon as possible to seek qualified medical care. All this will avoid hard complications. Be careful to the health of loved ones and your own!

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